The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
Friday, January 25, 2019
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Someone has just tried to post the link to this website on here, we have deleted it. WARNING 2008 list online WTF is going on at the BNP ? ...
Russian Jews Felt Entitled to Goy Property.
The White Helmets, alleged organ traders & child kidnappers, should be condemned not condoned.
The Migrant Invasion of Europe and the Dawn of a New Multicultural Dystopia.
Commandant of Auschwitz Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions.
“To be ignorant of history is to remain always a child. – Cicero”
Propaganda – the Only Weapon that London has to Distract Humanity from its Crimes.
Turkish Master Plan: Crush Kurds, Brush Aside US, Re-Claim Caliphate
Putin, Erdogan Cut Deals in Ankara As Turkish Troops Grab Land in Syria.
Ron Unz Discusses His Recent Game-Changing, Taboo-Busting Articles About Jewish Power and History
"(The) articles (generated) nearly half a million page views of readership over that short period ... Even more remarkably, (they) provoked nearly 13,000 comments, totaling an astonishing 1.8 million words of text."
Mainstream Holocaust Narrative 'Substantially, if not Entirely, False' - Editor of Top US Conservative Site (Ron Unz)
The author spends a few weeks perusing the literature, which he summarizes in this 18,000 word article, and concludes that the Holocaust story relentlessly hammered into the public consciousness by Jewish-owned Hollywood and media is a load of baloney. He suspects that when the lie comes crashing down, a political earthquake will ensue.
"I wouldn’t be surprised if our current Holocaust narrative eventually suffers that same fate (total collapse), perhaps with unfortunate consequences for those too closely associated with having maintained it."
"Once I realized to my dismay that I couldn’t believe a word of what our media and political leaders said about major events in the here and now, their credibility on controversial happenings so long ago and far away entirely disappeared."
The Migrant Invasion of Europe and the Dawn of a New Multicultural Dystopia.
How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up.
Canada is a white supremacist foreign enemy': A sample of Chinese media's recent Canada bashing
Spoiler alert: The media of an authoritarian communist state may not be publishing the most accurate depictions of Canada.
Hitler’s deputy was NOT switched for a doppelganger – Daily Mail has still to admit Rudolf Hess did not strangle himself. They could have asked Negro guard Tony Jordan, who still lives in Berlin, and who strangled him.
Illegals Flood Portland Maine, Get Free Services While Americans Starve And Freeze
The city stands apart for the help offered to those fleeing persecution, but migrants' numbers have deluged shelters and attorney caseloads.
Duke University professor removed over 'Speak English' email.
“Israelis and American Jews fully agree that the memory of the Holocaust is an indispensable weapon — one that must be used relentlessly against their common enemy (non-jews)… Jewish organizations and individuals thus labor continuously to remind the world of it. In America, the perpetuation of the Holocaust memory is now a $100-million-a-year enterprise, part of which is government-funded. Books with Holocaust themes, documentaries, feature films, TV programs, memorials and museums are a staple of America’s cultural diet.”
Moshe Leshem, Balaam's Curse: How Israel Lost Its Way, and How It Can Find It Again
“No Rothschild is English… No Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg, Kuhn, Kahn, Schiff, Sieff or Solomon was ever born Anglo-Saxon. And it is for this filth that you fight. It is for this filth that you murdered your Empire. It is this filth that elects, selects, your politicians.”
Ezra Pound, March 15, 1942 radio broadcast
“The purpose of history, as I see it, is to uncover the forces which move the pawns on the chess board of the world. This and only this is real history, and anything else, in the final analysis, is of no intrinsic value.”
Willis A. Carto
Paul Little: NZ Holocaust denial is out there.
Labour MP Luciana Berger warns party's 'disgusting' antisemitism is 'going unchecked'
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