Monday, July 21, 2014

The traitor Nick Griffin steps down ?

Griffin has stepped down from being BNP leader. We will of course elaborate more when we get more detail. Maybe he is off to his Croatian bolthole having permanently destroyed the BNP, as he did with the NF in the late 1980's.


Kevin Gatley said...

What now Le Comber? Will he stay on the payroll?

Kevin Gatley said...

What now Le Comber? Will he stay on the payroll?

Kevin Gatley said...

What now Le Comber? Will he stay on the payroll?

Anonymous said...

Ham head is fooling no one!

Henry said...

According to the following report Adam Walker has replaced Griffin...

Nick Griffin has been forced out as leader of the BNP following a disastrous set of elections earlier this year.

"Griffin was ousted at a meeting of the BNP national executive on Saturday, after the party lost all of their MEPs and all but two of their councillors in this year's local elections.

He will be replaced as party chairman by disgraced former teacher Adam Walker.

Walker received a suspended sentence and a driving ban last year after chasing down three boys aged between ten and twelve in his car, before slashing their bike tyres with a knife.

His initial two-year ban from teaching was extended to a lifetime ban by former education secretary Michael Gove."



Nice to know it's now in good hands,

Anonymous said...

Nick Griffin 'steps aside as BNP leader'

Henry said...

Has corporal Dumbkopf (Pete Molloy) been appointed Walker's batman (deputy chairman) yet?

Meet the new boss same as the old boss...

Anonymous said...

Is Pete Molloy still an instructor in the Durham Army Cadet Force? How did he manage that with his BNP membership? Another "ex"-military!

Henry said...

For 15 years Griffin guaranteed that the System would face nil opposition as it transformed Britain from a confident white nation to that of multi-cultural hell-hole. With proper leadership the BNP could have waltzed into Parliament during Griffin's time as Chairman with the nation ripe for conversion to Nationalism. But Griffin succeeded only in bringing ridicule and scorn down on the party and its members. If led by a man of ability and integrity the BNP's successes would have dwarfed everything thus far achieved by UKIP.

As Farage prepares to attach UKIP to the back end of the pantomime horse called Westminster, Griffin's successor, Adam Walker, will set about the business of trashing anything that Griffin failed to destroy before taking on his latest roll as "President" of a party that may have ceased to exist in the real world; It now being little more than a website that draws in reactionaries while the clock runs down on Britain.

Bizarrely, Walker has imported a Jap wife and earned himself a lifetime ban from teaching, so he starts his chairmanship primed for failure from the get-go.

It was Lord Janner's friend, Michael Gove, who imposed the ban on Adam Walker.

Here's a pic of Lord Kidfiddler QC with Micheal Gove; the man who said the new Chairman of the BNP is such a danger to children that he must never work with them again. Joining them is Jewess, Louise Ellmann MP, whose son sold drugs from his own shops in the NW of England.

You couldn't make this shit up if you tried...

Anonymous said...

Israel’s ‘Right to Exist’!

Anonymous said...

But who controls the media?

Lauder blames media for fanning anti-Semitism

Anonymous said...

Why Jews and Ukrainians Have Become Unlikely Allies

The history of Jewish-Ukrainian relations hasn't been a happy one. But these days, the two sides are joining forces against Vladimir Putin.

Anonymous said...

“We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attacks on the twin towers and the pentagon and the American struggle in Iraq. These events swung American public opinion in our favor” ― Benjamin Netanyahu.

Anonymous said...

Some joke - the one-eyed cunt's got his hand stuck up Walkers arse, controlling him while the master poppeteer, MI5, has it's hand firmly stuck right up the one-eyed cunt's arse, controlling - a real fucking comedy one couldn't make up.

Fly On The Wall

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...