Friday, December 25, 2009

A very Merry Christmas to all our readers !

Wishing you all a peaceful Christmas, and a prosperous New Year.
We wish you all good health from all at NorthWestNationalists blogsite and Nationalists Online forum.


Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to all nationalists and a pain in the neck to the communists.

Dave said...

All the best for 2010 to the fine people who run this blog.

I like the new look aswell.

Anonymous said...

Well the BNP goes into the New Year firmly imbedded in Khazar International.
Say your Merry Christmases while you can.
It won't be for long once the 'master race' take control.

NWN Admin said...

Why thank you DAVE !

Just thought we would have a change for the New Year.

Anonymous said...

This appeared in the Independent newspaper on Christmas Eve, it looks like poor Jenny Noble is in for trouble in 2010? Of course Griffin will come away from this smelling of roses, as usual?

It has now been fined five times in the past two years for breaking rules on filing financial records. Admitting that the party was once more in breach of the rules, Mr Griffin said: "We recognise that it is not acceptable to present inadequate accounts."

The Electoral Commission said it was considering the options available to it, including an eventual prosecution. A spokesman said: "We have reviewed the statement of accounts and have concerns about them. We have written back to the party requesting additional information. Until we have received that information we cannot say what further action will be taken."

Under the PPERA, failure to provide audited accounts is a criminal offence. A party's treasurer for the period covered by the financial records can be fined up to £5,000 unless they can prove that all reasonable steps were taken to secure accurate accounts.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

While the gentiles are all pissed up over Christmas and switch off the Jews plot behind our backs! And stupid Griffin & Kemp think the Jews are no threat!

BNP challenge must be met by main parties, says Mr Hecht,

Anonymous said...

Hollywood & the Jewish War on Christmas.

"In essence, it means that in the last forty or so years, the Christian aspect of the holiday has vanished on screen."

“The Judaization of the West means that the peoples who created the culture and traditions of the West have been made to feel deeply ashamed of their own history — surely the prelude to their demise as a culture and as a people.”

Anonymous said...

Is this the person who runs the traitorous, race mixing, 'British Nationalist' blog - Essex BNP, the blokes name is Alistair Barbour ?

Anonymous said...

Alistair Barbour isn't he something to do with Carlisle BNP ?

Anonymous said...

A comment from our Leader..

Nick Griffin MEP Lunch, a mixed roast of partridge and quail. Turkey tomorrow with parents here. No politics at all today.

Roast partridge and quail ? He is certainly roughing the fat one isn't he ?

Was he wearing a cummerbund ?

Anonymous said...

Source to Griffins feast;

MEP Lunch said...

Anonymous said...
"Roast partridge and quail ? He is certainly roughing the fat one isn't he ?
Was he wearing a cummerbund ?"

Or maybe it was Cumberland sauce ....with the mixed roast of partridge and quail.

Anonymous said...

"Roast partridge and quail"

I hope the bastard chokes on it?

Anonymous said...

"Is this the person who runs the traitorous, race mixing, 'British Nationalist' blog - Essex BNP, the blokes name is Alistair Barbour ?"

I don't know if this liberal Barbour is behind that awful blog site mentioned above, but he wanted Negros & Asians in the party from the beginning, in fact Gri££in was to slow for this wankers. Further investigation is needed about 'British Nationalist' blog.

Leading BNP member quits Cumbria party

Anonymous said...

"mixed roast of partridge and quail."

This utter smug, arrogance from Gri££in is just unbelievable, this statement coupled to that contemptuous Christmas poster in Barking, is sending out the wrong message to our White working-class supporters and voters, they will switch off when they see these types of conceited statements and images? It's so removed from most of our lives, people will think we are no different from the pompous, high living Lib, Lab & Con parties. It's two fingers up from Gri££in to the lot of us!

Anonymous said...

Channel 4 documentary on Freemasonry, broadcasted on Boxing Day? The presenter, extreme Left-winger Tony Robinson sucked up to the top masons big time (working to the same agenda?) This little shit was once on the Labour Party National Executive Committee, the governing body which oversees policy making and the general direction of the party, when Blair was PM, and is the champion of many lefty causes, he remains by his own admission a "committed left-wing radical." He also has East End Jewish ancestry. A true proponent of the Frankfurt School! I'm surprised Griffin's father didn't appear on it?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

are you lot still celebrating or what lol

NWN Admin said...

Anonymous said...
are you lot still celebrating or what lol

29 December 2009 09:02


Yes of course !

The BNP under Griffin will be able to celebrate diversity quite soon.

That should be a right celebration by the Welshpool mafia.

Anonymous said...

Phantom Voters .

All of a sudden the number of postal voting applications appears to have gone through the roof as Labour work their way through the African population and methodically install them all on the electoral register. That's the very same Africans that Labour and their friends in the media insist do not exist at all and that any attempt to state otherwise is part of the "lies and myths" of the British National Party.

Notice now how there is no pretence about beneficial social or fiscal reasons for mass immigration any more, they just deny it is happening at all and shout racist at anyone who points out this demographic catastrophe for our people.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...