BNP Accounts late again !!!
Another year, another fine for the poor downtrodden BNP member to have to service. BNP leader Nick Griffin said from his sunbed in the South of France where he is currently on holiday.
"Don't worry it's only a paltry few hundred quid. The plebs can pay that, as I can't be arsed !"
Surely even the thickest BNP member should be asking, why it is that year after year, the BNP's accounts are always late and we always incur a fine ?
NWN has always maintained that this is just another tactic to alienate the average nationalist activist from campaigning. The state has run Griffin like a cheap watch, he is their agent. Even if the BNP folk responsible for the accounts were just 'thick and stupid', they would get the accounts sorted occasionally. But under Griffin, they are never on time, and seemingly not worth the paper they are written on.
Why is it that it's only the State /Government that doesn't know that Griffin uses BNP money as his own, especially the Trafalgar club accounts ?
The BNP is being run down on purpose !
When contacted by phone by NWN this afternoon, BNP leader Nick Griffin sent a message to the members ; " Send money quick ! Keep your trust in me. I will lead you to the promised land. "