Tuesday, July 06, 2010

An excellent cartoon !
Click on pic to enlarge.


Anonymous said...

Read this!

"Israel aims its nuclear warheads at Europe

The seventh Israeli radio broadcasted an interview with Professor Martin Van-Crevel, a noted world specialist in low-intensity wars.

...in order to survive Tel Aviv will be forced to destroy the European capitals with nuclear weapons,"


Anonymous said...

Israeli Professor - 'We Could
Destroy All European Capitals'
By Nadim Ladki

(IAP News) — An Israeli professor and military historian hinted that Israel could avenge the holocaust by annihilating millions of Germans and other Europeans.

Speaking during an interview which was published in Jerusalem Friday, Professor Martin Van Crevel said Israel had the capability of hitting most European capitals with nuclear weapons.

"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets of our air force."

Creveld, a professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, pointed out that "collective deportation" was Israel's only meaningful strategy towards the Palestinian people.

"The Palestinians should all be deported. The people who strive for this (the Israeli government) are waiting only for the right man and the right time. Two years ago, only 7 or 8 per cent of Israelis were of the opinion that this would be the best solution, two months ago it was 33 per cent, and now, according to a Gallup poll, the figure is 44 percent."

Creveld said he was sure that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon wanted to deport the Palestinians.

"I think it's quite possible that he wants to do that. He wants to escalate the conflict. He knows that nothing else we do will succeed."

Asked if he was worried about Israel becoming a rogue state if it carried out a genocidal deportation against Palestinians, Creveld quoted former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan who said "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."

Creveld argued that Israel wouldn't care much about becoming a rogue state.

"Our armed forces are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that this will happen before Israel goes under."

Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)


Anonymous said...

That's the Worlds politicians and the mass media alright.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good luck to them - why shouldn't they protect themselves against aggressors?
If they wanted to nuke Europe, I suspect that they could have done it decades ago.
Why the pre-occupation with Israel??
Is it because they is Jews??

(BTW, Ariel Sharon hasn't been Prime Minister for a few years now - please try and trot out some more recent lunacy?)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... Why the pre-occupation with Israel??
Is it because they is Jews??

Chris Mentally Hill, come out from under your stone, we know it's you.

Anonymous said...

not Chris Hill......but feel free to continue to ignore the points I made.
Your credibility is so much enhanced by self-humilition,

Cioara Andrei said...

Foarte interesant subiectul deybatut de tine.M-am uitat pe blogul tau si imi place ce am vazut, cu siguranta am sa mai revin o zi buna!