Sunday, June 19, 2016

Jo Cox murder update

The British National Party suspended our Out of the EU campaign yesterday, for 24 hours, as a token of respect and in remembrance of MP Jo Cox, who was horrifically and senselessly cut down in the prime of her life.

Suspending our campaign also showed solidarity with fellow British politicians and campaign groups.

Today, our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the murdered MP.

Now we must move on and even as we all empathise with everyone affected by the senseless murder of a young, bright and likeable mother we all feel powerless in the face of yet another atrocity.
The BNP campaigns for the re-introduction of the death penalty as an option for judges in extreme cases, and the vast majority of the British public agree.

Restoring the death penalty is long overdue. It stands as an effective deterrent, and provides a genuine sense of justice and closure for the victims' loved ones.

Under a BNP Government, if found guilty unanimously by a British jury, Jo Cox's murderer would then be taken to a place of summary execution and hung by the neck until dead, because that’s how justice should be done.

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BNP Donation and Enquiries Hotline: 0844 809 4581

NWN: Is this e-mail above a joke from the BNP ? While murdering anyone is just so wrong.   Even with traitors like the Cox's, all the touchy feely tripe contained with the above post from the current BNP is hard to stomach and difficult to understand. The Cox's were some of the many Labour party officials that turned a 'blind eye' to the muslim paedophile activities in places like nearby Rotherham. We wonder what John Tyndall would have written in SPEARHEAD magazine ? The BNP's post looks to be from the Labour party itself or Hope not Hate thugs which Cox's husband has named as wanting them to benefit from monies raised for his wife. Brendan Cox instead ought to donate some of the huge wage he benefitted from the Save the Children fund where he used to work for till recently . Charity work should be for free/gratis if they were sincere. Brendan Cox had to resign very quickly after innapropriate behaviour occured in late 2015.

Marxists like the Cox's have derided and ridiculed the 'white working classes' in the UK, and left them without any voice at all within the body politic .   They have changed the UK  beyond recognition and sought to criminalise or worse,  anyone that does not agree with their mad policies.

We must also mention that the guy who seems to have committed this awful act, seems to have severe mental issues and by all accounts asked for help for that condition only the day before.  And these politicians like M/s. Cox have watched as the so called 'Care in the community' nonsense unfolds on our streets across the country. Violent attacks are now commonplace. You can see these people with 'issues' behaving strangely almost in every busy public place in the UK. Especially at railway stations and bus stations . What a way to 'save' money ! But usually these violent attacks don't barely raise a mention in local newspapers, when an ordinary person is on the receiving end.

It is also noticeable that the 'Remain' campaign have and are exploiting this murder for all they are worth. Shameful.

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