Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Griffin settles Unilever Court case ?
MarmiteGate !

Rumour has it that Nick Griffin has settled with Unilever for a very substantial sum, in the region of £70,000. This will not include the party's own costs.

If so, let us remember that this was an entirely self-inflicted case, brought about by Griffin and Dowson calculating that they could gain more from the inevitable provocation of their Marmite video than they would have to pay in compensation.

Those who have followed Nick Griffin's career for many years will not be surprised. The greed of Griffin and his associates is exceeded only by their buffoonery, secure in the knowledge that they are gambling with other people's money.

Here is another case where Griffin cost the BNP members many £-thousands ;


Anonymous said...

The party has really become a shallow grave of its former self and cant see it.Tomorrow Richard Barnbrook stands for a council by election in the Gorsebrook ward in Barking and activists are being asked to travel the country to help out in a COUNCIL BY ELECTION ? If griffin had kept away from B&D in the first place in the general election then maybe we wouldnt have lost all 12 council seats.

Anonymous said...

BNP try and pinch the limelight again !

Police have confirmed that they are “compiling evidence” after West Wales British National Party deputy organiser Mike Green lodged a formal complaint against the UAF’s George Galloway following an inflammatory speech made in London last month.

The EDL ran a massive complaints campaign on this and even tried to storm a meeting in manchester in which galloway was attending a few days later.As if the police acted on this just because one man from wales who happens to be a BNP member decides to make a complaint ? more BNP lies.

Anonymous said...

This is a scandalous, flagrant and unnecessary waste of donors' hard earned money for which Griffin and Dowson should be made accountable by the membership.

Every member should make strong representation to their Regional Organiser who should, in turn, confront Griffin at the next AC meeting to demand a full explanation and demand to know the cost of all the 'undisclosed settlements' he has made from party funds.

Since the money he 'settles' with is not his, members have a right to know how, and how much, he is spending.

If Griffin wants to play fast and loose with the law, let him and Dowson fund their own hubris from their own bank accounts.

If the party is declared insolvent, Griffin will find that he becomes personally liable. The fact that his home is in his wife's name won't save him since she too is a member and part of the unincorporated association of those who have 'come together for a common purpose'.

Any fines or debts incurred by the unincorporated association become the personal responsibility of its officers, and failing that, the wider membership.

Members therefore have not only the right, but a financial liability to ensure that their chairman and the officers of the party exercise a duty of care with regard to their money.

Clearly Nick Griffin has, time and time again, demonstrated gross negligence in this respect and members should call en masse for his immediate resignation before the party collapses.

It's high time the AC grew a backbone and took a unanimous vote of no confidence in its incompetent and destructive leader.

Anonymous said...

I've only had two begging letters this week, one was for VoF. I bet we have an avalanche of them now to pay off this £70.000.

NWN Admin said...

Don't forget there will also be the Annual fine for getting the BNP Accounts in late again !

How glad I am that I don't still donate to Griffin, sorry the BNP.

Anonymous said...

Worked it out since i let my membership lapse,stopped going to meetings giving donations,sending donations,buying vof,identity, cost for RWB, paying for my own activism leaflets etc Im about a grand a year better off !

As cliff richard once sang " were all going on a summer holiday " on our saving.

E. N. Ronn said...

A couple of legal points arising out of the Marmitegate episode: the membership of a political party or other unincorporated association is not liable for its debts. That liability falls on the governing body; see Warburton on Unincorporated Associations (2nd ed.) at pp. 86-91, founding on Bradley Egg Farm Ltd v Clifford [1943] 2 All ER 378, a very interesting case.

What is less clear is whether legal liability for the BNP’s enormous debts falls on Nick Gri££in alone, since he has sole executive authority, or also extends to the Advisory Council.

I would not like to be a member of the Advisory Council at the moment, since any creditors left out of pocket if the party folds are likely to sue all members of the Advisory Council and let them argue that only Gri££in is liable.

Another interesting point is that if Unilever sued Gri££in and Dow$on personally for infringing their trade mark in the Marmite brand, it is far from clear that Gri££in is entitled to an indemnity out of party funds, at any rate without the approval of the members in general meeting, or at least of the Advisory Council. A man cannot make a contract with himself, nor can he use his powers as chairman to vote himself and his “industry expert” an indemnity out of party funds.

Anonymous said...

Mad dog or wolf has been barking at the moon again whhhhhooooo

We had on this Forum up till a couple of weeks ago many anti griffinites is how i would describe them ,but when The Leadership challenger was announced they overnight became anti Eddy Butlerites why did they change so rapidly?
only they can answer that and they left the forum to set up there own forum and they now talk about WW2 and Religion and the Holocaust

Anonymous said...

"Another interesting point is that if Unilever sued Gri££in and Dow$on personally for infringing their trade mark in the Marmite brand,"

I hope they bankrupt that Fat Scots bastard, I'll love to see that crook penniless and on the streets! As for Griffin I'll love them to get their hands on his MEP wages and pension, that would really annoy him as money is his one and only God.

Anonymous said...

Silence from the media on Griffin settling out of court, I wonder why?

NWN Admin said...

Some rabid Griffinite has just posted that the costs are only
£700 !

Anonymous said...

NWN Admin said... Some rabid Griffinite has just posted that the costs are only £700 !

Probably the lying tosser is sheep-shagger Paul Morris of GA - Gri££ins' Arselickers.


Fly On The Wall

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The rabid Griffinite left two noughts off the end!

NWN Admin said...

Anonymous said...
The rabid Griffinite left two noughts off the end!

8 July 2010 11:19


That's what they wrote. That our site was lying and had to knock two noughts off the end !

Anonymous said...

Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart, he dreams himself your master like those knobheads on Lancaster Disunity.

Anonymous said...

What idiots putting the BNP into such a position. Even Bev of VNN realised it was was a massive error using the Marmite logo before it was even on the BNP site and she usually approves of anything Griffin does.

Anonymous said...

Gri££in & Brons suck up to the Big Bankers including Goldman Sachs!

'MEPs approve tough new curbs on the City's bonus culture'

British MEPs criticised the BNP and the UK Independence Party for opposing the rules. A Liberal Democrat MEP, Sharon Bowles, said: "Today we voted to ensure that there will be... a cap on cash bonuses and measures to make sure that top bankers take the hit rather than taxpayers. I'm gobsmacked that UKIP and the BNP don't see fit to support these measures and I wonder what their constituents would have to say on the matter."

Barry said...

All this fuss!

Its only 70,000 - a mere 70% of Dowson's salary

It's not as if we are going to boycott unilever products is it?

Anonymous said...

'Deadline 2014' or 'Deadline 1934'?

Have just read the latest offering on LUAF - 'Deadline 1934' - which comments on Griffin's 'Deadline 2014'.

It rips apart Griffin's pretensions to intellectual weight.

Despite being on LUAF, it is still worth reading.

Maybe it should be put up on NWN? or even yourbnp?

Bill Jax

Anonymous said...

The BNP have just about disappeared here in Birmingham. What's going to happen to all Nick's plans now they've got no income?

The above post on todays luaf got me thinking in the wake of the birmingham organiser releasing a video this week about no go areas in birmingham.This is the same organiser who has literally pushed every activist out of brum for being "reds" who has now decided to merge the three birmingham groups plus solihull into one branch forcing more people to resign from the party ? work it out.

Anonymous said...

Everyone in Birmingham shoud vote Butler so we can get rid of Lumby who has stolen countless times from local funds.

Anonymous said...

Nonsense and spin from BNP HQ, what a sick joke bollock brain Barnbrook lost, end of story!

"Goresbrook: Defiant Richard Barnbrook Increases BNP Vote Share in Lower Turnout"

Anonymous said...

Everyone in Birmingham shoud vote Butler so we can get rid of Lumby who has stolen countless times from local funds.

and these people are still on the payroll of the BNP ? have a look at this lumby in fact looks like a right jew after watching that video

Anonymous said...

b'ham bnp i have heard that lumley
is trying to tag the black country
branch along and have a west midlands branch. the yam yams can't get along after gipsie boy has been found out helping himself to funds.

Anonymous said...

This picture reminds me of Griffin picking up a queer raghead in a Middle Eastern Kasbah?

'Hiba's painting "The Creation of ?" was inspired by Michelangelo's Creation of Adam and depicted BNP leader Nick Griffin reaching out to a Muslim man.

She said: "They have been depicted reaching out to each other, suggesting a friendship or relationship.'

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Gri££in & Brons suck up to the Big Bankers including Goldman Sachs!

Anonymous, I think you meant to write:
Gri££in & Brons suck big banker Goldstein's sacks!

Anonymous said...
The rabid Griffinite left two noughts off the end!

Anonymous, by the end of the year that £700 is going to need another three noughts on the end.


Fly On The Wall

Anonymous said...

Interesting fact.

Anonymous said...

This of course will be above the head of Chris Hill and Co.

Anonymous said...

Interesting short video for the likes of Chris Hill & Co, the truth is finally getting out!

"Jewish Man Talks About Israel's Control Over Western Governments"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Barnbrook did ok but his Barking team wouldn't come out to play on election day because Clive the bully Jefferson banned Eddy from campaign in case he should win and be acclaimed for the success.

Nation comes second to Griffin's grip on the BNP and his stooge can't see it.

NWN Admin said...

Barnbrook did ok but his Barking team wouldn't come out to play on election day because Clive the bully Jefferson banned Eddy from campaign in case he should win and be acclaimed for the success.

Nation comes second to Griffin's grip on the BNP and his stooge can't see it.

12 July 2010 00:07


That has always been the problem with Griffin.He started the tactic of 'me first' in Oldham in 2001 when he parachuted himself into standing there.

It was then I was 'booted out' by Griffin. It was lonely in those days to be anti-Griffin - not so today !

With Griffin it has to be him first ! The BNP , the country our childrens future can go to hell as far as Griffin is concerned.

Anonymous said...

Oldham, Burnley, Keighley, Stoke, Barking...., where next will Gri££in destroy an active thriving branch?

Anonymous said...

Off Topic. More secrets coming out.

Anonymous said...

Is it all over for Griffin?

Could be.

Just look at the latest offering on LUAF about Jefferson.

Then look at Griffin's latest effort about fair elections.

How can you possibly square the circle? On the one hand Griffin calls for a fair election, while on the other hand his hatchet man Jefferson openly, and in writing, threatens all officials that they will be fired etc if they assist in the candidacy of someone other than Griffin...!!!

What official receiving such a threat can possibly now believe the 'dear Leader' when he bleats about a fair election?

So...all the officials have now had the scales ripped from their eyes.

And what about the members...those who were eagerly reading the 'truth chronicles' etc?

Not only was the covert site suspended a while ago, but the latest smear blogs now also suspended. Griffin cannot finish what he started.

Any leader capable of such a mistake is not fit to be a leader of anything.

Bill Jax.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...