Monday, December 18, 2017

Lecomber & Griffin - how they got rid of John Tyndall from the BNP.

Just a snippet of how they hijacked the BNP. This is an e-mail from John Tyndall sent to Nick Griffin in 2002. This was when Griffin was purging the BNP of decent and honest nationalists who put the party before the whims of dictator and 'crook' Nick Griffin. This blog was very close to John Tyndall and is probably the oldest nationalist UK blog. This blog was closed down by Griffin in 1999/2000. Griffin used the excuse that because we had put up independent evidence about Cyril Smith MP's paedophiliac tendencies, it had to be closed down. So why really did Griffin want us closed down we ask ? Cyril Smiths sexual activities were quite well known by astute political observers even though the vast majority of the public were not aware. Even 'Private Eye' magazine had published some comments showing that they knew about Smiths activities. Griffins then main National BNP Press Officer, Mike Newlands, came in and trashed the website and closed it all down. Another wrecking spree by Griffin.

Regarding the e-mail above. Lecomber had distributed leaflets nationwide shortly before the 'red rentamob' turned up at Burnley to oppose the John Tyndall meeting . Tony Lecomber had produced a 'comic' leaflet showing that whenever John Tyndall spoke, a riot ensued . An exact mirror of what the extreme left used to distribute attributing violence to NF/BNP activities. It was also around this time, that John Tyndall and his wife got physically attacked and beaten up in East London by a mob of communists. This was widely believed around East London to have been a 'tip off ' to the reds by Tony Lecomber himself. John Tyndall was to have spoken at a BNP meeting there in East London.

We still haven't recovered at all from the Nick Griffins wrecking of nationalisms biggest hope in a generation . But of course, we should have seen it all coming shouldn't we ? Because Griffin had form for wrecking nationalist parties. He also did it to the National Front in the late 1980's. And the bum is still around !

Tony Lecomber, Nigel Farage and Dr Mark Deavin - What's this all about ?


BNP founder member said...

And Griffin is still around Nationalism and still earning his Sheckles, as to Lecomber what has happened to him has nobody dealt with him yet

GWR said...

Dr.Mark Deavin was also central to the 'getting rid of John Tyndall' from the BNP. This 'will o the wisp' came into BNP circles then disappeared when the 'hijacking' of the BNP was completed.

BNP founder member said...

And WHO or what organization financed and organized the plan behind Griffin's overall strategy that is the question?

Anonymous said...

Well a couple of 'clues' may be the re-appearance of Rabbi Mayer Schiller and the 'phonecalls' between Griffin and Babs Amiel.

Another two personages who appeared , the damage was done, then disappeared again. A bit like Griffin really.

Anonymous said...

Griffin, like Lecomber...........are still hanging around like a bad smell. No doubt waiting to see if nationalism started to rise again ? Then turn up and wreck it all again ?

Anonymous said...

No one ever gave a cogent reason why a photo exists, and which is on this site apparently, which shows Lecomber, Mark Deavin and Nigel Farage speaking together. This photo was taken about the time the campaign was in full flow to get rid of John Tyndall.

BNP founder member said...

send the link to this photo

NWN Admin said...

The photo is now in the story - update.

The search function on this blog is an excellent resource.

That pic is contained within a story about the pic.

Anonymous said...

The guy on the photo doesn't look much like Nigel Farage to me, why is it such a poor photo?

Anonymous said...

Gri££in was also very good at putting incompetents in as 'officials' too. What was the name of that arse that caused all the damage at Burnley ? A Treasurer of sorts. Gri££in hated Burnley due to Steve Smith not toeing the Gri££in line and sometimes speaking his mind.

GWR said...

Oh it's Farage alright 100%. See here;

"Dr Sked pointed to one notorious meeting Mr Farage had with far right activists as reason why he wanted to leave the party he founded. Mark Deavin, a former PhD student of Dr Sked’s and BNP activist, managed to infiltrate Ukip in the late 1990s and was photographed after a lunch meeting with Mr Farage alongside the twice-jailed BNP activist Tony ‘the bomber’ Lecomber. Dr Sked admitted bringing Deavin into Ukip but said he had “no idea” he was research director of the BNP.

Dr Sked said: “When I found out I expelled him from the party and denounced him on television. But Farage met up with him and the BNP took a photograph of them outside the place where they had lunch.”

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...