Anonymous said...
Richard Barnbrook has just been sacked!
"An account of the BNP's presence and progress in Barking and Dagenham from 2003-2010
Yesterday, 14th July, I was sacked as the Barking and Dagenham Branch Organiser. Those who have an interest in what I have achieved over the last 5 years and my membership of 11 years. WATCH THIS SPACE... "
Richard Barnbrook has just been sacked!
"An account of the BNP's presence and progress in Barking and Dagenham from 2003-2010
Yesterday, 14th July, I was sacked as the Barking and Dagenham Branch Organiser. Those who have an interest in what I have achieved over the last 5 years and my membership of 11 years. WATCH THIS SPACE... "
15 July 2010 22:59
NWN: Seems this was posted up on Barnbrooks website. Looks like another twist in the BNP's Leadership challenge. Also reports of trouble at a Liverpool BNP meeting after mass sackings by crook Griffin.
15 July 2010 22:59
NWN: Seems this was posted up on Barnbrooks website. Looks like another twist in the BNP's Leadership challenge. Also reports of trouble at a Liverpool BNP meeting after mass sackings by crook Griffin.
Anyone remember the George Hamilton spoof film 'Zorro the Gay Blade' ?
The evil Alcalde is always shouting 'Guards! Arrest EVERYBODY!!!'
Even when the entire town's population has come out of hiding and surrounded him in the square.
Mr. Griffin, why don't you just sack everybody, and then you can hold the leadership election under any constitution, real or imaginary, and...guess what...you will get 100% of the vote, but only if you bother to vote yourself.
Bill Jax
Griffin is now at a fork in the road. He has two choices. One will lead him to jail, the other to an asylum for the insane.
A fitting end for a greedy, power crazed crook.
one flew over the cuckoo's nest staring nicholas john griffin.
I bet this is just the start, you wait until August (traditional silly season), Gri££in will be ridding himself of many long serving members and trying to recruit new Middle-Class and ethnic dupes?
News just reaching me, a BNP leadership challenge/branch meeting in the East End of London on Sunday, guest speaker is a Chinese woman named Claire Khaw, whatever will we hear next? Butler's liberalism is really starting to come out now? This is a bloody stupid stunt!
Barnbrook may be a bit of a fool but by sacking him this branch could fold,is this yet another example of interference from Welshpool that has destroyed a good solid area for us again?
Barnbrook has just put out a lengthy statement. It's hard to read into this because he is a known treacherous little shit and serial liar!
"However, at this point the leadership challenge was moving into its full fury, consequently, activists across the nation were split, especially here in London, resulting in a pitiful turnout.
Some may say this was due to the fact of my not taking sides in the leadership challenge, where I had showed an early indication of possible support for Eddy Butler, so much so that I had considered as standing as his running-mate. However, after a meeting in West London, I discovered the full extent of the contempt they held for me- because of my dyslexia and fancying a drink now and then.
What will become of Barking and Dagenham in the future is hard to tell. The electorate are all good folk but they have chosen their medicine and now they will have to swallow the bitter pill of Labour’s 100% council control. At what cost to the Party was the Goresbrook by-election lost?
As for myself, I will endeavour to assist where and how I can as a member of the GLA, the good people of the Borough. We have to learn from our mistakes and those of the headstrong egos of our party, how not to make similar mistakes. As for this leadership challenge, I hope it is resolved swiftly and in both good spirit and nature."
Barnbrook is an utter liar, I was at that meeting which was in fact in Central London not West and nobody there was against him, he put himself forward as the candidate to contest the leadership along with Butler and the members present voted for Butler but with the consolation that Barnbrook was his running mate, photos were taken and everything appeared great. On his way home Barnbrook had second thoughts and the next day dropped out, he was on the phone not long after to Griffin asking him to make sure he was Number 1 candidate for the London GLA elections in 2012. Barnbrook is a turncoat little shit, in fact I think he was at that meeting spying for Griffin as he wanted everybody in the room to sign a declaration stating that they had attended that meeting. This drunken imbecile should never be trusted!
to all the people who still think gri££in is great. this shows what c**t he his! i have also been informed that david ward & peter stafford from liverpool have been suspended apparently for supporting butler. no matter what people may think of richard barnbrock gri££in is a self centerd bastard. david ward nearly got murderd supporting gri££in.
Gri$$in predicted this was to come earlier shortly after the Collet/Bennett fiasco if you recall. The video may still be around somewhere. The fact now is that no matter who ends up as leader of the BNP, the party is over.
Anything of significance that may have been achieved over the last 20 years has been irrevocably wiped out during the last few weeks since the catastrophic election results.
Any effort to reverse the inevitable outcome for this now morribund party will be to little to late. None of this has happened in a vacuum. It is the successful conclusion of a long term strategy to kill nationalist opposition in this country.
There is no time left to rebuild or even as some suggest form a new party in my view. The only remote chance we now have lies with the National Front.
"fancying a drink now and then"
Thats like saying a fish likes a swim now and then. He is just another crawling Gri££inite puppet who has served his purpose and is now being stabbed in the back.
Maybe there is still a future for him in Homo-erotic art films??
He's an arrogant cunt
Not another one, the party is in free fall at the moment!!!
"BNP Councillor Resigns"
Ooh dear Gri££in isn't part of plan, he would have seen this as another money spinner?
"Geert Wilders to spread his anti-Muslim movement west
Geert Wilders, leader of the Freedom party, told the Associated Press that he would launch the movement late this year, initially in five countries: the US, Canada, Britain, France and Germany.
Wilders said he hopes to position the alliance between traditional conservative parties and far-right wing groups, saying that in Britain there is "an enormous gap" between the ruling Conservative party and the far-right BNP: "The BNP is a party that, whatever you think of it, it's not my party I think it's a racist party," he said."
To be a bit light hearted, the picture at the top of this post stirs up some humourous comments. Like Griffin saying 'Doesn't he look a twat in that suit' or fatso saying 'Is that a Fu***ng syrup he's wearing' Any suggestions, I think we need a bit a laugh right now.
There was a ward by-election in the West Midlands on Thursday, why didn't we contest it? We came third in May!
Walsall Borough - Bloxwich West: Lab 1142, C 800, Ukip 91, Lib Dem 71, Green 28. (May 2010 - C 2329, Lab 2008, BNP 722, Lib Dem 563, Green 97). Lab gain from C. Swing 10.8% C to Lab.
Bill Jax of course writes for the Lancaster Disunited Group.
Anonymous said... david ward & peter stafford from liverpool have been suspended ..... david ward nearly got murderd supporting gri££in.
Annonymous, you mean Tony Ward of Liverpool.
Fly On The Wall
Just been browsing through stormfront UK and this comment about barnbrook being sacked caught my eye :
For the same reason all good branch organisors are sacked, because the BNP is riddled with secret state operatives at the top who destabalise the party, Griffin knows this and is only intrested at this stage in the money.
Dont worry they will find some excuse.
Be intresting if someone done a list of all the sacked branch organisors and the decline in those areas there after. East London in the 90s, Oldham, Burnley, Birmingham etc etc.
I bet Gri££in must have looked like a small town gangster turning up with his steroid filled goon squad at the church?
"The boss of the far-right party, accompanied by six minders"
"Labour blasted over BNP invite"
Basically so Barnbrook turned on Butler as he wanted to be leader. Hence afterwards he got help from Jefferson to undermine Butler.
I reckon it was Barnbrook who was secetly recording people that got uploaded to youtube of the Butler planning meeting.
Why was Dowson allowed to attend our EGM in February, did he voted at it? If he hates us why is he involved?
'Dowson is furious with stories which have appeared in this paper about him.
Last year he claimed in a TV interview that he hated the BNP’s politics. And he has complained to the Press Complaints Commission because we said he was a life member.
BNP Jim told the PCC in a letter on indignation: “They also allege that I am a BNP life member when I have never been a member of the party ever in my life!” '
BNP boss earns £162,000 a year
Sunday World by Steven Moore on: Sunday 11th July 2010
Just seen the bit about the chink supporting Eddy Butler, what with Andrew Walker's Jap wife and Tony Ward's Chinese wife it seemingly doesn't matter which side of the BNP you support you still end up with race-mixers.
Read here about Eddy Butlers chinese supporter;
News is reaching me that the rent for the office and 'operational command centre' in Stroud hasn't been paid for 3 months, £15,000 is owed to the printer of VoF and Alywn Deacon hasn't been paid his wages. No wonder Gormless Golding cancelled the training seminar there last month.
Lap dog Golding is behind this latest smear blog, he will have to be sorted out when Griffin is finally got rid of!
If you look on Bulter's chinky pal Claire Khaw facebook, she appears to have a lot of African friends. What kind of BNP does he have planned, if he takes over?
Oh for FFS, it was the Liverpool LGBT group that kicked off. A gay, a transgender and a race mixer to be precise. Do genuine racial nationalists really want these sorts causing mayhem at meetings? Get real and don't let your hatred of Griffin stop you from seeing the truth in a situation.
Pork sword...don't be ridiculous!
Even if it is true (and I bet it is not) that it was a gay, a transgender and even a couple chimps that 'kicked off', the issue is a lot more than that.
The issue is a leadership election.
Can the BNP hold a leadership election, without the challenger being viciously vilified by attack blogs?
Can the BNP hold a leadership election, without Simon Bennet being subjected to a hate mail campaign?
or without anyone that expresses a desire to help the challenger being threatened with expulsion or suspension?
or without new rules being made up, rules that only help the incumbent?
Can anyone question the 'wisdom' of the dear leader when spending so much money on settling unnecessary law suits?
Can anyone question the dear leader for dismissing staff unfairly and without any evidence, eg Michaela?
Basically, these questions all ask one question:
Is it the British National or the Nick Griffin Party?
If any leadership challenge made under the constitution is immediately subjected to this kind of treatment, then the constitution is nothing.
Griffin does not obey his own constitution. Other people get fired, suspended, expelled for bad behaviour, yet when Griffin behaves badly, he stays on.
How is this?
Because Griffin does it secretly.
However, the circumstantial evidence of a pattern of behaviour is now so great, that even without direct evidence - such as the 'truth bollocks' blog manager admitting that Griffin told him to lie - that it is obvious Griffin is guilty.
Guilty of the same actions of which he accuses others - factionalising, splitting, plotting - and deliberately lying and cheating to do so.
If the constution says anyone can challenge for the leadership, so long as he gets the rquired number of signatures, then by what right does Griffin interfere at all with the process?
Whatever Griffin's past, his behaviour during this leadership challenge makes him totally unfit to lead anything.
And what will he do if he loses? Split the party by calling on his loyalistas to follow him. He will do just what he accuses all others of trying to do, whenever he is questioned or criticised or even when, heaven forbid, another suggestion is put to him.
Your attempt to portray events in Liverpool as some kind of sexual deviants' hissy fit and nothing more is pathetically obvious. Just the kind of thing Griffin would tell you to do. Not even a tiny bit clever.
Bill Jax
Pork sword...don't be ridiculous!
Even if it is true (and I bet it is not) that it was a gay, a transgender and even a couple chimps that 'kicked off', the issue is a lot more than that.
The issue is a leadership election.
Can the BNP hold a leadership election, without the challenger being viciously vilified by attack blogs?
Can the BNP hold a leadership election, without Simon Bennet being subjected to a hate mail campaign?
or without anyone that expresses a desire to help the challenger being threatened with expulsion or suspension?
or without new rules being made up, rules that only help the incumbent?
Can anyone question the 'wisdom' of the dear leader when spending so much money on settling unnecessary law suits?
Can anyone question the dear leader for dismissing staff unfairly and without any evidence, eg Michaela?
Basically, these questions all ask one question:
Is it the British National or the Nick Griffin Party?
If any leadership challenge made under the constitution is immediately subjected to this kind of treatment, then the constitution is nothing.
Griffin does not obey his own constitution. Other people get fired, suspended, expelled for bad behaviour, yet when Griffin behaves badly, he stays on.
How is this?
Because Griffin does it secretly.
However, the circumstantial evidence of a pattern of behaviour is now so great, that even without direct evidence - such as the 'truth bollocks' blog manager admitting that Griffin told him to lie - that it is obvious Griffin is guilty.
Guilty of the same actions of which he accuses others - factionalising, splitting, plotting - and deliberately lying and cheating to do so.
If the constution says anyone can challenge for the leadership, so long as he gets the rquired number of signatures, then by what right does Griffin interfere at all with the process?
Whatever Griffin's past, his behaviour during this leadership challenge makes him totally unfit to lead anything.
And what will he do if he loses? Split the party by calling on his loyalistas to follow him. He will do just what he accuses all others of trying to do, whenever he is questioned or criticised or even when, heaven forbid, another suggestion is put to him.
Your attempt to portray events in Liverpool as some kind of sexual deviants' hissy fit and nothing more is pathetically obvious. Just the kind of thing Griffin would tell you to do. Not even a tiny bit clever.
Bill Jax
Trevor Phillips has billed the taxpayer more than £40,000 for a chauffeur-driven car to work
EQUALITY and human rights chief Trevor Phillips has billed the taxpayer more than £40,000 for a chauffeur-driven car to ferry him seven miles to work.
He complained he needed the vehicle because he was “expected to attend early-morning meetings” and made the luxury service a condition of his appointment.
The controversial chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission was chauffeured in the Honda Civic while he read newspapers in the back.
Although the London Underground starts as early as 5.40am on weekdays, the driver would collect him at his home in Crouch End, north London, and drive through the capital’s congestion charge zone to the commission’s office near London Bridge.
The journey would have taken about 25 minutes, a 10-minute saving on the same trip by public transport.
Mr Phillips, who earns about £120,000 a year, used the chauffeur for almost three years, only ditching the car after a “value for money” review of the commission’s spending in April.
Its long-awaited annual report for 2008-9, published last week, contains a damning assessment of abject management failings.
The commission employs more than 500 staff and receives £53million of public money. A spokesman insisted that the chauffeur-driven vehicle had not been for Mr Phillips’ exclusive use and other senior staff members had access to it.
He said: “He also used his time in the car to carry out work on behalf of the commission, such as reading reports.”
Tory MP Philip Davies said: “It’s impossible to justify. If he really believed in equality, he would have got the Tube like millions of other Londoners do every day. The commission is shambolic and a complete waste of money.”
Looks like Sni££in' Gri££in and Odd Nob are ejecting Barnbrook from the London Assembly.
Fly On The Wall
Anonymous said...
Annonymous, so you too have rumbled that schnickled dick treacherous zionist bastard, Mentally Hill.
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