Tuesday, January 08, 2019

RIP   Harry Mullin.

It is with deep sadness that I have to inform comrades that the great British patriot Harry Mullin has died.
Harry passed away peacefully in his sleep on 22nd of December 2018 at a care home in northern Glasgow.

Henry Cunningham Mullin, (Harry), was born on the 8th of March 1935, into a large family of Irish immigrant Scots. Harry was the youngest of seven children I believe. His father Ned and five of his sons served in the British Army, Three dying whilst serving the Crown. A sister went on to become one of the most prominent Salvation Army officers in America.

Harry grew up in the St. Georges Cross and "Roun' Toll" areas of Glasgow. I recall Harry telling me of working as a boy delivering heavy bags of sugar around Glasgow and of the rats and "silverfish" that polluted his tenement home that terrified him so much as a youngster, so when he at last got the opportunity to join the Army, like his brothers and father before him, he grasped it with open arms.

Harry became a Sapper in the Royal Engineers, serving in Germany and Hong Kong and elsewhere.
Harry eventually married, fathering four children if I am correct.

Harry had an insatiable thirst for knowledge and he read book after book. Nothing was out of bounds and no political theory was unworthy of analysis.

At this point Harry was a long distance lorry driver but he was also studying at every truck stop he could and eventually he was admitted to Glasgow University as a mature student. He gained a masters honours degree in politics and history I believe, but don't quote me on the subjects.

It was at Harry's time at University that his life took quite a turn.
One evening at a party Harry was given a photocopied pamphlet by University lefties advertising a meeting. Intrigued Harry went along.

The meeting was dull but a few in the audience seemed serious and they invited Harry to another party nearby. Harry toddled along out of interest.
Before long the drink was flowing and the "revolutionaries" were talking about violence, guns and robberies.

Harry, as a British patriot was appalled, and decided to inform on the leftie students.
Next morning he approached a nearby Police desk sergeant with the news and details of the plot and in a short space of time Harry was approached and eventually recruited by Special Branch.

To the detriment of his family life and his own personal security Harry then spent many years infiltrating various leftist groups. He infiltrated Tartan Army groups, preventing the kidnap and murder of Lord Campbell of Croy. He travelled extensively informing on Irish Republican, Italian Red Brigade groups and even Eritrean rebels in Africa.
Harry hated Communism and it is to Harry's credit that the vile former Labour party MP and former Lord Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, was duped enough to describe Harry as "A respected Labour movement member".

Without going off too much into a tangent Harry's relationship with Special Branch and MI5 soured. Harry had been asked to take part in a bank robbery organised by leftists that Harry had been informing on. Harry smelled a rat and refused, believing he was being set up because he knew too much.
Harry then cut his ties with Special Branch.

There was a hiatus of a few years of Harry's story but Harry eventually attended what was also to be my first ever BNP St. Andrew's Day rally meeting in the 1980's. John Tyndall and Dave Bruce were the guest speakers.

Whilst I headed to the pub afterwards, Harry headed home, spending his rent money on the pile of revisionist and nationalist books he had never clapped eyes on before.

In private, Harry came clean, informing us early of his former Special Branch and Mi5 roles. He also showed us some documents he had kept from his time as an informer on the left.
His anti communist credentials let us know we had a good man in our ranks.

Those of us who were young BNP activists back in the day will recall that we would turn up team handed and tooled up, only to discover a solitary Harry Mullin standing there before us, brave as hell, facing the communists himself.

I have many, many, fond memories of my auld friend Harry Mullin.
Be it Harry speaking at BNP meetings across Britain. His booming voice declaring "I may have been in the Communist Party but my name is Harry Mullin. It is not Gerry Gable".

In the early 90's Harry moved to Northern Ireland, living just off the Shankill, where one of his brothers was a Protestant Minister. Harry worked as a scrap metal man and his profession took him to all parts of Belfast and beyond. Even in Republican IRA areas. Secretly, although he was no longer an official informer and he was sick of that life, Harry would alert the RUC to any whispers he picked up in IRA areas on his scrap metal trips.

Back in Scotland after his brother died in Ulster Harry had a time living homeless, exposed to the elements, living on scaffolding in a sleeping bag night after night before he ended up in the Peter McCann hostel near Dobbies Loan. This was a time long before mobile phones, emails and social media so Harry could only contact us through a BNP po box we visited irregularly I guess.
Eventually when Harry made contact he was housed in a BNP friendly house in Govan.
Back amongst friends and comrades.

Few people know that Harry was a deeply religious man. He regularly read his Bible and had articles published in various Christian magazines. Using his military experience he also had an article published in "Soldier Of Fortune" magazine too.

As Harry aged and ill health encroached, Harry would limit his activism to writing articles for various Nationalist magazines and he was also a prolific letter writer to the ZOG press.
He was also very kind in sending financial donations to White Nationalist groups at home and abroad.

I was wondering how to end this obituary but I have just received a text from a comrade of mine "G".
His abridged text says "Spent a few minute reflecting on the sad news. Harry was a one off and he could never be accused of living a boring life. Lots of good memories. From bumping into him regularly in the town to meetings in London and Leeds etc. There's a special hall in Valhalla for the old revered warriors.
Harry is there now. RIP!".

Enough said really

Steve Cartwright. 
NWN: We were aware of Harry Mullin  since the late 1980's and very early 1990's as he was a regular contributor to SPEARHEAD magazine, and was much revered by fellow nationalists north of the border.

"Stand down, duty done Sapper.................rest in peace !"


Anonymous said...

R.I.P. Harry

Anonymous said...

I remember him from the BNP Annual meetings in the 80's he was quite a character. How do we replace a great Patriot like him. RIP.

Anonymous said...

I think i can remember him writing letters to the socialist standard magazine on many occasions can anybody clarify this

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