Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Political Correctness Makes Race and Genetics Taboo in the West, Which is Why China is Winning

As the New York Review of Books put it, in its coverage of Wade’s A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History, there is now a “statistical sense” in which races are real. Scientists can tell, based on genetic variance, which continent a DNA sample comes from. That might not sound revolutionary to you, but it’s only recently that we’ve had the computer processing power to do it.
Wade doesn’t shy away from the disquieting implications of his theories: our genes, he says, could explain why some countries are wealthy while others languish in penury. In fact, the more we discover about ourselves from genomics, the more it becomes apparent that science and ideology are on a collision course. 
Why? Because it’s totally unacceptable to say in public these days that different races might have different behavioural characteristics, and that those characteristics might be genetically determined… even though that’s the way the science seems to be pointing. 
To be fair, it’s easy to understand why researchers get cagey. The all-consuming cult of equality struggles with any suggestion that social behaviours might be genetically determined: that habits and predilections might have diverged along with skin colour. No scientist wants to be responsible for research that justifies crude observations about white sexual mores or black dietary preferences.
It’s one thing to say that tribal cultures have smaller trust circles; quite another to say that science can explain why black people smoke menthol cigarettes, or why Asians are good at maths. (Or, for that matter, why people with ginger hair are less sexually attractive.) 
For over a decade, it has been Chinese academics, unencumbered by political correctness, who have embarked upon the race-based research enabled by genomics. The Chinese particularly enjoy IQ-versus-race league tables, because they invariably come out on top. That sort of research makes Westerners squeamish, to put it mildly—which is why today, most research into the genomics of race is still carried out at the Beijing Genomics Institute. By and large, the subject is un-fundable in the West. 
Assuming we were to discover biological and behavioural differences attributable to race, does that mean we should start treating different races differently? Could we develop better addiction treatment programs for Native Americans, or more effective medication for Hispanic asthma sufferers?
Unsurprisingly, doctors have already been at this for decades. There are medicines prescribed every day in America targeted at specific racial groups, such as hypertension drug BiDil.
When BiDil was given the nod in 2005, the FDA’s Robert Temple stated plainly: “The information presented to the FDA clearly showed that blacks suffering from heart failure will now have an additional safe and effective option for treating their condition.”
But the pills remain controversial, because they undermine the idea of race as a purely social construct. One female doctor, appalled by the idea of race-based medicine, said in 2005 that she wished BiDil had never been approved, even though she knew it would save lives.
Responses like that are common even today. Nicholas Wade’s résumé is such that critics who find his ideas uncomfortable cannot simply dismiss him as a racist. Indeed, he told the Spectator podcast that only one review of A Troublesome Inheritance so far had done so. 
Nonetheless, entrenched hypersensitivities persist. Journalists are often silent—or, worse, resort to name-calling—when they encounter research they find uncomfortable. Ian Steadman, a science writer for the British New Statesman, admitted he had not read Wade’s book when he referred on Twitter to extracts from it as “pretending racism is science.” 
“[I’ve] read enough reviews to know what it’s pushing,” he told me later. 
Steadman declined to answer further questions, but he did say he has since read A Troublesome Inheritance and intends to review it at some point in the future.
Jason Pontin, publisher of MIT’s Technology Review, wrote yesterday: “I can’t imagine what compelled a science journalist of Nicholas Wade’s stature to take on the subject of race. We don’t know much right now, and while genomics will tell us much more, it can’t yet. For a journalist to go wading speculatively into the subject is asking for career-ending trouble.”
Pontin almost certainly didn’t mean for “career-ending trouble” to sound as sinister or threatening as it does. But his choice of words is instructive: even though the jury is still out on whether race can be said to have any meaningful biological basis, only the social construct side of the argument is considered acceptable in public. 
Meanwhile, prejudice may be costing lives: BiDil isn’t selling, even though it works, partly because reporters have made it such a hot potato. And as for attributing cultural habits to race, well. That’s the sort of thing that can get you permanently ostracised from the profession.
These examples serve to illustrate what a touchy subject genomics is, even for the scientists and science writers who in other circumstances—for example, in their crusades against religion—demand that evidence should be followed wherever it may lead. 
In other words, although it shouldn’t take courage to write a book that outlines what genetic discoveries might one day be able to tell us about ourselves, in today’s heavily politicised scientific atmosphere, it most certainly does. Which is reason enough, I think, to applaud Nicholas Wade.
Milo Yiannopoulos is the former Editor-in-Chief of the Kernel Magazine and author of the forthcoming book The Sociopaths of Silicon Valley.


Anonymous said...

‘Jew-Haters’: Wiesenthal Center accuses Russia Today of anti-Semitism in satire Rap News

‘Media views that deviate from the mainstream are more often than not condemned and it seems RT has not been able to escape this trend. A Jewish rights group has branded RT “anti-Semite” over a satirical sketch lampooning Israel’s policy on Palestine.


Anonymous said...

Shh, it got serious! RT accused of anti-Semitism for satire Rap News episode.


Anonymous said...

The Illustrated Protocols of Zion.


Henry said...

Another heap of BS from todays 'news'...

Cue violin...

Prince Charles compares Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler

The Prince of Wales reportedly tells woman who had lost relatives in the Holocaust that the Russian President is "doing just about the same as Hitler" in Ukraine [...] On Tuesday night Clarence House sources said the Prince of Wales had a private conversation with a woman who had lost relatives in the Holocaust.

"It was a private, empathetic, conversation with a lady who had lost family members in the Holocaust," the source said [...]Prince Charles was introduced to Marienne Ferguson, a museum volunteer who fled to Canada with her Jewish family when she was just 13.

Mrs Ferguson, 78, was born in what is now the Polish city of Gdansk. A free city under the terms of the Versailles Treaty after the end of the Great War, it was seized by the Nazis on the first day of fighting in 1939.

Mrs Ferguson and her parents, two sisters and grandmother had managed to obtain permits to sail to Canada. But other members of her family failed to escape and were captured by the German forces.

They were sent to Nazi camps where they met their deaths along with an estimated six hundred Jews from the city,

Mrs Ferguson told her story to Prince Charles as she showed him the museum’s exhibits...


So this Jewess is aged 78. Which means she was born in Poland in 1936. We are then told she ''fled to Canada with her Jewish family when she was just 13'' that would have been 1949. Yet the report claims "But other members of her family failed to escape and were captured by the German forces"

Doesn't the fuckwit who wrote this garbage know the war ended in 1945 not 1949?

They write this shit because they know they can get away with anything today.

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/prince-charles/10845309/Prince-Charles-compares-Vladimir-Putin-to-Adolf-Hitler.html

Anonymous said...

The analyst argued that despite the attempts made by the Western media, particularly the TV networks, to hide the realities, “…more and more people are learning the truth about 9/11, about the waterboarding, about the torture, about the fact that all the time that British and UK foreign policy is controlled by Zionism.”


Anonymous said...

Stop The Jews From Rebuilding The Temple.


Anonymous said...

Michelle Obama To High-School Grads: Monitor Your Parents For Thoughtcrime

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/05/19/michelle-obama-to-high-school-grads-monitor-your-parents-for-thoughtcrime/#ixzz32LTlxiuF

Anonymous said...

Italian MP Blames Secretive Bilderberg Group for Wrecking Italy’s Economy.


Anonymous said...

The Globalization of Special Forces.


Henry said...

It's official...Hitler was not anti-Semitic!

In 1953 David Ben-Gurion wrote the following:

“Soviet Russia is not anti-Semitic. Nor was Hitler anti-Semitic. Haj Amin al-Husseini, who is just as Semitic as any one of us, was Hitler’s friend and aide.”

So take it to the bank...

Source: http://www.haaretz.com/weekend/the-makings-of-history/when-ben-gurion-defended-stalin.premium-1.502322

Anonymous said...

Save Sheffield From Labour! Roma Immigration Crisis the Latest Labour Council Failure.


Anonymous said...

Someone will be killed on the streets of Page Hall if race tensions are not brought under control.


Anonymous said...

Will They Remove The Word Race From The Greek Legislation?


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Swiss court: Nazi salute 'not always punishable'


Anonymous said...

German party accused of neo-Nazi traits set for EU parliament.


Anonymous said...

More than 100 children including babies rescued as hundreds of migrants heading for Europe plucked from dangerous boat in middle of Mediterranean
Nearly 500 illegal immigrants have been rescued from Mediterranean
Desperate refugees were making crossing from Africa into Europe

133 of them were children, many of whom were unaccompanied
Majority of children to make crossing this year were without parents
Save the Children warn there are not enough resources to care for them

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2635488/Hundreds-migrants-heading-Europe-plucked-dangerous-boat-middle-Mediterranean.html#ixzz32Ow5gbOx

Anonymous said...

UKIP candidate Peter Lello arrested for 'sex assault' on homeless Bulgarian man


Anonymous said...

UKIP candidate Peter Lello arrested for 'sex assault' on homeless Bulgarian man


GWR said...

Swarms of asians now voting in Rochdale. Lots of women. It's probably their 'annual walk' getting out of their houses.

Anonymous said...

Zombie parliament:’ British MPs set for 223 days off work in 2014.


Anonymous said...

“Straight Out of the Protocols” Fmr Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser Exposes Zio Power!


Anonymous said...

US secretly selling nukes worldwide via Israel.


GWR said...

I voted for UKIP, local and EURO.

I did see the BNP name on the EURO ballot paper.

No way was I voting for the traitor Griffin!

Anonymous said...

Perils Of Being Charles Glucksberg (Prince Charles)


Anonymous said...

I never voted I have no intension of putting my X on a Zionist vote form. I am waiting to see the end result of the Gri££in family business, will the fat twat stand down or will he continue to rake ££££££££ in.

The Man in a Donkey Jacket.

GWR said...

We must rid ourselves of the parasite Griffin before real nationalism can rise again.

That is the reason why Griffin will be ordered to keep in place.

Anonymous said...

Top BBC editor brands Ukip racist and sexist on Twitter: News channel boss accused of bias hours before the election
Jasmine Lawrence, 43, was accused of 'bias' and 'prejudice' against Ukip
She took part in the ambush of the party's #WhyImVotingUkip on Twitter
Called then: 'White, middle class, middle aged men w sexist/racist views'
She has been taken off election coverage pending a BBC probe

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2635680/Top-BBC-editor-brands-Ukip-racist-sexist-Twitter-News-channel-boss-accused-bias-hours-election.html#ixzz32VEgraNm

Anonymous said...

The Green party, red on the inside, check out this shitbag. Well known by nationalists in the NW area;


Coats has been a communist for years.

His wife Glynis is also standing in Rochdale for the GREENS.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jean-Marie Le Pen suggests Ebola as solution to global population explosion

Virus 'could sort out demographic explosion' and by extension Europe's 'immigration problem', says founder of Front National


Anonymous said...

Counter demo this Sunday 25/5/14. Manchester Town Hall from 7.30pm. Pass on.

Anonymous said...

Pernicious Zionism Revealed


Anonymous said...

How has the BNP done in the local elections?

Does anyone know?

The BNP website only talks about one ward in Pendle, therefore it is reasonable to suspect its results elsewhere are disastrous.

GWR said...

Looks like another SON OF SAM killings over in the USA?


Henry said...

Anonymous said..."How has the BNP done in the local elections?"

The answer to that question depends on whether you bat for ZOG or for England...

If you're with ZOG, then ol' Cyclops played a blinder and smashed England every chance he got.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...