Thursday, April 05, 2012

How come our controlled mass media haven't reported this story from Ireland ?

Ten thousand people took part in todays anti austerity march in Dublin, Ireland.

They represent over 3 million people that are taking part in a boycott of government imposed taxes on homes.

More than 1 million homes have not registered for this tax, and that more 60 percent of the total number of homes, which in reality means more than 3 million people are taking part in the boycott, as the official government figures per household is 3 people per home on average.

Todays march to the National convention centre where FineGael were having their 2012 Ard Fheis (annual conference).

The marchers are protesting against the Irish governments austerity policies. 10,000 people took part. There are more videos to follow. These videos are unedited and what you see is what you get. I hope to edit them all into one short video of the highlights.

Two thirds of the population of Ireland are boycotting household taxes. 'Household tax' is the same as we call 'council tax'.


Anonymous said...

It is the usual reds & malcontented republicans such as Eirigi trying to make political capital on top of real social & economic concerns.

Hundreds of thousands marched against the Thatcherite poll tax, closing mines, etc., even if such events were organised by red front groups.

Needless to say the red republicans organising such events are more than happy to hasten a black Ireland.

Don't be fooled!!!

Democratic Nationalist said...

Ireland is a country in which abortion is banned and even Sinn Féin is against abortion.

This brings back memories from twenty years back in Great Britain.

Radical Nationalists need to act on the failing economy of this country and not leave it to the Marxists.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...