Saturday, August 03, 2013

The nationalist right in Spain - copying GOLDEN DAWN ?

 We in the UK are being left well behind the other nationalist parties in Europe because we are 'led' by state agents and traitors such as Nick Griffin. 

We lack leadership here in the UK. We here at NWN have been involved with British nationalism since 1976 and we cannot see any possible leader emerging of late. No one has come even close to the late John Tyndall for whom we need today desperately in the UK.

There is not one emerging leader nor one 'party' that could "take up the torch handed down" to quote Oswald Mosley.

NWN: We need to copy the GOLDEN DAWN tactics of helping our own people in this age of austerity. 

Bollocks to "it's all the muslims fault" that the populist/zionist low intelligence nationalists subscribe to.


NWN Admin said...

Even the NF has a death wish. Apparently they want to vote in the numbscull Kevin Bryan as their leader.

Mr.Bryan probably hasn't even got a GCSE in English(or indeed any other subject) as his command of the English language is quite shocking.

The last time the NF's leader was so inept was in the time of John MaCauley.

Sad days for nationalism indeed.

NWN Admin said...

That griffinite gobshite WHITE WAY HOME'/Peter Williamson off STORMFRONT is still pushing his everyone togther message when he is one of the very worst to slag other nationalists off.

Williamson was a VNN mod until he got a visit from Nick Griffin.

What was Wiliamson promised ?

Up until then, VNN was an anti Griffin website.

Williamson is still linked with Kevin Bryan (idiots sticking together).

Williamson was also linked with the violently pro Griffin CUNTs group.

Anonymous said...

And as far as Joe from Bradford ???

Hahahaha !

Only in a movement laid so low, would shitbags like this hold any sway at all.

Anonymous said...

Bogus ID gang let 250 Bangladeshi immigrants exploit UK benefits 'gold mine'
Group charged more than £10,000 for bogus paperwork saying they had worked in the UK for five years
One gang member who worked in a bank illegally opened accounts for 'clients'

Seven men were sentenced to between one and four years in jail

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Teacher who tried to claim £1.2million for racial discrimination is jailed for hiding her criminal record when applying for a job at a school
Teacher found guilty of deception and perverting the course of justice
Mother-of-four sentenced to two years behind bars for a tissue of lies
She failed to declare a conviction for fraud when applying for teaching jobs
Later sacked for gross misconduct, Samantha Burmis sued her school
Her daughter later posed as her to throw the authorities off the scent

Read more:

Anonymous said...

How a Roma invasion sparked the rise of France's racist Right as gangs running riot and an explosion of crime prompted revenge attacks by extremists
Tourists are frequently targeted by Roma gangs who rob them in public
Thousands have immigrated to France in search of a better life
Begging is illegal in the country but police are powerless to stop it
Backlash against crimes has seen far-Right thugs targeting Roma groups

Read more:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Akinwale Arobieke paid teenager £20 after touching his muscles, court hears
Liverpool bodybuilder claims he'd been set up by 'vindictive people'

joefrombradford said...

Would I be this Joe from Bradford you speak of, old yellow?

I will be up in the North of England in a couple of months time old chap and staying in Greater Manchester. I've a feeling that we may bump into each other. It would be the ideal opportunity for you to tell me what a shitbag I am in person.

That is of course, if you was talking about me and not someone else called Joe who is also from Bradford.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Golden Dawn are planning on moving into Britain sometime next year. Its up to Nationalists to choose a new hope on the horizon or stick with Griffin.

Anonymous said...

Respect to you at NWN - echo your sentiments regards 'fellow' nationalists, to all intents and purpose if anyone is SERIOUS about taking our nation back then they would have sweet fa involvement with the many-and-varied groups as most are a social gathering for the pisshead, grasses, nonces, sex-cases, fraudsters, backstabbing and general detritus of society!

We know what needs doing & how to do it and the end game we seek and we DEFINATELY don't need to place our trust in any leafletter or political canvasser!

We have the mandate that is one thing the BNP showed!

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha......Joe from Bradford? the VNN British forum is full of Reds....Stamptons recent chimpout proved that (although most amusing..he's definately invited to the next bbq in Romford!)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Foxman to Newsmax: Internet a 'Super Highway' for Racial Hate

Read Latest Breaking News from
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

Anonymous said...

Taki: A fascist takeover of Greece? We should be so lucky.

Anglo-Australian Alliance said...

I'd be interested to know of NWN's position regarding Western Spring and the White Independent Nation movements.

You are quite right regarding the politically illiterate "it's all the Muslim's fault" point of view, but is NWN still holding on to the pipe dream that is the party system/democracy/electioneering?

Thanks in advance.

NWN Admin said...

And we got some abuse from the NW National Front.

But we won't be posting that !

GWR said...

@ Joe from Bradford.

Oh really ?

Well being as I have never attacked you before, as you have never done anything for nationalism apart from slag people off on forums. You sir can get stuffed.

There are several examples of your bile attacking myself on that scumsite VNN.

NWN Admin said...

Anglo-Australian Alliance said...

I'd be interested to know of NWN's position regarding Western Spring and the White Independent Nation movements.

You are quite right regarding the politically illiterate "it's all the Muslim's fault" point of view, but is NWN still holding on to the pipe dream that is the party system/democracy/electioneering?

Thanks in advance.

4 August 2013 19:25
Elections are important.

If only so that the corrupt establishment would find it much harder to ban nationalist activity.

In our opinion, the establishment knew that nationalism could win power via the ballot box. Check out STEVE SMITHs booklet HOW IT WAS DONE.

It still can be done.

But the state knackered us up by placing Griffin into the BNP leadership position.

This writer knows how it was done as I was there at Advisory Council meetings during the period Griffin hijacked the BNP in 1999.

We are aware that because the Griffinites have 'knackered up' nationalism, elections are not at present bearing fruit.

We are also aware that a spirit of activism needs to be re-imbued to capture and harness young people.

The average age of BNP members has 'skyrocketed' under Griffin. Under Griffins leadership there are almost no new leaders/activists coming through.

We at NWN know that the coming austerity policies will/are creating tremendous hardship for millions of white Britons.

We need to provide an outlet for their sufferings.

We don't really know enough about Western Spring yet to offer an opinion. We thought initially they were a US based organisation.

We also have no problems with any patriotic organisations who are sincere. Our number 1 hope is that they are aware that it is not the symptoms of the malaise that should be the priority for focus of policy.

It is the cause and the whom that caused our current malaise that needs to be the focus of future policy.

NWN Admin said...

Kevin Bryan sent even more abuse using his 'friend' Ray Martindales name.

Anonymous said...

Rise of America’s Praetorian Guard.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...