Sunday, February 01, 2015

“Do you believe in witchcraft?  Do you believe that men can turn themselves into bats and fly?”
I confess to being a little nonplussed by such questions. But then I remembered that this is Britain in the 21st century, and the lunatic fringes of the Third World are now firmly anchored in the mainstream.
Honor killings, forced marriage, people trafficking, slavery, violent exorcism, clitoral mutilation, child grooming, and masked jihadists wishing to slit our throats—you name it, it’s part of our much-lauded, colorful cultural mix. Without a single vote being cast or our opinion being sought, the nation has been hijacked. Yes, on occasion, I pray for the power to transform myself into a bat and fly the hell away from here.
This is not glib observation or casual racist comment. It concerns the survival of this country. Today, there are more British Muslims fighting for the Islamic State overseas or imprisoned here for terror-related offenses than are signing up for Britain’s armed forces. Rather than a country with a core common value system—a prerequisite for national identity and existence—we have simply become a lump of rock inhabited by migrants with no love for, loyalty to, or pride, stake, or belief in our nation.
For decades, the liberal-left has peddled the view—without explanation or apology—that multiculturalism is good for our souls and society at large. No matter that Muslim imams preach hate against us, that men of Pakistani origin were cultivating white girls for sexual exploitation, that Romanians now camp in London’s Park Lane. All part of the general vibrancy.
“Instead we see our values corroded, our patience tested, our basic tolerance and sense of fair play taken advantage of and mocked.”
Forgive my different take. I have watched the Balkanization of Britain, the fragmentation of a country into ethnic and sectarian groupings, all competing and easily offended, and all proclaiming their grudges and sense of entitlement. For the liberal-left elite, the situation is a joy. Like those on welfare or employed by the state, disgruntled immigrants provide a natural voter base. Keep letting them come on their rafts or clinging to the underside of trucks.
It is why multiculturalism is a talisman and buzzword for the touchy-feelies. They think it’s wonderful, another “-ism” to be added to their laying-on of hands and lexicon of love. All comers are welcome, regardless of creed or color or level of antipathy toward their host.
Except the end result is that the nation dies. It does so before we even notice. It starts with our speaking pidgin English in order to be understood, follows with a dumbing-down of education and culture to the lowest common denominator, and finishes without a shared vocabulary and with no one mentioning British history or values because they have no relevance for the burgeoning and foreign minority.
A friend of mine was recently helping her African cleaner revise for her British citizenship test and asked her if she knew the identity of an elderly lady pictured in a national broadsheet. “That is your grandmother,” the African replied. Actually, it was the Queen.
No matter, my friend asked another question: the name of the current UK Prime Minister. “I know it, I know it … It is Margaret.” There is no hope.
You might think immigrants will learn, and contribute, and that their loyalty and passion for this country will grow. Perhaps you are naive: I have seen more British Muslims burning our Remembrance Day poppies in protest than actually bothering to wear them. I have been through parts of London that would make any woman think twice—and then flee—before walking the streets without her face and body shrouded. This is not our way, yet somehow it has become accepted. Je suis Charlie, maybe. It is said in increasingly hushed tones.
So back to minicab drivers, the bane of my life and a lead indicator of the state and attitudes of the nation. In a single month last year, I encountered one who believed a well-known department store was the name of a street near Buckingham Palace; another who thought my request to be deposited at a steak restaurant with the word “blue” in its title indicated that I required a blue-colored building; and a third who had never heard of Nelson, Wellington, or Queen Victoria.
To them, Britain is a plot of earth and place of work or welfare and little more. Visit the Accident & Emergency departments of any city hospital and you will find it replete with translators and akin to the Tower of Babel. None are ever asked to show their passports and none see any need to speak the English tongue.
A minor point, you might argue. Yet without a common language there will not be integration or shared culture. There will instead be mistrust, insularity, a ghetto-instinct and inward-looking ethnic groupings with neither love for nor loyalty to the nation. Muslim leaders were apparently outraged at being asked by the UK government to work harder in promoting a sense of Britishness in their community. They seem to believe they do not have a problem and that they are the victims of some racially-motivated witch hunt. Shucks, I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings: it is not white Anglicans spouting hatred from the pulpit, fighting jihad abroad, slitting the throats of soldiers on our streets, or planting bombs on our subways.

A week ago, a friend of mine was savagely mugged by two Somalis who took it upon themselves to smash him in the face with knuckle-dusters, break his nose, and rob him. Whether illegal immigrants or asylum seekers, they would have come to Britain in search of an easier life or richer pickings. They have found both. For we are the ones who pay taxes to house and clothe them, who must do battle to be understood, who must accept their presence without so much as a murmur or a protest. The political elite presented mass immigration as a fait accompli and diversity as a good thing. To question the orthodoxy was to be unenlightened and beyond the pale, to be irredeemably right-wing.
Look about you. That mass immigration has not enriched us, and diversity has not ensured we are an easier and more comfortable nation, is clear. Instead we see our values corroded, our patience tested, our basic tolerance and sense of fair play taken advantage of and mocked.
So, do I believe in witchcraft, or that men can turn themselves into bats and fly? Perhaps I should just go with the flow and accept that Britain is inexorably being dragged back to the dark ages. All in the name of multiculturalism; all for the benefit of our newest citizens, who see no need or reason to adopt our ways. We gain so much from our dynamic fragmented culture, we are constantly informed. The left would say that. Few mention what we have lost. But mark my words. Those who today smash in our faces with knuckle-dusters will tomorrow be firing at us with rocket-propelled grenades.


Anonymous said...

Iconic "Holocaust" imagery and mass mind control.

Anonymous said...

Joe Kennedy’s Answer to the ‘Jewish Question’: Ship Them to Africa.

Anonymous said...

Did Putin Violate Holocaust Religion? - Joaquin.

Anonymous said...

Speculation rife over financial industry's rising death rate.

Anonymous said...

Good News From Canada – Canadians sued the Bank of Canada and won over the creation of debt-free money.

Anonymous said...

French Pimping Trial Starts for Ex-IMF Chief Strauss-Kahn.

Anonymous said...

Neo-Nazi "not sorry in the slightest" for vile abuse sent to Luciana Berger

Anonymous said...

British Police Do NOT Want You Watching Live Terror Events! Why Might That Be?

In a move that should not shock anyone familiar with the alternative media, British Police are practically admitting that what goes on during a terror event is not all that meets the eye.

Anonymous said...

The Power of the Holocaust Lobby in Britain.

Anonymous said...

Multicultural Meltdown.

Anonymous said...

Jewish community's boycott call over village's Hitler sign.

Anonymous said...

Inside the Halal house of horrors: Sickening footage shows 'evil' abattoir staff 'taunting sheep before hacking them to pieces'
Slaughtermen caught on camera 'hacking and sawing' at animals' throats
Sheep filmed being kicked, with one worker standing on an animal's neck
Staff laughed as a sheep bled to death with spectacles painted on its face
'Horrifying abuse' captured by animal rights campaigners at halal abattoir
One worker has been sacked and another three have been suspended
The Food Standards Agency has launched an urgent investigation

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Public 'told not voting for him was sinful and un-Islamic': Tower Hamlets mayor accused of 'electoral fraud, intimidation and bribery' during last year's poll when he won second term
Lutfur Rahman allegedly used illegal tactics to win May mayoral election
Four voters were granted a rare seven-week electoral trial at High Court
They claim Mayor Rahman 'subverted democracy' during the campaign
Supporters accused of branding his main rival racist and anti-Islamic
Man in tears after being told not voting for Rahman would make him a 'bad Muslim', court hears
Public were told not voting for Rahman was an ‘un-Islamic and sinful act’
Rahman says claims are based on 'invention', 'exaggeration' and 'in some cases downright deliberately false allegations'

Read more:

Anonymous said...

BBC reporter let off for 'Jewish slur' during Charlie Hebdo rally

NEWS anchor Tim Willcox yesterday escaped censure from a TV watchdog over insensitive remarks during an anti-terror rally in Paris.

Anonymous said...

Police alerted to planned march against ‘Jewification’ of north London borough

‘Fascist supporter of white rights’ Joshua Bonehill has called for a mass protest in Stamford Hill, home to around 20,000 Jews.

Anonymous said...

Globalism Wins as Israel Plans “Free Trade” With Putin, Beijing.

Anonymous said...

Iran's House of Cartoon to hold a Holocaust cartoon competition in response to Charlie Hebdo.

Anonymous said...

The Irish Savant

In case you were wondering about ZOG....

Anonymous said...

‘Four in five UK universities shy of freedom of speech’

Anonymous said...

"Anti Semitism" Provoked by Jewish Hate of Goyim.

Anonymous said...

Kevin Alfred Strom: The Holocaust Tale is a Prototype.

During the time of the Roman Empire, the Jews wanted to foment hatred against the Romans.

They concocted “Holocaust” stories every bit as absurd and lurid as the ones they have concocted more recently about Germans and Iraqis. One such tale can be found in their holy book, the Talmud, in the Midrash Rabbah,

Anonymous said...

A group of men claiming to be from a far-right Polish nationalist group staged a demonstration at Norwich Station against the jailing of the leader of a far-right movement in Greece.

The seven men, some of whom partially hid their faces, waved flags and unfurled a banner for National Rebirth of Poland this lunchtime.

They also handed out leaflets demanding that the Greek authorities release the leader of Golden Dawn, a far-right party in Greece that many believe to be neo-Nazi.

Anonymous said...

EXCLUSIVE: Neo-Nazi nuts are training yobs to embark on race war

NEO-NAZI activists are training right-wing Brits for a race war in secret hate camps across the UK.

Anonymous said...

'Innocent people' on police photos database.

Anonymous said...

Rude, lazy and intolerant - the public's verdict on our police as complaints against forces hit a new high of 35,000
Most common complaint made was that police neglected their duties
Next were allegations of 'incivility, impoliteness and intolerance' to public
Led to calls for overhaul of the system of making and recording complaints

Read more:

Anonymous said...


Certainly this was not limited to frontline officers. There was also a clear perception
among senior officers that the ethnic dimension of CSE in Rotherham was taboo.
“They wanted to use any other word than Asian males. They were terrified about [the
effect on] community cohesion. I got this sense from overhearing conversations
between [senior Member] and [senior officer] ….they were terrified of the BNP.” A
former senior officer.

Anonymous said...

Politicians and lawyers pretend that they are important people doing important work. But often they're important because they are parasites. They feed off others, while creating no wealth of their own.

Anonymous said...

Fox News Blames Superbowl Loss on "9/11 Truthers"

Anonymous said...

The former director of public prosecutions in the United Kingdom Keir Starmer stated that according to an official crime survey of England and Wales, at least 85 percent of sexual offenses were not reported to the police.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

US Special Forces Already In 105 Nations This Year.

Anonymous said...

Politically, Why We Got What We Got.

Anonymous said...

Government in Rotherham Council takeover after abuse inquiry.

Anonymous said...

After being re educated Anelka free to play in England after completing FA quenelle punishment

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...