Monday, January 14, 2019

Remain fanatics break cover: ANDREW PIERCE reveals the Motley crew of Tory MPs conspiring to seize power from Theresa May after rejecting her Brexit deal

Theresa May is facing a fresh headache as Europhiles on her backbenches gang up to seize control of Brexit.
Pro-Remain Tories were last night accused of plotting to re-write parliamentary rules to put them in the driving seat if the Prime Minister is defeated in the Commons tomorrow.
Former Attorney General Dominic Grieve will today team up with Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable to publish draft legislation revealing how they could push for a second referendum. 
Meanwhile, former Tory ministers Sir Oliver Letwin and Nick Boles will host a meeting of like-minded MPs to plan how they will block a 'no-deal' Brexit.
It comes after 20 Tory MPs last week helped inflict a humiliating defeat on the Government over Brexit after Commons Speaker John Bercow tore up parliamentary convention. 
As Britain prepares for a tumultuous week in politics, Andrew Pierce profiles the plotters-in-chief and the MPs conspiring to stop a hard Brexit.
Dominic Grieve, 62: (Beaconsfield, Leave vote 50.7%)
Dominic Grieve, 62: (Beaconsfield, Leave vote 50.7%) - Happy to risk a general election rather than see a no deal
Dominic Grieve, 62: (Beaconsfield, Leave vote 50.7%) - Happy to risk a general election rather than see a no deal
Still brooding over his ministerial career ending more than four years ago when he lost his job as Attorney General. 
Assumed he had been destined for greater things. A Francophile with a French mother and QC father who was a Tory MP. 
Educated at a French school, Westminster (annual fees up to £37,700) and Oxford. 
Happy to risk a general election rather than see a no deal. Spotted last year in Brussels leaving a meeting of campaigners for a second referendum.

NWN: What was this man's role when he allegedly interviewed for  a TV programme, the then leader of the BNP - Nick Griffin some years ago ?

Was it really to do "an interview", as that is what we were told ? Also, what ever happened to that TV interview as it was never actually shown ? 

More dodgy stuff relating to Griffin indeed !

Also, how many of this group listed in the Daily Mail are jewish ? 

Oliver Letwin is .Letwin is the son of William Letwin (14 December 1922 – 20 February 2013), emeritus professor at the London School of Economics, and the conservative academic Shirley Robin Letwin;[3][4] His parents were "Jewish-American intellectuals from Chicago whose parents had fled persecution from Kiev".[5] 
Until December 2009, he was a non-executive director of the merchant bank NM Rothschild Corporate Finance Ltd.[18]

Nick Boles is gay,[24] and in May 2011, he entered a civil partnership, as noted in his contribution to the parliamentary debate on the Middle East on 16 May 2011.[25] Boles claimed £679 in Parliamentary expenses for Hebrew lessons so that he could talk to his partner, Israeli Shay Meshulam.[26][27][28] Following public criticism he donated money equivalent to the amount spent on the lessons, to three local charities in his constituency.(Wiki).

 Jonathan Djanogly is also jewish. A millionaire, he is reputed to be one of the wealthiest members of the House of Commons.[2][3]Wiki

 John Bercow His father was a taxi driver, of a British Jewish family in Edgware, Middlesex.[8] His paternal grandparents were Jews who arrived in Britain from Romania a century ago.[9][10] Having settled in the UK, the family Anglicized its surname from Berkowitz to Bercow.[11]

Ken Clarke ; a globalist par excellence and leading BILDERBERGER group member for many years.


Anonymous said...

PROOF Elite Steal Hundreds Of Billions Using Fake Companies, Gordon Bowden.

Anonymous said...

Owen Jones got his arse handed to him/ 788-790 Finchley Road.

Anonymous said...

788-790 Finchley Road gargantuan fraud.

Anonymous said...

John Paterson explains the Finchley Rd Fraud.

Anonymous said...

Gordon Bowden ~ Expert Witness (ITNJ Seating)

Anonymous said...

THE WAKE UP PROJECT 2 13/05 2017 Gorden Bowden.

Gordon Bowden is my absolute hero!!! Our country is suffering way too much under these hi brow crimes time to spring clean em to jail in order to restore balance in this country. They hav STOLEN our NHS from us & we want it back. People are going HUNGRY & being made HOMELESS by the 100s everyday. There is no EXCUSE!!! Which politicians can we TRUST to expose this & can we TRUST them???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

John Paterson Gordon Bowden Brian Setchfield BBC Part of 3 of 6

Anonymous said...

John Paterson Exposing Zionist Controlled BBC Bias and EU Corruption 5 Nov 2017.

Anonymous said...

BBC was paid £25 million by the EU.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The Trial of Jeremy Bedford-Turner, May, 2018.

Anonymous said...

Nick Griffin should be in the European Parliment... (Joe Owens)
(Enquiring minds want to know what sort of relationship went on with Nick Gri££in and Joe Owens)

Anonymous said...

Nationalism in Britain - Road to Success - Martin Webster (Part 2)

Anonymous said...

Sacked UKIP academic told anti-PC views aren't protected by law.

Anonymous said...

Brexit, Where Next and the UKIP Media Blackout!

Anonymous said...

The Childless Leaders Destroying The West.

Anonymous said...

Israel An Ill Gotten Gain.

Anonymous said...

Canada investigates Jewish National Fund for funding Israel’s crimes.

Anonymous said...

Scotland’s interests will only be protected with independence – Sturgeon after May deal defeat,

Anonymous said...

Shocking video shows fireman Yellow Vest protestor shot in the back of the head by French police, leaving him with serious brain injuries, as protests against Macron continue,

Anonymous said...

Migrant celebrates Swedish citizenship by raping woman and tells her: ‘Now I can do what I want’

Anonymous said...

Finland Leader Attacks ‘Hate Speech’ Against Foreign Child Sex Abusers.

Anonymous said...

Solzhenitzyn - Have No Illusions about Communist Threat.

Have been reading Solzhenitsyn's history of Jews in Russia.
His message is simply that the Russian Revolution was not an
uprising by the proletariat as we have been led to believe, but
a barbaric takeover and rape of a Christian country by organized Jewry.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

'GREAT BETRAYAL has BEGUN!' Brexiteer issues SHOCK warning at Leave conference.

Anonymous said...

The beauty and the beast - Gilad Atzmon vs. Rachel Riley.

Anonymous said...

Asylum Claims Spike 22 Percent In France, Plunge In Populist Countries.

Anonymous said...

French Court Sentences Antisemite Alain Soral to One-Year Prison Term for Incitement.

Anonymous said...

Exclusive: Green Berets Targeted After Anonymous Email Exposed Lowered Standards.

Anonymous said...

Top 5 additives and drugs BANNED from the food supply in Europe and Russia, but approved by the FDA for Americans to eat.

Anonymous said...

Deceive and hide: jewish mob stalking culture.

Anonymous said...

Feature article: The Other Holocaust: Communism from Marx to the Post-Modern Age.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Pelosi’s net worth $196,299,990 in 2018.

Anonymous said...

The government instigates violence at peaceful protests to attack. It's called Agent Provocateur.

Anonymous said...

Lawsuit Claims SPLC Abetted Theft, Spread Lies to Destroy Lawyer for ‘Thought Crime’

Anonymous said...

A Very Worthy Cause: Support Glen Allen’s Lawsuit against the SPLC.

Anonymous said...

SPLC's Heidi Beirich: A Character Assassin Under the Banner of 'Peace, Respect, and Understanding'

Anonymous said...

To put it briefly: Ethnic Russians were much less loyal to the Soviet regime in their encounters with the German occupiers than historians have believed up to now.

Anonymous said...

Mainstream Holocaust Narrative 'Substantially, if not Entirely, False' - Editor of Top US Conservative Site (Ron Unz)

The author spends a few weeks perusing the literature, which he summarizes in this 18,000 word article, and concludes that the Holocaust story relentlessly hammered into the public consciousness by Jewish-owned Hollywood and media is a load of baloney. He suspects that when the lie comes crashing down, a political earthquake will ensue.

"I wouldn’t be surprised if our current Holocaust narrative eventually suffers that same fate (total collapse), perhaps with unfortunate consequences for those too closely associated with having maintained it."

"Once I realized to my dismay that I couldn’t believe a word of what our media and political leaders said about major events in the here and now, their credibility on controversial happenings so long ago and far away entirely disappeared."

Anonymous said...

Islamic militarism in the West.

Anonymous said...

Elevating Ladies' Lingerie.

Anonymous said...

European Court of Human Rights and Moslem Self delusion.

Anonymous said...

Maajid Nawaz Has BREAKDOWN Live On-Air Over "ANTISEMITISM"! - LBC.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Police--Every Move You Make.

Anonymous said...

"The Danger of the #MeToo Movement" - Heather Mac Donald.

Anonymous said...

Labour MPs VERY ANGRY as J.Rees-Mogg EXPOSES MAJOR Donor as FRAUD.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...