What is the point of the BNP if you admit foreigners?
Sadly we have come to the conclusion that the BNP is breaking up and there is no practicable likelihood of it recovering.
In our opinion the root cause of the failure is the Constitution of the Party. The Constitution, that is the Party Rules, makes the Party Leader a dictator. The current leader rather than reforming the Constitution toward that of a normal English association has (probably illegally) made alterations to the Constitution making his removal virtually impossible.
The Party is now a nationalist party in name only and has abandoned many of the fundamental principles on which it was founded.
A further major problem is that of money. Under the Constitution, all money is controlled by the Party Leader. The Party Leader appoints the Party Treasurer and Party Auditor. The Leader has carte blanche to dispose of the funds as he pleases.
This has never been a satisfactory situation, and now that the Party is alleged to be turning over a million pounds a year, is nothing short of a scandal. There have been four different Treasurers this year and the 2008 accounts are way overdue. The Party has been fined by the Electoral Commission for late publication of accounts. This is a re-run of last year when the accounts were also late and when published were endorsed by the Auditor as unsatisfactory.
A separate, but related, issue is the Trafalgar Club. This Club raises money directly to support the Party Leader. No accounts for this club have ever been published and they have not been appended to the Party accounts, as clearly they should be.
We recommend that no further money be sent to ‘Head Office’.
Whilst the BNP has been going downhill, the National Front has reformed itself and now is led by a group of reliable people and has the Constitution of a normal democratic association. Consequently, we believe that BNP members should transfer to the National Front.
Mike Easter
Chris Jackson
Kevin Bryan
NWN: Kev Bryan is the Rossendale Branch Organiser, and has also resigned from the BNP.
The root cause is traitor Griffin !
I understand the accounts have now been submitted, and are a shambles. There's even some mention of possible prosecution. Fingers in the till anyone?
Not got any more details - anybody know more?
It looks like all the real nationalists will now leave the BNP.
Gri££in has destroyed the BNP and the majority of the party sat idly by and watched him do it. That scumbag has sunk us with his two-faced lies and those that did nothing to stop him or expose him for what he is are as much to blame.
It’s not as if there weren’t enough high profile and respected people like Chris that have tried to make the membership see sense over the last few years!
Richard Edmonds will refuse to resign .
He is supposedly a nationalist.
He loves speaking to an audience, any audience will do now, it seems.
Is Rabbi Meyer Schiller still a member of the Trafalgar club ?
Such a tragic time for nationalism.Yesterday i was head hunted by a councillor from the tory party who knows i am well pissed off with the BNP but knows my level of activism and points of view and supports them the same as the rest of his local party who are very much like the old monday club.He asked me to stand for a safe seat next year and said there is a lot of local support for me on my local policies but the BNP is dragging me down,under the griffin banner ? It got me thinking its griffin thats the problem BNP R.I.P.
This has always been essentially a question of trust, and Nick Griffin has abused that trust for too long.
A party that trusted its leadership would be able to cope with whatever the establishment threw at it.
A party that trusted its leadership would follow that leadership in whatever strategic adjustments were deemed necessary as it steered a course through difficult waters.
A party that trusted its leadership would tolerate temporary financial straits.
The BNP under Nick Griffin is not such a party. Trust was dissipated a long time ago - if the BNP is to have a future it urgently requires new leadership.
Time for Andrew Brons and Richard Edmonds to set aside the divisions of the 1980s and steer the BNP away from the rocks.
This is exactly what Gri££in wants, he must be laughing his fat face off in his expensive hotel room in Copenhagen. Once all the hard working, solid Nationalists have left the BNP, he'll have free rein over everything. He and his goons has been slating hard-liner for years, starting with John Tyndall. RIP BNP.
"I understand the accounts have now been submitted, and are a shambles. There's even some mention of possible prosecution. Fingers in the till anyone?"
According to gossip, it's Jenny Noble who Griffin will pass the blame onto and drop her in it. The Electoral Commission have opened an investigate into who was in charge of accounts in the latter part of 2008.
I think the main reason why a lot of decent nationalists stood by, while Griffin destroyed the BNP, was they didn't want to raise their heads' above the parapet in case their heads were shot off. Griffin expelled so many good people or set his attacks dogs on them, many folk were a bit weary. That bastard planned it all, right from the start back in the mid 1990s to do this to the BNP.
I think one reason the Croydon branch was got at by Griffin was that during the Chris Jackson leadership challenge in 2007, they held a hustings so that local members could come and listen to and debate the issues. I think it was the only BNP hustings debate held anywhere in Britain, Mike Easter represented Chris, while a Griffinite spoke up for the one-eyed creature . When Griffin heard he went ballistic.
"I understand the accounts have now been submitted, and are a shambles. There's even some mention of possible prosecution. Fingers in the till anyone?"
"The BNP has until 8 January 2010 to reply, after which the Electoral Commission will consider what further action to take.Under the PPERA 2000 the party’s treasurer on 31 December 2008, the last day of the accounting period concerned, commits a criminal offence by not complying with the regulations governing party accounts."
The main problem being Darby griffins arse licking faggot now has the Job of Treasurer,Deputy leader,Press officer, Paid from Brussels Nicks adviser,Paid from London assembly,Paid from BNP. This is a fucking scandle and all money goes to PO box in welshpool so the pair of grubby thiefs are fleecing the members left right and centre. Dont renew membership untill the bnp have a proper treasurer. Fraud squad should be called in to examine the bnp account, its TREACHURY at its worst.
If solid Racial Nationalists like Chris, Mike & Kev leave now before next month's EGM, Griffin will have the constitution change in the bag, it's best to stay and fight the Welshpool bastard, he needs 66% at the Leigh EGM, but if everybody clears off he will have a open field?
Unfortunately, joining the NF might not be the answer. I've just been told that the NF have appointed a couple of ex-BNP members as their Sussex Organizers.
Presumably the NF having no previous organization (or members) in the area don't know the history of these people, who are in fact complete nutters who no decent (or sensible)Nationalist will want to go within a mile of.
well done chris glad you joined the only true nationalist party the national front. gri&&in is a money grabing power mad bastard.
this is getting worse !
alby walker stoke gone
chris turner coventry gone
alex sproule lichfield gone
this is getting bad ! how can the party loose these people ? especilly from one region that was on the up ?
Good ridance.
BNP Moving forward, there is no room for these back stabbers.
Who the fuck are they anyway, all they did was bitch.
Such a tragic time for nationalism.Yesterday i was head hunted by a councillor from the tory party who knows i am well pissed off with the BNP but knows my level of activism and points of view and supports them the same as the rest of his local party who are very much like the old monday club.He asked me to stand for a safe seat next year and said there is a lot of local support for me on my local policies but the BNP is dragging me down,under the griffin banner ? It got me thinking its griffin thats the problem BNP R.I.P.
Well fuck off to the tories then,the only problem with the bnp is twats like you. Your ego is bigger than weymans bennets arse.Thats the problem with most of you,you want nicks job believing your good enough,believe me your not.
This is fantastic news, now the BNP will go from strenght to strenght.
the bnp are going nowhere execpt down. fuck off you thick twats.
It's alright trying to blame Jenny Noble, but under the party constitution all the real financial power lies with the leader i.e. Griffin.
He should be facing the questions and any possible prosecution.
Why would anybody agree to be the BNP Treasurer? You have no control of the finances but face all the shit if anything goes wrong!
I simply don't understand this reasoning, why does Chris Jackson and co think this only applies to the BNP?
Soon rather than later, the state will demand that the NF change its rules on membership. Any refusal, by the NF, to conform to that demand will result in a long (and extremely expensive) legal battle which they are bound to lose. If then the party cannot meet the costs of the other side it will be closed down, and its officials could quite possibly be held responsible for the costs.
We can't run away from this struggle, standing our ground is our only option.
Chris Hill
'Why would anybody agree to be the BNP Treasurer? You have no control of the finances but face all the shit if anything goes wrong!
That's how Stalin works!
People come and go.But the knowledge spreads.(Wink Wink)
With great sadness
It is with great sadness that i have resigned from my position of Rossendale BNP organiser and a Party member for 24 years.
I feel that the Party no longer shares my aims or ideology and the Chairman, despite his promises to make the Party more democratic has actually abused the constitution to set his position in concrete. The Chairmans surrender to the EHRC without a fight is the last straw, No law has been passed by Parliment to force us and if the Tories win the next General election it proberbly never will be.
But the BNP is so eager to admit non whites like Rajinder Singh to the party, What do they think this will gain? do the people in Burnley, Stoke, Barking and other towns want to see a multi racial BNP? of course not, do the people in these towns vote BNP because they want to see an end to immigration?
The answer is NO!, they vote BNP because of the ethnics that are already here, they want Leadership, they want to support a Party that wants to re-patriate these unwelcome immigrants back to their lands of origin. I can no longer support the BNP and i certainly do not support the finnancial rip off of the members, begging letters dropping on our door mats every week, sent by Dowson and his profesionel, non political call centre.
I wish all my comrades that i leave behind all the very best and i hope that one day we will work together again but i cannot work under the current party leadership.
My aims have never changed, i still and always will believe in an all white Britain.
Kevin Bryan
Nick has sweated blood for the BNP and only recently gave a proportion of his income as an MEP to the party as he always promised he would.
Yeah but not the 10 per cent he promised
Why would anyone want to join the BNP if they get slagged off when they leave, as we all must at some stage ?
These comments by these Griffin arselickers who wish for non-whites in the BNP with great gusto are quite sick.
Chris Jackson has served for decades in the BNP, and was instrumental in getting every single BNP Councillor in the North West elected.
Some of the unkind comments against Chris Jackson by anonymous cretins should never have been allowed to be put up on this fine site NWN.
Unlike the BNP we allow free speech on here and the NATIONALISTS ONLINE forum.
We only rarely bin comments.
There does seem to be an absolute hatred now being shown by Griffin and the immigrant loving masturbators, against Chris Jackson in particular.
This forum is not in the business of attacking Chris Jackson, and so the ad hominem attacks, which is the usual Griffinite BNP method, will no longer be allowed on this forum.
If you want to attack Mr.Jackson go to an immigrant loving Griffinite forum !
Oh sorry, Mr.Griffin won't allow you to have one will he ?
Alby Walker and Chris Turner both gone and wernt they number 2 and 3 on the candidates list for the West Midlands Euro Elections? Top people leaving is sure sign of something rotten in the party.
I would say it has abandoned ALL the principles upon which it was founded. Looking at a policy document from the BNP web site back in 99 I can't see any of those policies in place today, no one. As Britian swirls down the bog Gri££in swans around with his circle jerk coterie in Brussels milking it while bloody letters jewing for money now rate at three a week here. Outrageous.
Pip pip
Chris, Mike, Kev and everybody else who have given their whole to the BNP over the years, I salute you. You will be a great loss. Griffin will realise very soon when he hasn't any activists doing the leg work that he has made a grave error alienating so many Nationalists.
Dont worry about these people,they sacrafised their brains and money to the griffin cause ? you know the ones sorry mrs no food this week nick has sent me a personnal letter i must ! yes i must donate
sorry but no food for the kids this week,wake up you thick bastards FFS when i lost my high profile job and donated big time do you think the party chucked a few quid back at me when i was on the dole ? bollocks mark collett and his ilk were walking round in designer suits
Clueless Gri££in!
'But party leader Nick Griffin certainly seemed to have no knowledge of the crisis developing in the city he likes to call the jewel in the BNP's crown. Speaking from the climate summit in Copenhagen, an obviously flustered Mr Griffin said: "I'm afraid I don't know anything about this. I've no idea what's happening in Stoke-on-Trent." '
''dont worry mrs...'
too right gri££in could'nt give a damm about the avarage activist as long as they keep donating their hard earned cash to him. wake up gri££in is screwing you with his begging letter's. the lastist one 'bring our troops home'. donate to a welll orgainised cause such as 'troop aid'.
Oh Shit!
21 Dec 2009
The Times
BNP Drops Freepost
The BNP has abandoned its freepost address after it was bombarded with junk mail. A Facebook group claimed that the cost to the party of each letter was 48p. A BNP spokesman said: “We have had our problems with the freepost address.” He said the party had also been sent “semen, excrement, blood and tampons”.
Bury BNP's main griffinite Purdey gets two week ban from Stormfront for his excited outburst. Purdey is just a pompous tory !
22nd December 2009
A BPP Statement regarding the ‘growth’ of the NF in the North West
There has been much hysteria regarding the recent ‘wave’ of mainly West Yorkshire based former BPP beer-hall warriors who, finding the pace of the BPP’s younger crop a little too fast, have headed for more comfortable climes in the NF. Before anyone starts, I know we are breaking the ‘golden rule’ of never criticizing another party, but it would be unreasonable to expect that the British People’s Party does not speak up on its own behalf at a time of turbulence and incessant gloating from these people and our patience has finally snapped!
It seems that this Leeds crop, led by former BPP ‘National Inactivates Disorganizer’, are now joined by a handful well-known Nationalists from East Lancashire, formerly connected to those fence-sitters in the "BNP Reform Group". Whilst they’ve poured nothing but muted scorn upon us from their comfortable vantage points for over five years, insisting that the BNP was the only way to power, they’ve all now joined the National Front. Their justification is the way Nick Griffin has supposedly agreed to allow non-whites into his party ahead of possible consequences relating to Equality Law. These people knew this was coming and have only chosen to act now? And we are supposed to follow these people? History has shown that the BNP vote has always been harmed wherever the NF springs up, and the beer-bellies will not get on with the old-BNP-ers and this NF ‘dual front’ will not last.
We in the BPP recognize the BNP’s vital role in ‘softening up’ the public's antipathy towards Nationalism and we aim to keep our political activity concentrated on ground levels whilst affording the BNP the best opportunities for success higher up in local government. There is nothing of a 'sell-out' about this, that is merely being realistic. Meanwhile the BPP (with much distance between us and them) can build up another front for hardliners that is distinctly different in attitude and character.
On the other hand, the NF remain as ambiguous as ever and cannot succeed carrying baggage from both disciplines whilst wrestling internally within their vague power structure. The British People’s Party has decided to contest the next ‘Calderdale Council’ ward of Todmorden*, where we initially intended to support the BNP’s Chris Jackson. This stance WILL NOT apply to the NF. The BPP have worked hard here in Todmorden and we are not going to budge over for a section of the movement who only appear to prosper by poaching other groups' members. If the NF think that after all our hard work that they can come barging in they’ve got another think coming!
D. Jones,
BPP Commissioner
* Dave Jones is also the BPP's Leader in Lancashire, and the very pro-BPP town of Todmorden (though technically in Calderdale) is historically a part of Lancashire and is regarded as such by all Nationalist parties for political purposes.
@ D.Jones BPP.
You say "The BNP's vital role blah,blah,blah ".
You mean Griffin here, right ?
Don't you read what's going on in the movement ?
Your nuts !
So your just a gingerbread group for Griffinite populism ? Does KW know about this ?
The Gnome of Todmorden and his one man BPP band have been slavering around CJ for years now he's in the NF the Gnome (BPP Commisionare)
hsa decided to throw his weight (sic) against the NF.
Nobody surely takes the BPP seriously anymore do they?
and this is exactly why Nationalism in the UK is doomed to failure.
The BNP is disintegrating. The NF are a bunch of has-been boot-boys. Thay have much too much poor history from the 70s and 80s. That leaves the BPP...Who???????
The reason that people like me who may sympathise with a lot of the points you make , will NEVER join any of these organisations.
Read your own posts..He's 'state' she's a Red...that one's an informant....etc etc,
When you're not insulting each other, you're breaking apart like a dysfunctional family.
The 'State' doesn't NEED to infiltrate you. You're your own worst enemies.
What a fucking shambles.
B&H and C18 membership and other internet stuff to be uploaded onto redsite soon.
Who else has noticed that since animal rights activist Bev Kerry has had her grubby mitts on stuff web security has leaked like a sieve ?
Darby is a slimey Bastard who should be sacked from the BNP. Its estimated the 2 thirds of the BNP will not renew membership until Darby and Griffin are gone.
The BNP vote is an anti-immigrant vote. Who is going to vote for your local Patel or Khan.
You must be joking.
How is the party going to stop mass membership from those whose seek to join to destroy it. Only takes 10,000 new ethnic members and its finished.
That means a 500 anti BNP activists and their fraudalent made up identities for the rest.
The entire UAF will join.
I left at the time of the Sadie Graham, Steve Blake etc saga and its the most sensible thing I could have done.
The party is a dictatorship and corrupt with it. Totally undemocratic and riddled with ex BOSS members and nationalist traitors like Kemp.
I have little choice but to vote UKIP in the elctions and probably help a little - bearing in mind I couldn't belong to them in a thousand years. But at least they elect their Chairman.
The British working class have been totally betrayed.
The BNP was the last voice they had.
What a total and utter betrayal.
Vive the revolution!
boy the party will surely fall apart now! bye lads,dont slam the door on the way out.
We will show gri££in that we don't need money to run a political party.
We will not be asking any member for money.
and this is exactly why Nationalism in the UK is doomed to failure.
The BNP is disintegrating. The NF are a bunch of has-been boot-boys. Thay have much too much poor history from the 70s and 80s. That leaves the BPP...Who???????
The reason that people like me who may sympathise with a lot of the points you make , will NEVER join any of these organisations.
Read your own posts..He's 'state' she's a Red...that one's an informant....etc etc,
When you're not insulting each other, you're breaking apart like a dysfunctional family.
The 'State' doesn't NEED to infiltrate you. You're your own worst enemies.
What a fucking shambles.
Dear Pathetic,
I understand your frustration with the low calibre of nationalists, have you ever considered leading by example and starting your own party? That way you wouldn't have to worry if so and so is 'red' or 'state' because you of course would be above such trivia.
Gri££in is a holohoax believer,the new National Front must do everything to expose this hoax.
If it doesn't it becomes just another BNP.
Griffin , jefferson and all his criminal hangers on need to be removed from the party , i for one will never cast a vote their way for their destruction of the party with their constant lying and deception to the decent members . look how desperate they are now with the trafalger club open to anyone at all !
I think the only way to go is expose these greedy thieves for all to see .
"Dear Pathetic,
I understand your frustration with the low calibre of nationalists, have you ever considered leading by example and starting your own party? That way you wouldn't have to worry if so and so is 'red' or 'state' because you of course would be above such trivia."
Start my own party? and watch neanderthal arseholes like you wreck it with your infantile in-fighting?
I'm more than happy to sit on the sidelines and see what develops after you twats lose sight of the real target and turn on each other.
Your enemies must be pissing themselves. Give yourself a pat on the back.
It's hard enough to garner support when united, but this just brings Nationalism into disrepute.
Dear Pathetic,
I understand your frustration with the low calibre of nationalists, have you ever considered leading by example and starting your own party? That way you wouldn't have to worry if so and so is 'red' or 'state' because you of course would be above such trivia.
We had our own party then Griffin turned up !
Then he brought his mates.
The rest is history. He screwed us up.
1 - 0 To the Government !
Nothing of any importance.
Except to say I luv Nick Griffin and will give all my money to him as long as he needs it.
I don't care if they allow blacks in as I luv blacks I do me.
Dear Pathetic,
I'm saddened to hear you will not be starting your own party, as I, for one, would have gladly joined. I leave my contact details, should you ever change your mind.
James Dnob,
MI5 Building, PO Box 007, London SW1
Dear James (or can I call you Jimmy?)
Thanks for your interest in joining my party. Unfortunately however, I don't think you'd meet the entry requirements. A double digit IQ is in fact required, and you inability to do anything other than 'grunt' disqualifies you.
Thanks for leaving your contact details. I suggest asking for a nice Jewish psychiatrist the next time the prison doctor looks in on you.
Kind regards,
Griffin and Darby are Robbers and the fraud squad should investigate the BNP accounts.
I have been a BNP member for 5 years but I will not be renewing my membership. If you look at the Constitution you will see that nobody can challenge the leadership. It smacks of a dictatorship. Jenny Noble was sacked because she came close to the truth as to where all the donations were going. The begging letters were appearing weekly and the one that really annoyed me was the £18,000 needed for phones for security.
"semen, excrement, blood and tampons”.
21 December 2009 21:28
Don't know why would anyone send Gri£$in excrement because he's already full of shit.
Hope the tampon is magnum sized because it needs to be for that big cunt Gri$£in.
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