Monday, January 02, 2017

Is it any wonder they had the massacre in Istanbul ?


Anonymous said...

HUGE! Food stamp fraud bust in Baltimore, check out the names, see a pattern?

Anonymous said...

The Great Global Warming Swindle -full movie

Anonymous said...

7 Things To Show That You Are Not Living In The “Land of the Free”

Anonymous said...

Asylum seekers scam German aid program for millions by applying with ‘up to 12’ fake IDs

Anonymous said...

Queue here for UK's £1bn foreign aid cashpoint: Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse... YOUR cash is doled out in envelopes and on ATM cards loaded with money

Up to £300million spent on scheme in Pakistan, despite claims of corruption
Around 235,000 families pocket cash every three months to boost incomes
They get 4,500 rupees (£34.50) as part of Benazir Income Support Programme
Whitehall officials plan to expand scheme to 441,000 households by 2020

Anonymous said...

Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration.

Anonymous said...

The Talmud & The Koran...Death To White/ Christians

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Syria’s War Was Only Ever the Beginning

Anonymous said...

Some 650 cars burned around France on New Year’s eve - Interior Ministry

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"The US controls the majority of international structure and can disconnect any country from the Internet in just one click. So, everything is possible now," the expert pointed out.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

What is Cultural Marxism?

Anonymous said...

Speech that got Breitbart assassinated by Obama.

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Nigel Farage is glad EU ambassador has been forced out of office

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Over 8,000 migrants ‘disappeared’ off Swiss radar in 2016 (All Men I Bet)

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British Lies Are a Secret No More

Anonymous said...

Moscow to host Palestinian reconciliation talks on January 15

The talks in Russia would be held simultaneously with an international peace conference in Paris scheduled for the same day


Anonymous said...

In 7th Year Of Austerity, Greek Hospitals Have Become "Danger Zones"

Anonymous said...

The Same Idiots Who Pushed the Iraq War Are Now Stirring Up Hysteria About Russia

Anonymous said...

Male college students to undergo ‘critical self-reflection’ of masculinity.

Anonymous said...

Here’s seven of the most absurd ‘academic’ studies of 2016.

Anonymous said...

French woman told they're longer no allowed to enter cafes, shops or to go out

Anonymous said...

Betty Friedan: How Jewish Dysfunction Became Universal

Anonymous said...

Obama Releases 220 Illegal Alien Kids PER DAY As Border Crisis Escalates.

Anonymous said...

COMMENTARY: Zionism; Humanity’s Mortal Enemy.

Anonymous said...

'Zionism is a racist fascist cult': Israeli Embassy's fury after anti-Semitic hate speaker gives talk at a top London university

Thomas Suarez described creation of Israel as a 'racist', 'fascist' endeavour
The author and professional violinist also linked 'cult' of Zionism to Nazis
Yiftah Curiel told MailOnline 'racist conspiracy theories' presented as fact
David Collier, who filmed the footage, called the comments 'sickening'
Mr Suarez was speaking at an event organised by SOAS Palestine Society

Anonymous said...

Hysterical Shill Alex Jones Weeps & Prays For Bibi: "Globalists Clearly Trying To Overthrow Israel" & Arrest Netanyahu. 'All You That Hate Jews' Get Ready for Islamic Rule in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Over 1,000 Black African Migrants Attempt to Storm Spain’s Ceuta Border Fence to Win Asylum in Europe.

Anonymous said...

Terrorism- How Israeli State Was Won - Text of speech by Tom Suarez, author of book, "State of Terror"

Anonymous said...

Feminist End Game On Display In Britain On New Year's Eve 2017 [Pictures]

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Alex Jones Finally Admitting Its The Zionists.

Anonymous said...

Systematic ‘fake news’ Planted By Britain’s Intelligence Services.

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How the US Deliberately Destroyed Iraq’s Water Supply, And Now Syria.

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Govt. accused of hiding figures after 1,000 cars torched.

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U.S./UK Paid "White Helmets" Help Blocking Water To 5 Million Thirsty Syrians

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Britain’s foreign aid budget is ‘exporting the dole’ to poor Pakistanis, says Tory MP

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Honest, truthful scientist fired by DOE for not defending Obama’s climate action plan

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Building Totalitarianism in Europe: Destroy Cyprus, The Last Coup of Victoria Nuland

Anonymous said...

Orkney Islands could demand to leave UK and Scotland.

Anonymous said...

‘Chess worse than gambling & eating pork’ – Turkish imam

Anonymous said...

Turkish imam suspended after ‘pieces of cucumber’ found in his rectum.

Anonymous said...

Five men from Rotherham.
Girl, 12, who was 'plied with cannabis and alcohol then raped by two brothers did not know who the father was when she gave birth'

Girl was allegedly abused by Basharat Dad, now 32, and brother Nassar, now 36
Court heard unnamed girl was 'so scared' that she let them 'do what they wanted'
She fell pregnant but was sleeping with several men and had no idea who the father was
Five men are on trial accused of abusing her and a 13-year-old girl in Rotherham
Tayab Dad, a brother of Basharat and Nassar, is charged with raping the girl, 13

Anonymous said...

Dozens of anonymous whistleblowers whose evidence helped expose the Trojan Horse plot in Birmingham schools have been told their identities will be revealed to the ringleaders

Shock decision to lift the anonymity of staff and governors who gave evidence
Around 50 individuals made anonymous statements and many live in area
Many hounded out of their jobs by hard-liners with aggressive' Islamic ethos

Anonymous said...

University is slammed as living in 'cloud cuckoo land' after advertising for a £63,000-a-year professor in STORYTELLING

University of South Wales in Cardiff advertised for teaching and research role
It is inviting applications from people with international standing and expertise
MP David Davies slammed uni, which 'is always bleating about having no money'
Said it was example of universities wasting public money on 'dead-end' courses.

Anonymous said...

Migrants push GP surgery lists up by a THIRD - as swathe of doctors leave NHS
MIGRATION and a shortage of doctors has caused GP practices to take on a third more patients than three years ago.

Anonymous said...

CONTINUE THE CLEAROUT Nigel Farage says Britain’s political revolution is ‘incomplete’ and calls for radical overhaul of the gloomy Foreign Office

The ex-Ukip leader said today that staff should be replaced with people who believe in a positive Brexit

Anonymous said...


THERE'S SOMETHING RACIST IN THE WOODSHED Woman window-shopping on Rightmove causes stir after spotting racist doll on display

The shocked house-hunter took to Twitter with the picture.

Anonymous said...

Greece Unleashes 'Soft' Cash Ban.

Anonymous said...

Why The Italian Government Can't Stop Refugee-Smuggling Boats? Because It Doesn't Want To.

Anonymous said...

Why wasn't foreign killer turned away at the UK border? Afghan who beheaded Dutch woman is allowed into Britain... where he assaulted a Gatwick staff member and two police officers with a HAMMER

Convicted murderer Jamshid Piruz was allowed to enter the UK unchallenged
In the Netherlands he murdered his female tenant by cutting off her head
As a permanent Dutch resident, he was allowed to travel freely across the EU
Admitted attack on PC Jessica Chick and PC Stewart Young, in January 7, 2016

Anonymous said...

Zionists Always Embraced Terror, Genocide and Expansion

Anonymous said...

Major terrorist attacks like 9/11 should be taught in schools to prevent children falling for conspiracy theories, a former Royal Navy boss has said.

Lord West of Spithead, the former First Sea Lord, said educators should add terrorist attacks like 9/11 and 7/7 to the curriculum so young people understand the facts behind what happened.

The Labour peer warned that at the moment, children can only learn about the September 11 attacks through websites, many of which purport “worrying” theories.

Anonymous said...

'British Nationalist Shuts Down Anti-White Multiculturalists'

Gay Douglas Murray mans up to the baying hordes (he's wrong on Assad, but it's a start).

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...