What are readers views on Richard Edmonds ?
While Richard was John Tyndalls 'right hand man', and possibly the one man who could galvanise the 'radical right' in the UK, he hasn't done that.
This writer has complained to Richard about the abuse and physical threats he has suffered over recent years from such as Kevin 'fatty' Bryan and some others in the National Front. This writer has known Richard Edmonds personally since the 1970's.
Mr.Edmonds also did not come to the aid of another nationalist veteran and friend of his, Peter Rushton, who has also come under attack by some in the National Front.
Richard was never a major mover in the nationalist movement. He was never an organiser. He was/is a follower.
Like 'fatty' Bryan, Mr Edmonds is only a very recent refugee from Nick Griffins BNP. They both said nothing when Griffin trashed the BNP over the years.
Those 'in the know' knew from around 2000, that Griffin was a wrong 'un. Both Bryan and Edmonds were still supporting Griffin till probably at least 2009.
This writer was contacted by Richard some years back when Griffin was trying to weaken John Tyndalls position in the BNP, by trying to expel Richard Edmonds . Griffin used poor fake pictures of Richard with Florrie Rost Van Tonningen and photocopied /edited pics of Richard Edmonds together with lads with swastikas on their arms.
Richard was not expelled at that time, but he asked this writer for help in that instance.
Mr.Edmonds has not reciprocated that call for help.
Mr.Edmonds was the last to pull out of the Griffin BNP. Both Fatty Bryan and Chris Jackson left slightly earlier. Both Bryan, and Jackson in particular, slagged off Edmonds openly at that time. But being as Jackson in particular slags absolutely everyone off behind their backs, so there's nothing new here. But now all are in cahoots in the National Front.
Is Richard Edmonds the man to lead the nationalist radical right ?
The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
Saturday, April 05, 2014
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Someone has just tried to post the link to this website on here, we have deleted it. WARNING 2008 list online WTF is going on at the BNP ? ...
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Why can't Edmonds wear proper trousers? And no he couldnt lead the nationalist movement he is hopeless.
You don't want to know what another nationalist veteran Martin Webster thinks of Edmonds.
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I think half you silly Goy are waiting for the Man in the Moon. Wake up and get off your lazy pancake's and do what ever you can for the cause. Start by stop slagging others off.
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He isn't leadership material but he is a good circuit speaker for any right leaning party meeting
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Black people are the fathers and mothers of civilization, white men are the devil, the Christian god is nothing more than a ghost and only a small percentage of people understand the world.
Mr Edmonds has stayed the course unlike some who come on here.
No attacks on the right perhaps?
Anonymous said...
Mr Edmonds has stayed the course unlike some who come on here.
6 April 2014 18:34
Ahh yes but which course ?
Nick Griffins ?
Its not that long ago Edmonds was supporting that prick.
Anonymous said...
Mr Edmonds has stayed the course unlike some who come on here.
6 April 2014 18:34
Can you read ?
In the article the post says that the NWN author has known RE since the 1970's.
If that is not staying the course, I don't know what is!
Richard Edmonds lost his moral compass when John Tyndall died.
He has been floundering around ever since.
Just check out photos of 1970s Lewisham NF activities which was Edmonds Branch.
Edmonds was always in the crowd, he was NOT running or speaking at activities.
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Yorkshire film archive
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Anonymous said...
I think half you silly Goy are waiting for the Man in the Moon. Wake up and get off your lazy pancake's and do what ever you can for the cause. Start by stop slagging others off.
5 April 2014 21:14
And now go onto the NF facebook pages and say the same to them ?
Thought not!
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And now go onto the NF facebook pages and say the same to them ?
Thought not! ........
Only arse holes use Face book.
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Edmonds get's respect for being in the movement all these years but other than that he is an imbecile with no honour whatsoever. He is arrogant and thinks he always knows best. He was told by many that Hepple & Robertson were as dodgy as fuck but didn't listen. one of his best pals is the obvious Jew Bob Gertner. Edmonds, like most people with high-intelligence, lacks common sense and although being intelligent in a narrow academic way, in other ways he is a complete idiot. As for him being a good speaker, that is only true to the already converted. To others he comes across as a crank. Also, if you see him speak, either sit at the back or wear a raincoat and hat as you will be covered in his saliva. Anyone supporting the Bryan faction is a retard.
Edmonds often uses the same speech over a quite large amount of time.If you see him regular you will notice that.
There are a few that have been in the movement even longer than Edmonds and that are still around.
ES Sounds very bitter so much so he has me convinced he is an utter wanker I am sure many will agree.
Lucinda Crimp.Mrs.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
ES Sounds very bitter so much so he has me convinced he is an utter wanker I am sure many will agree.
Lucinda Crimp.Mrs.
11 April 2014 01:31
If that writer ES is Eddy Stam(p)ton, this writer who has never met him, has only seen his posts on the web. He seems reasonably OK.
Why don't you address the issues he has written, rather than just an ad hominem attack ?
Chris Jackson called Richard Edmonds senile about 10 years ago.Mind you, Edmonds had just called Jackson a prat.
No wonder nationalism is screwed with many of the brain dead idiots who infest nationalism these days.
ES- Eddy Stampton
Ena Sharples more like.
bitching, bitching and more bitching has been Mr Stamptons contribution to the cause.
Hello my name is Harold Crimp my wife has supported this Blog for a number of years now and I agree with everything she has said about certain individuals.
Harold Crimp.
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