Monday, July 19, 2010

Four Candidates Declare for 2010 BNP Leadership Challenge
Mon, 19/07/2010 - 01:05 BNP News

Four candidates have declared their intention to stand for the position of leader of the British National Party this year, including the current leader Nick Griffin MEP.

The three other challengers are, in alphabetic name order, Derek Adams, Richard Barnbrook AM and Eddy Butler.

In terms of the BNP’s constitution, all candidates have been asked to provide a 150-word manifesto for publication on the main BNP website.

All four candidate statements can be found at the special leadership challenge statement page here.

If any other candidates come forward between now and the close of nominations on 10 August, their names will be added to this list in alphabetic order once again.

Andrew Brons MEP has been appointed official scrutineer for the returned nomination forms and ballot papers.


Anonymous said...

Adams is a Griffinite !

Anonymous said...

Two stooges set up by Griffin to prevent Eddy Butler getting his 20% of signatures.

Griffin may as well have just put out a statement informing everyone that there will be no leadership challenge since he doesn't want one. The party will never be rid of Nicholas John Mugabe until there's no party left or the Grim Reaper claims him.

Anonymous said...

Yes Derek Adams is a big Griffinite. Griffin tried to raise him a few quid when the council was about to take the building off him under a compulsary purchase.

The BNP is a joke. Nick Griffin is proving himself the Mugabe of British politics. He is far worse to his own than our opponents are to us.

What a piece of shit this physically odd scheming little man has turned ou to be.

He will bring the BNPdown rather5 than accept WE DONT FUCKING WANT YOUR LEADERSHIP anymore.

Anonymous said...

who is next to throw their hat in to the ring? gipsey salvage? lend him £100 first though ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Bumbrook is a treacherous queer wanker for doing this!!!!! He needs to be sorted out once and for all, he pretended he was Butler's running mate then backed out and was on the phone to Gri££in the next day begging to be put as No 1 candidate on the GLA list for the lections in 2012.

Anonymous said...

Peter Phillips, Eddy Butler's election leadership campaign manager has been suspended by Jefferson!

Anonymous said...

Crawley branch organiser Richard Trower suspended by Mc Bride & Jefferson, two wankers both on benefits

Anonymous said...

Gormless Golding is a utter liar he runs several smear blog, he posted this on Greenberg Arrowitz's site

I don't usually comment on websites, but Mr Edmond's claim that Jim Dowson is paid £72,000 on top of his consultancy fee of £90k is an ABSOLUTE LIE. I was at the AC meeting, and at no point, by anyone, at any time, was it stated that Jim Dowson receives a mythical figure of £72,000 for running the call centre. WHAT A PACK OF LIES. How he can spout that nonsense as a nationalist is outrageous - my advise to Mr Edmond's is to retract his lie and hold his hands up, or hang his head in shame.

Cllr Paul Golding
National Communications Officer

Anonymous said...

Richard Edmonds attacked on Greenberg Arrowitz site, these Zionist scumbags must be neutralised!

"Why kill the goose that lays the BNP Golden Egg?"

Anonymous said...

Chris Hill is moaning that UKIP is to much like the Tories this man will never be happy.He must be a political nark!!! lol.

Anonymous said...

The UAF ARE an anti-british fascist organisation. They ARE supporters of terrorism as they NEVER protest against muslim extremists who are themselves the biggest fascists since Hitler!.
The UAF are nothing more than a politcal front for the likes of Al-Queda and it is the reason I believe they should be known as the United Asian Front.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Meanwhile back in the land of blighty as griffin turns the party into the best thing seen since billy smart's circus,good honest hard working members and activists are walking away from the fiasco now called the "BNP" When was the last time the main website ran a story about a good day's leafleting or a highly attended meeting ? Exactly the party has lost its wings and direction and may aswell just sail off into the sunset.

Anonymous said...

I've just been looking at the leadership candidates' statements, what a negative trio?

Barnbrook says: "this destructive, divisive and bitter campaign."

Adams says: "Unlike Mr. Butler I don't seek to be a disposable chairman or a stalking horse for undeclared and shadowy third parties."

Griffin says: "without futile, time-wasting elections"

Anonymous said...

From quote from the green tomatoe blog so why has he printed this ?

It was Unilver who insisted that the BNP did not divulge the amount of the settlement as they felt they had had enough negative publicity and the last thing Unilever wanted was endless articles about just what it is they are upto around the world.

The actual figure agreed between the BNP and Unilver was less than £5,000, which was a small price to pay for the publicity that was generated.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Adams is a Griffinite !

19 July 2010 13:31

So he is just a thick northerner then ?

Anonymous said...

For over two years various decent people have been trying to tell the truth about Griffin, yet we all resisted the truth. Griffin and Griffin's BNP constitution are corrupt. The party belongs to Griffin - This leadership election cannot fail - The BNP is haemoraging money far faster than it is being generated.

NWN Admin said...

Anonymous said...
For over two years various decent people have been trying to tell the truth about Griffin, yet we all resisted the truth. Griffin and Griffin's BNP constitution are corrupt. The party belongs to Griffin - This leadership election cannot fail - The BNP is haemoraging money far faster than it is being generated.

20 July 2010 11:25



This site (NWN) has been banging on about Griffins corruption for almost 10 years !

Anonymous said...

So he is just a thick northerner then ?

Add chris vanns to that list then,who keeps gloating on about nick griffin is the best thing since noah built the ark.I cant wait to see the northern faces drop when the party goes tits up and sir nick slips off to croatia without saying bon voyage to his most loyal members and twatavists.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to say this but I’m holding on to vote for Eddy Butler, then I'm fucking off to UKIP, least they seem to operate as a party, as in they hold legal leadership challenges, and policies are submitted and voted in by the members. So I reckon the more right leaning members that joins the more right leaning UKIP will become.
I am a racialist nationalist, but realise that time is running out fast for our children’s future, and I’m totally fed up with the knees being blown off the BNPby Griffins sawn off shot gun dictatorship.
I’ve wasted the last 5 years of my life being very active and standing for election, as its all being wasted by NickolARSE . He is as treacherous as the leftie shite, for what he is doing to our kid’s future. And as for that Twat Dowson, he will pay a heavy price for ripping hundreds of good nationalists off by using the BNP as his piggy bank. This treacherous piece of gobshite filth, will better book tickets to a far far away place.

Dowson you have very few places/branches left that you can visit and be made welcome, that’s a promise.

Anonymous said...

"The actual figure agreed between the BNP and Unilver was less than £5,000, which was a small price to pay for the publicity that was generated."

Where do you get your information from, can you back this figure up?

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