Friday, June 10, 2016

Moss Side By-election 1978
This was more intensely violent than Lewisham, Leicester and Turnpike lane all in 1977. Knives were used by the communists/zionists. NF Chairman John Tyndall was in a minivan going back after the meeting, and was violently driven off the road on the M6 near Stoke on Trent. That car contained  a number of black males who were all apprehended. But the Police let them all go ! They did NOT want to know.

The Parliamentary candidate was Mr. Herbert Andrew, a schoolmaster from Middleton, Manchester.

The meeting was held in the open, due to Manchester City Council breaking Election law and refusing Mr.Andrew a meeting hall as was his right under the 'Representation the Peoples Act'.

About 1,000 police were on duty nearby, and only moved into action when the communist filth lead by Manchester IRA activists got beaten back.Knives were taken from the 'red filth' but NF members were arrested by the Police. A worse example of criminal corruptness by anyone never mind  Greater Manchester Police, would be hard to find.

There is a famous pic of John Tyndall right at the front of the violence that day. Displaying uncommon bravery. Which the zionist/communist traitors from SEARCHLIGHT displayed on their front cover at the time.

Violence was also 'whipped up' by the communist activist film star Vanessa Redgrave who was also a candidate and was having  'affairs' with several black men around North Manchester at the time. Many cars containing white people were attacked by the West Indians that day in Moss Side.

This picture shows one of Rochdale National Fronts most keen activists from that time, shown on the left. 'Mick' was hated by the reds around the Manchester area. Especially when the Lillywhites football team were playing on Sunday mornings. This writer spoke with 'Mick' very recently, to inform him that this picture survives. Rochdale NF had a very large and organised branch in those days.

Shortly after this picture was taken, the violence was launched by the communist and IRA scum.

This pic has been borrrowed from ; John Kevin Wilshaw, another long time nationalist known to this writer.


Anonymous said...

New era of journalism: People against the gatekeepers

Anonymous said...

Meet the Journalist who conceal the Bilderberger’s Secrets

Anonymous said...

Greediest snouts in the EU trough: Not sure how to vote? Read about the stinking wealth and hypocrisy of those Brussels fat cats the Kinnocks and it may help you decide

This week Neil Kinnock told a rally that Brexit promises 'didn't add up'
His son Stephen and wife Glenys also campaigning for Remain
But 41 years ago Kinnock was leading figure in campaign for Britain to leave the European Economic Community
Family members have all benefited from the EU gravy train

Read more:

Anonymous said...

England’s Irish Slaves

Anonymous said...

Turkey visa move suggested by UK diplomat, papers show

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...