Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Hero navy veteran now living in a car: Homeless after 24 years of service

A WAR hero awarded an MBE for years of service has been forced to live in his car.
Martin lives in his Vectra UNWANTED: Martin lives in his Vectra [BPNS]
Royal Navy veteran Martin Budgen says the authorities turned their back on him when he hit rock bottom.
The 59-year-old, who suffers from severe post-traumatic stress disorder, relies on baby wipes to keep himself clean and eats at the local food bank.
Martin said: “I’ve served my country and I don’t expect anything back but I just want a roof over my head.”
“I’ve served my country and I don’t expect anything back but I just want a roof over my head”
Martin Budgen
Martin, of Bridport, Dorset, served for 24 years but was forced to move into his Vauxhall Vectra after housing problems.
He was offered a studio flat but turned it down, claiming it was unsafe, dirty and “crawling with fleas”.
Martin added that he would just like to “feel safe and wanted” in the country he helped to protect.
A spokesman for West Dorset District Council said it was trying “to provide solutions for this complex situation”.

1 comment:

NWN ADMIN said...

Thanks to the person who sent in the post not for publication. We hadn't noticed to be honest. We do know the people who you mention personally, and to be honest, we would expect them to do what they seem to have done here. Thanks for the heads up !

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