Saturday, April 19, 2014

Lenny Henry calls for public campaign to get more minorities on TV... and describes BBC licence fee boycott as a possible ‘move’

  • Culture minister hosting a roundtable with TV figures to discuss diversity
  • Henry wants black and ethnic minority people to have money ring-fenced to make specialist programmes
  • Henry threatens 'conflict' unless industry listens to those who want change
Lenny Henry wants the public to join his campaign to put more ethnic minorities on the screen.
The former comedian has been engaged in private discussions with Ed Vaizey, the Culture minister, and senior broadcasting figures, Lord Hall, the BBC Director General and Peter Fincham, the chief executive of ITV, to discuss what he sees as a problem.
Henry has been campaigning on the issue for six years and is hopeful change is imminent. He said: ‘There will be a call to arms. Nothing happens without conflict and this is our time to stop moaning to ourselves and to take the argument public.’
Campaigner: Lenny Henry wants to see more diversity on television
Campaigner: Lenny Henry wants to see more diversity on television

A meeting called by Mr Vaizey for 50 TV industry figures, including Henry, has been brought forward.
Henry wants the public to force politicians to make the change. He said: ‘All of those people in the audience who watch those shows and complain that there aren’t enough black and Asian [people], and gay and women and people with disabilities and transgender… they need to start lobbying, to start writing letters, they need to start emailing.
‘At some point soon there’s going to be a campaign and we want everybody to get behind it, write letters to parliament, write letters to government, write letters to your MP and say we think it’s time there was a change.’
Henry, 55, is now probably best known to television audiences for advertising a chain of budget hotels. He first came to the public's attention in 1975 when he was a teenage impressionist on the ITV talent show New Faces, hosted by Derek Hobson.
He delighted audiences with his impersonations of, among others, Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em's Frank Spencer and Liberal MP, author and TV dog food salesman Clement Freud.
Henry then worked on the LWT sitcom The Fosters and joined Chris Tarrant on Tiswas. In the 1980s, Henry was given his own show by the BBC. He later starred in the BBC sitcom Chef but his television career has waned in recent years and his most regular appearance is on hotel adverts.
The authoritative website has no television credits for him this year and only two for 2013, both on chat shows.
Lenny Henry
Once a TV regular, Lenry Henry first came to public prominence on the Derek Hobson-hosted talent show New Faces (right, seen impersonating Frank Spencer) in 1975. He is now best known to television viewers for advertising a chain of budget hotels

He claims that black and ethnic minority people should have money ring-fenced to make specialist programmes.
Simone Pennant, the founder of the TV Collective, an organisation developed to ‘support visible diverse talent in the UK creative media industry’, said that if Henry’s plan is not acted upon then minority groups should consider boycotting the BBC’s licence fee, if plans to decriminalise it come to fruition.
She said: ‘You cannot continue to invest in something you don’t get anything back from. If there’s not something on the table after those talks and Lenny Henry’s paper has not been acted on, the stance we would be taking is to launch a campaign to start boycotting the licence fee. The question is “Are we getting value for money?” – maybe it’s time we stopped paying the licence fee.’
‘The issue of ethnic diversity is a really hot one in broadcasting at the moment,’ said Tim Dams, the editor of Televisual magazine. ‘If the licence fee is decriminalised then the BBC is going to have to work harder to ensure that it does represent every single kind of person, faith and group in the UK to make sure they and their lifestyles are reflected.’
Henry, who made a speech on diversity in television at Bafta last month, said that while he is not advocating non-payment of the licence fee, added: ‘It’s a move isn’t it?’
He said: ‘There’s a degree of black and Asian eyeballs that are moving away from terrestrial television. Broadcasters should be worried about that.’
Tory MPs Nadine Dorries and Ed Vaizey, the Culture secretary: He told The Independent: 'More must be done to improve the numbers of people from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds working in film, TV and the arts'
Tory MPs Nadine Dorries and Ed Vaizey, the Culture secretary: He told The Independent: 'More must be done to improve the numbers of people from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds working in film, TV and the arts'

He also said he had been encouraged by his talks with Mr Vaizey and broadcasting bosses. ‘When I met Tony Hall at the BBC he said “Let’s talk at the end of April”,’ he said. ‘Tony Hall wants to be seen as leading from the front and the BBC needs to lead from the front because they’re the main game in town. If the BBC decides they are going to do something everybody’s going to follow.’
Last night, Mr Vaizey told The Independent: ‘More must be done to improve the numbers of people from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds working in film, TV and the arts. Industry leaders need to be more accountable for driving up the numbers employed in their sectors.
'I met leading figures from the industry in January to facilitate a discussion on what can be done to break down the barriers that still exist. I look forward to hosting a follow-up roundtable before the summer to see what progress has been made.’
When approached by MailOnline, the BBC said that since the matter concerns the whole industry and not just the corporation, it would not be commenting on Henry's remarks.

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GWR said...

They could put CRIMEWATCH on TV more often, that would satisfy un funny 'comedian' Henry surely?

Anonymous said...

Town's schools urged to fly Union Jack to boost patriotism in pupils with campaign launched by grandson of Bolton's first Indian immigrant
Schools in Bolton are being urged to fly the Union Jack and sing the national anthem
Campaign launched by Tory councillor whose grandfather was an Indian immigrant

Musdasir Dean says he wanted to seize the Union Flag back from the Far Right

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Friday, April 18, 2014

Victimization of "Jews" takes center stage on Good Friday

Puppet-masters arrange for victimization of "Jews" to take center stage on Good Friday.

Anonymous said...

Ukraine Jew registration hoax traced.

Anonymous said...

Fake Donetsk Letter Circulating.

Anonymous said...

Jews urged to flee Ukraine by Holocaust survivor

ALL Jewish people should leave Ukraine at once, a Holocaust survivor warned last night, after “grotesque” anti-Semitic leaflets were handed out in the country.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The term ‘shadow government’ is no figment of conspiracy lore. It is a very real entity that moves across borders and overlaps with visible government, the judiciary, law enforcement and banking.

Anonymous said...

The Jewish Occupation Of Germany.

Anonymous said...

“Straight Out of the Protocols”: Obama’s Jewish “Election Strategist” Hired to Run UK’s Labour Party

In a development which could be straight out of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, the Jewish strategist widely credited with running Barack Obama’s election strategies has been hired by the Jewish leader of Britain’s Labour Party in the run-up to the UK’s 2015 general election.

Anonymous said...

If Judaism is “Just a Religion,” Why Does an Atheist want to be the “First Jewish Prime Minister of Britain” ?

Ed Miliband The announcement by Ed Miliband, the leader of the UK’s Labour Party that he wishes to be the “first Jewish Prime Minister of Britain”—even though he is a self-declared atheist—has once again highlighted the reality that Judaism is not “just a religion” but has a deep-rooted ethnic, and even racial basis. Miliband’s announcement—made, of course

Anonymous said...

Judaism Isn’t about Religion, Leading American Jewish Supremacists Admi.t

Judaism isn’t about religion, but rather “culture, values and shared identity,” two leading American Jewish Supremacists have admitted, confirming what we here at have long maintained: that it is a genetic tribal group which uses religion as one of its binding factors and that their claims of being “just another religion” like any other are baseless.

Anonymous said...

Revolt over Ed Miliband’s £20k bill to take an ‘army of aides’ on trip to Middle East

Labour leader took 12-strong delegation to Israel and West Bank
Tour included eight party officials as well as Shadow Foreign Secretary Douglas Alexander and Labour peer Stewart Wood
The Milibands took business class flights and stayed at 5-star hotels

Read more:

Anonymous said...

PM hired bankrupt crony to run £60billion quango: Tycoon put in charge of vast Treasury budget by his Tory friends is sacked after MoS probe
Businessman Tony Caplin put in charge of Public Works Loans Board

Is Treasury body behind £60bn worth of loans for infrastructure projects
But Caplin was declared bankrupt in 2012 for not paying his taxes
Anyone in public body must inform responsible Minister of their bankrupcy
PM claimed he had no idea the man has been declared bankrupt

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Cash for questions' MP set to be kicked out of Parliament: Shamed Tory's expulsion would be first of its kind in 60 years

Watchdog calling for Patrick Mercer's expulsion over 'grave' new claims
Claims thought to relate to misuse of Houses of Parliament symbol

Newark MP referred himself to the Commons standards comittee last year
Shadow Minister was caught up in cash-for-questions probe

Accused of agreeing to set up group at request of undercover reporters

Read more:

tonydj said...

Damn you GWR! You beat me to it!
Seriously, surely if there is a need for "specialist" programmes for 'minorities' then these minorities are not catered for by the mainstream. In short they ARE different from the majority and are not integrated.

As a disabled person I would love to know what Lenny Henry can do for me! I know what I would LIKE him to do but this is a family web site so I wont say. Note how he tries to group as many people under his banner as possible, including me! How dare he usurp my right to self expression! He must be a fascist!!!

Henry said...

"He also said he had been encouraged by his talks with Mr Vaizey and broadcasting bosses".

I'm sure he's been "encouraged" by his talks with Ed Vaizey.

Any of the innocents out there who looked at Vaizey's Wiki page (but ignoring his photo) could be forgiven for thinking he was a noble white man (member of the Church of England from an Anglo-Irish father, as described) but a more severe examination of his mother reveals him to be a racial Jew according to Jewish law.

In fact, according to the March 17th, 1944 edition of the Brooklyn Eagle his maternal grandfather was Vice-President of the Albert Einstein B'nai B'rith Lodge of New York City.

See here: "Melker elected head of Einstein Lodge" -

His Jewish grandfather, Lyman Stansky, was a big-shot lawyer who specialized in claims against Germans and Italians regarding art and antiques "stolen" from Jews before and during WW2.

These grandfatherly connections helped Ed Vaizey's Jewish mother to forge a career for herself as a powerful "art critic" and "art historian"

See here:

Of course Mr "Church of England" Vaizey has been "encouraging" black Lenny Henry's anti-White project.

It's what Jews do....even those Jews who claim they belong to the Church of England.

Anonymous said...

26 Billion Bucks: The Jewish Charity Industry Uncovered

Part I — Donors Give More to Israel Than to Education

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Controlled Opposition – From Goldstein to Soros and Beyond

Jewish power is the unique capacity to stop us from discussing or even contemplating Jewish power. It is the capacity to determine the boundaries of the political discourse and criticism in particular.

Anonymous said...

Deflating the Churchill Myth.

Anonymous said...

Johnny Racist.

Anonymous said...

The Enduring, Dangerous Legacy of Winston Churchill.

Anonymous said...

TODAY marks Easter Sunday, the greatest Christian festival.

Today April 20, 2014 also marks the birth 125 years ago of Adolf Hitler, the extraordinary European whose soldiers held at bay the cruel hordes of the Judaeo-Bolshevik* colossus, and thwarted the Soviet dream of overrunning all Western Europe, while Roosevelt and Churchill blindly did all they could to claw at the rear, to stab their back, and to help Stalin to victory over Christianity.

– * Vladimir Putin in a speech on June 13, 2013 during a visit to Moscow’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow: “I thought about something just now: The . . . the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80–85 percent Jewish. . .”

Anonymous said...

White Minority Status a Political Time Bomb.

Anonymous said...

Is Putin False Opposition?

Anonymous said...

Is Putin False Opposition?

Anonymous said...

If you want a good laugh go and watch the Harry Potter films in the order they were made.In the first film a single nigger is continually placed in EVERY crowd shot,prominently placed!He was completely alone.

As the series continues the number of ethnic types explodes until we have them providing the main character with his every screen kiss and love interest.It is NOT an accident that the main threat to our "hero" is a pure blond blue eyed English boy.Malfoy, from a family that openly despises "half breed" witches,those who have married Muggles.

This series of films is actively aimed at our children and is intended to encourage them to hate anyone blond,love all those who are NOT and make them believe that interbreeding is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

The Agony of Repeat: Al Sharpton Literally Repeats Obama Verbatim what a pair of "TWAT'S"

Anonymous said...

Old World Order vs. New World Order: The Geopolitics of Chaos and Stochastic Change.

Anonymous said...

Mounting Israeli espionage scares US.
There are fears in the United States that admitting Israel into the country’s Visa Waiver Program would facilitate espionage activities by the Zionist regime in Washington.

Anonymous said...

Secret Space War XVI: The Draco’s Secret War Against American Goyim

Alien-alpha-draconian 3 World Zionists have labeled Khazarian Imposters as the real “Descendents of Abraham” in order to form a tyrannical Racial Delusion and Criminal Conspiracy against those they wrongly believe are “American Goyim”.

Anonymous said...


Caught on camera: Moment brazen cashpoint thieves swarm around middle-aged tourist near Notre Dame cathedral in Paris and take his money
An aggressive gang of Roma sneak thieves surround a tourist
Within seconds they casually try to help themselves to his money
Police last week called for the 'systematic eviction' of Roma

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Does History Follow Rothschild Messiah Script?

Anonymous said...

The Christian-Zionists Problem - Khazar DNA.

Anonymous said...



Deconstructing the Fairy Tale of Saint Albert The Genius.

Anonymous said...


What The "Average American" Will Look Like In 2050.!Fsfge

Anonymous said...

40 Mind Blowing Quotes From Barack Hussein Obama On Islam And Christianity.

Anonymous said...

It is time to stop hiding the truth about why we went to war in Iraq

Anonymous said...

Jewmerica’s Fiasco In Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

Henry is as funny as a broken leg.

0ff topic: with Putin, Crimea and Ukraine in mind, jooboy Joe Biden has been waxing lyrical about one nation not stealing the land of another nation - if Sitting Bull, Geronimo and Crazy Horse were alive today they'd have something to say about landgrabbing, with that fucking twat brainess Biden.

Fly On the Wall

Anonymous said...

Ukip candidates add to Nigel Farage's woes with a barrage of racism

Party promises to act on social media comments, including call that Lenny Henry should leave Britain.

Anonymous said...

Hollywood producer claims Boston bombing was a "false flag attack"

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...