Saturday, January 28, 2017

Breaking news : Northern Ireland veterans protest outside Parliament this afternoon. 28th.January 2017.

Veterans community getting active against the 'witch-hunts' against Armed Forces veterans . Whilst IRA murderers are given 'pardons', and allowed to run the Northern Ireland Offices including the PSNI through IRA mouthpiece Barra McGrory.


Anonymous said...

The Ethnic Origin Of Communism, Bolshevism and the Russian Revolution (Documentary)

Anonymous said...

Top detective accuses 'politically correct' Scotland Yard of hounding him out of his job after he made pro-Brexit comments on Facebook

Mick Neville, 49, says he lost job after colleague complained about 'edgy' views
Three-month disciplinary cleared the Detective Chief Inspector of misconduct
Neville was former head of Metropolitan Police's central forensic images team
Father-of-four said Met would 'rather get rid of me than catch criminals'

Anonymous said...

Hungarian prime minister blasts the EU as 'weak' and says its citizens are ‘ENSLAVED’
THE Hungarian prime minister has blasted Martin Schulz and labelled Europeans ‘enslaved’ to the utopian dream of the EU.

Anonymous said...

Paul Craig Roberts: "Bannon Is 100% Right - The Media Is Now The Opposition"

Bannon is correct that the US media - indeed, the entire Western print and TV media - is nothing but a propaganda machine for the ruling elite. The presstitutes are devoid of integrity, moral conscience, and respect for truth.

Anonymous said...

White House defends Donald Trump's Holocaust statement that failed to mention Jews

Critics argued Donald Trump’s statement was ‘troubling’ and served to ‘generalise’ the Holocaust.

Anonymous said...

Asylum seeker hostels in YOUR town? MPs want ALL councils forced to offer temporary homes
EVERY council in England should be forced to take in a share of asylum seekers, because of the demand being placed on existing providers, a committee of MPs has said.

Anonymous said...

Dismantling Europe - Merkel Her Migrants And What's Incoming.

Anonymous said...

Israeli Operatives in the U.S.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...