Friday, April 13, 2012

Breaking news..............BNP boasts on BBC Newsnight of 'only foreign candidate for London mayor'

John Tyndall will be spinning in his grave.

If there are still idiots about, who think the BNP is still a party for the white indigenous after the Griffin takeover/hijack, they must be on drugs or mentally insane.

This blog has been signalling the danger of Griffin since 2001. At first it was tough going. It's much easier nowadays . And there are many around who let Griffin get away with all that he did, and now still consider themselves nationalists. They should hang their heads in shame.

Those who still work for Griffin should take heed.

For they will now go down in history as traitors to Britain and the British people !


Anonymous said...

Brother Ain’t Shooting No Blanks’: Farrakhan Tells Blacks — Breeding With Whites Is the ‘End of Your Race’

Anonymous said...

British teenagers have lower IQ scores than a generation ago, new study reveals

Read more:

Anonymous said...

I was on News night getting our point across on behalf of the British National Party! Lets be honest there isnt enough British people left in the capital for us to win the Mayors job, but we can win seats and soften our media created image. Thank you Cllr Richard Perry

NWN Admin said...

Anonymous said...

I was on News night getting our point across on behalf of the British National Party! Lets be honest there isnt enough British people left in the capital for us to win the Mayors job, but we can win seats and soften our media created image. Thank you Cllr Richard Perry

17 April 2012 15:05


What errant nonsense !

Putting foreigners up for the BNP is an oxymoron.

If there are not enough British people to win then fight where we can win, not trash our former strongholds like around the 'M62 corridor' in places like Oldham,Burnley,Halifax and Dewsbury.

Soften our image ?

You haven't been in the struggle long my friend have you ?

Our enemies control the media, and no matter what we do, they will NEVER do us any favours.

17 April 2012 21:10

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...