Sunday, April 13, 2014

Feds get beat by 'people power' at Bundy ranch yesterday(Saturday) Nevada, USA.

 In an epic standoff that Infowars reporter David Knight described as being like "something out of a movie," supporters of Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy advanced on a position held by BLM agents despite threats that they would be shot at, eventually forcing BLM feds to release 100 cattle that had been stolen from Bundy as part of a land grab dispute that threatened to escalate into a Waco-style confrontation.


Anonymous said...

How The ‘Gay’ Jihad Normalized A Filthy Practice.

Anonymous said...

No A-level for 'climate change denier’

Brainwashing about global warming percolates throughout the education system.

Anonymous said...

Miliband: 'I want to be Britain's first Jewish PM'

ED MILIBAND has spoken of his desire to be Britain's "first Jewish Prime Minister" on a trip to Israel.

Anonymous said...

The British capital has hosted a secret meeting attended by 25 countries to counter international calls to boycott Israeli regime’s products.

Anonymous said...

Syria opposition calls for Israel ties to oust Assad.

Anonymous said...

Obama’s press secretary decorates home with Soviet propaganda.

Anonymous said...

The United States should disarm Israel because Tel Aviv’s nuclear weapons are the “greatest danger” to the world, according to an American journalist.

Anonymous said...

War Criminal No regrets Tony Blair said he would be prepared to do the job again!!

Anonymous said...

Asian gypsy aims to earn £40,000 on benefits during just ONE YEAR in Britain

A ROMANIAN gypsy has revealed his plan to earn £40,000 on benefits during just ONE YEAR in Britain.

Anonymous said...

French Jewish group urges Hitler furniture auction ban.;_ylt=AwrSyCRx6EpTYwsAExLQtDMD

Anonymous said...

Israel "STEAL'S" appropriates land in West Bank: newspaper.

Anonymous said...

BBC in the service of Israeli propaganda.

Anonymous said...

CIA, MI6 and Turkey's rogue game in Syria: New claims say Ankara worked with the US and Britain to smuggle Gaddafi's guns to rebel groups.

Anonymous said...

Tories ‘black book of sleaze’ and how they destroyed all evidence of MPs’ wrongdoing

Anonymous said...

Sources: Obama administration urged Israel to attack Syrian Army

Anonymous said...

America's Coup Machine: Destroying Democracy Since 1953

U.S. efforts to overthrow foreign governments leave the world less peaceful, less just and less hopeful.

Anonymous said...

Thousands of US-NATO Backed Mercenaries Join Rebels in Northern Syria.

Anonymous said...

David Irving goes to war over the Fuhrer's missing hair

Read more:

Anonymous said...

ED MILIBAND has spoken of his desire to be Britain's "first Jewish Prime Minister" on a trip to Israel.

Disraeli,Churchill and Camoron are and where Jewish PM'S

Anonymous said...

"I Was a Paid Internet Shill"

I Was a Paid Internet Shill: How Shadowy Groups Manipulate Internet Opinion and Debate

Anonymous said...

The man who knew nothing: As Cyril Smith furore grows, MPs and child campaigners scorn Clegg for claiming that he was too young to know about his abuse
Nick Clegg says he was too young to know about Smith's vile acts
Allegations published in magazines in 1979 and aired publicly in 1987
'Many of the actions took place before the party I lead even existed' - Clegg

But Smith's actions known in Westminster and his constituency, critics say
Vince Cable said there could have been a cover-up on a 'very large scale'

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Some German media fully in hands of US secret services - German MP

Anonymous said...

WW2 revisionism jeopardizing Zionist hegemony.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...