Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Tony 'Bomber' Lecomber behind de-stabilisation of East London BNP ?

NWN: This letter was received by us in 2002 and shows a cover letter plus a couple of photocopies of 'evidence' showing the similarity in the handwriting of Lecomber and a piece of 'hate' that sought to create poison into the East End of London BNP. The writing on the 'envelopes' is difficult now to ascertain especially with being a copy of a copy of a copy. Maybe someone has the originals still ? 

People from East London might have known the names here. Dave Hill's name was known of from that time around the country. As far as we know this document(s) has never been made public.

 In our opinion, Lecomber was definitely involved just like Griffin in destroying the BNP. Further,  we would hazard a very strong guess that Lecomber was 'turned' by the police into working for them due to Lecombers infamous bombing expedition on a left wing publisher in East London. Lecomber only got a 3 years jail sentence and he had previous jail sentences and convictions .

Ken Henderson from the North West,  and who knew Lecomber very well over a number of years said that after his release from jail for the bombing charge, "He was somehow different. "  

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