Financial Times slightly unfair to Gri££in
The Guardian’s definition of “far right”, and mine, differ considerably, which is the reason why I have not rushed to its web site to read a two-page article published a few of days ago about “the threat of the far right in Europe” () which, I am told, made no mention of the BNP or the state of race relations in Britain.
The Financial Times simultaneously published a similar one-page survey, but this included a brief post-script item (pasted below) about the failure of the BNP to mobilise the full potential of anti-immigration sentiment persisting amongst the British electorate.
The impression I have gained in recent years is that the only “far right” parties in Europe who have been able (allowed) to flutter near to the flame of power are those that have been able to convince the Establishment, the media and Jewry that they are most definitely not anti-Jewish, not “racist”, not against all coloured immigration (but only against the immigration of Muslims!) and not against the multi-racial society (just so long as it doesn’t include Muslims!) The Jobbik Party in Hungary may be the only notable exception to this.
This “far right” anti-Muslim/anti-Islam rhetoric is designed, of course, to make these “kosher fascists” more appealing to Jewry and, hence, the mass media. Whether that line of ingratiation really impresses Jewry’s learned elders — as distinct from their lesser brethren — is a matter I will touch on in due course.
The first of these post-WW2 “kosher fascists” was Gianfranco Fini, who started out his political career in Italy as an arm-in-the-air, Mussolini-admiring, Giovinezza-singing, MSI Blackshirt in the late 1970s, but within a decade or so was grovelling at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem begging forgiveness. Since then his career zoomed upwards.
Until recently Fini occupied the post of Speaker of parliament in Bercusconi’s (“right wing”) government, but now that Bercusconi’s administration is on the skids (due to old roué’s extra curricular activities) Fini has resigned and is now positioning himself to become Prime Minister after the next general election.
It is no doubt a mere happenstance that the period of Fini’s conversion and rise to high office and the period when Italy became the No. 1 target for endless boatloads of illegal immigrants from Africa coincided.
The Dutch “far right” politician Geert Wilders is currently building a political career by means of a strenuous anti-Muslim/anti-Islam agitation which he promotes in tandem with a strident pro-Jewish/pro-Israel campaign. The one is part-and-parcel of the other.
On Sunday 14th December 2008, just as Israel was preparing to drop white phosphorous bombs on the crammed civilian areas in the Gaza concentration camp, Wilders was at the Begin Memorial Hall, Jerusalem, sharing the platform with some of the most rabid Arab-hating Jewish racists in the Zionist fold, including Arieh Eldad, a “far right” member of Israel’s parliament. You can find Eldad’s post-conference press statement here: (). If it has been taken down and you would like a copy, let me know.
Wilders knew well that the Begin Memorial Hall was built in honour of Menachem Begin who in the late 1940s was the leader of the Irgun Zvai Leumi terrorist gang. Among many other atrocities, Begin instigated and personally participated in the massacre of Palestinian villagers at Dir Yassein, the bombing of the King David Hotel and the kidnapping and slow-hanging with piano wire British Army Sergeants Mervyn Paice and Clifford Martin. In the foreword to his autobiography The Revolt he insists: “Yes....I would do at all again”. The Israeli public were so grateful to Begin that they elected him prime minister in 1977.
Wilders is clearly hell-bent on out-grovelling Fini. But are his ‘brown nose’ snufflings doing him any good with the people who really count?
At the recent general election in Holland his party obtained, so it was reported, sufficient votes to influence which of the major parties formed the government. He has been given the additional advantage of being prosecuted under Holland’s version of the UK’s “Incitement to Racial Hatred” laws. I may not have been paying close attention, but I haven’t heard the final outcome of those two situations. Perhaps a reader can update me.
But is Wilders getting the backing of Zionist-Jewry’s Establishment — or just the support of chancers, mavericks and opportunists like himself?
Prof. Kevin MacDonald (Professor of Psychology at California State University, Long Beach) whose commentaries on Jewish supremacist strategies appear on The Occidental Observer web site, wrote a commentary on Wilders (and, by implication, other Populist grovellers) which you can read here:.
MacDonald’s final two paragraphs read:
The reality is that this is what the entire Jewish political spectrum wants, from the far left to the neoconservative right. Again we see that despite the well-oiled myth ( http://theoccidentalobserver.net/tooblog/?p=3547 ) that Jews are beset by fundamental disagreements about policy, Jewish power is pushing in one direction throughout the West: Multiculturalism and the end of racially and culturally homogeneous White societies.
And it should be obvious that White advocates who attempt to recruit Jewish support in opposition to multiculturalism are engaging in a futile undertaking. The fact that the organized Jewish community favors Muslim immigration throughout the West even when so many Muslims are hostile to Israel and to Jews (to the point that Jews have been forced to vacate Muslim areas in many places, including Sweden) shows how committed they are to their campaign against the people and the culture of the West.
This explanation is probably broadly correct, but I venture to suggest that there may be exceptions, if temporary, to this global Jewish drive to destroy white-gentile ethnic homogeneity: most notably here in Britain.
The size of the Muslim population in many British towns and cities — especially in the north of England and the east of London — both in terms of overall numbers and as a proportion of the population, puts anything to be seen in Sweden in the shade.
From the point of view of Jewry in the UK, the issue is not the number of indigenous white gentiles resorting to ‘White Flight’ from the home towns of their youth, but the increasing number of parliamentary constituencies which are electing Muslims to Parliament; constituencies which will never welcome Jewish candidates of any political party — even those which, two or three decades ago, were represented by frequently re-elected Jewish (usually Labour Party) MPs.
On top of this demographically charged political change there is the rise of Muslim business empires in Britain. These are increasingly able to bestow financial patronage to the major Establishment political parties, and do so.
These developments indicate that a power base is evolving which could have the potential to challenge the Jewish money-and-media dominance over the British body politic and this is making UK Jewry jittery, no matter what may be world Jewry’s overall strategy of encouraging white European nations to dissolve themselves into a multi-racial stew.
Hence, in the Jewish-owned sections of the UK media, there is a flood of anti-Muslim, anti-Islam stories. This barrage is so relentless that for the average Briton the words “Muslim” and “Islam” have become hardwired to the word “terrorist”. In the long run this campaign and the associated activities of the Jewish-backed English Defence League might be intensified to the point that Muslims return to their homelands — no bad thing, providing other varieties of immigrant followed in their footsteps!
At the moment, however, the campaign seems designed simply to put all but the most fanatical Islamists among the Muslim population on the back foot and, in particular, to scare Muslim religious, political and business leaders away from any thought of challenging the current status quo for fear of being depicted by media character assassins as “extremists” and “promoters of terrorism” — allegations which terminate careers, destroy businesses and ruin lives.
No similar such mainstream media campaign has ever been mounted in the UK against Afro-Caribbeans, who perpetrate more homicides and maimings per year in our country than have ever been inflicted by Islamic terrorists. Were any such campaign to be launched the “hatemongers” responsible would soon find themselves facing “Incitement to Racial Hatred” charges. The difference is that the Afro-Caribbeans do not represent a threat to Jewry’s scruff-of-the-neck grip on Britain’s Establishment.
Prof. MacDonald’s description of Jewry’s global strategy of promoting alien immigration to white European lands could well be a large part of the explanation why British National Party chairman Nick Gri££in failed so signally with his decade-long charm offensive with Jewry.
The other parts of the explanation must surely also include:
•Gri££in’s long earlier career as an anti-semite — including in the mid-1990s his claimed authorship of a factual magazine exposing Jewish media ownership and influence (in fact written by Dr. Mark Deavin) — before he adopted what the more perceptive among the Jews recognised was a cynical, careerist-opportunist volte face. Why should the Jews take a chance with Gri££in? There are plenty genuinely philo-semitic gentiles on the “far right” to pick from, as the media-backed progress of the so-called English Defence League (with its Jewish Division, its rabbinical advisers and its pro-Israel demonstrations outside the Israeli Embassy) makes all too clear.
•Gri££in’s long career as a swindler (concerning which I have ample evidence) during which he has manifested signs of mental instability. Yes, there are plenty of Jewish crooks and nutters, but why should Jewry, whose leaders like to present themselves as respectable, reputable and stable members of society, want to associate themselves with a man who looks headed for a sequence of train crashes in the civil and criminal courts and who may be only a few steps ahead of burly men with flapping white coats?
Thus the terms in which the Financial Times discusses Gri££in’s “failure” are inaccurate and unfair.
The long and the short of it is that it was the Jews who let Gri££in down! .... If only they had grasped the hand of friendship that he extended for so long .... if only they had rewarded his conversion to philo-semitism .... If only they had got the media a bit more on his side .... then by now they would have had a firm and obedient ally not only in the European Parliament but in the House of Commons and all his/the BNP’s financial problems would now be a forgotten nightmare!
Now read what the Financial Times had to say — and then see why I want the the Equalities and Human Right Commission to lose its case against the BNP, judgment in which is pending:
Financial Times - Tuesday 16th November 2010
The far right’s strategic failures leave anti-migrant feeling untapped
Before the 2009 European parliamentary elections, the head of the far-right British National Party
acknowledged that the UK public would never accept “jackboots marching down Whitehall”,
writes James Boxell.
In a pub garden in Birkenhead, a blighted post-industrial suburb in England’s north-west, Nick Griffin told the Financial Times that his party had a “once in a lifetime” chance to escape its white supremacist roots and emerge as an alternative for millions scorned by the London elite.
Less than 18 months later – following this year’s disastrous national election campaign, a savage internal power struggle and a court battle with the country’s equality watchdog that threatens to bankrupt the party – his dream is over.
The failure is largely of Mr Griffin’s making. The Cambridge-educated son of a Tory councillor believed he had the intellect and electoral savvy to transform the BNP’s image. But his performances – notably on the BBC current affairs programme Question Time last year – bolstered the impression of an extremist unable to give up links with the Ku Klux Klan.
Strategic errors, such as concentrating much of the party’s firepower on the all but unwinnable seat of Barking in England’s south-east and taking on the equality watchdog rather than allowing non-whites to join the party, compounded the crisis.
Some observers ascribe the BNP’s failure to a UK strain of anti-extremism harking back to the second world war fight against fascism. But James Bethell of Nothing British, a group campaigning against the BNP, says a large section of society still feels its fears on immigration and Islam are being ignored. “These are people left behind by globalisation,” he says. “They don’t understand the country any more. All the things they love and champion have been vilified.”
The BNP won about 1m votes in last year’s European vote. If you add this to 2.5m votes for the europhobic UK Independence party, it means British populists won more than a fifth of the European election votes.
Even allowing for the fact that voters often use such elections to protest, that is still a big group. Should Ukip decide to branch out from its heartlands in the Conservative shires to pursue an explicit anti-immigration agenda, that rump of discontent may yet be exploited.
A political party has the right to regulate its membership
recruitment to accordance with its lawful political objectives.
However low my opinion is of Gri££in, I want the Equalities and Human Rights Commission to lose its current litigation against the BNP so that a matter of principle may be upheld, i.e.:
That in a democracy, the government and its agencies have no right to dictate the terms of the constitutions of a political parties, and thereby to dictate their policies. The sole judge on those kinds of matters should be the electorate.
I fear the EHRC may win because the BNP has not fought the case on this matter of principle. It surrendered that principle at an early stage, as Gri££in admitted in a bulletin to members deploring the EHRC’s continuation with the case, in which he said: “We’ve given them everything they demanded....”
Gri££in has only fought the case on a sequence of technical issues and not on the issue that in a democracy a political party has the right to regulate its membership recruitment to accordance with its lawful political objectives.
I hope that their Lordships in the High Court will not hold against the BNP the unprincipled tactics which Gri££in has, thus far, deployed to advanced its defence and will see that a great issue of freedom is involved here, not merely for the BNP but for the British public at large and will give a ruling that neither the state nor any other official or private body may prescribe what may or may not be adopted by free associations, such as political parties, in their constitutions and statements of policy.
In connection swith this case, Dr. Andrew Emerson, a BNP member and frequent BNP candidate issued a statement on his blog () last week which included the following claim:
“....Back in 2004, he [BNP chairman Nick Gri££in] sought to open up the party to ethnic aliens, before it was necessary to do so. On seeing the strength of the opposition to this move from within the party, led by genuine nationalists like John Tyndall, Richard Edmonds, and Chris Jackson, he hastily rowed back from this, and in order to try to cover his tracks, fabricated a fictitious letter (which he has naturally never seen fit to publish) from the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE), as it was known at the time, in which the CRE supposedly demanded that the party change its constitution in order to enable the admission of ethnic aliens. If I am wrong in this surmise, I challenge Mr Griffin to publish the alleged 2004 letter from the CRE.”
If true — and I have no reason to doubt Dr. Emerson’s veracity, unless I can be provided one — then the claim that Gri££in “fabricated a fictitious letter from the CRE” (the EHRC’s predecessor) demanding that the BNP change its constitution so as to eliminate its “racist” membership recruitment rules has huge implications.
If the letter was “fabricated” by Gri££in then it could well be that it provoked the EHRC into action. Who likes to have letters attributed to them which they never wrote? The forgery — if it was a forgery — put ideas into the EHRC’s head. What better way could there be to inflict revenge and hoist Gri££in with his own petard than by issuing a genuine letter making demands very similar to those contained in his forgery and then issuing court proceedings to enforce them?
If what Dr. Emerson claims is true, and if the case goes in favour of the EHRC — which I hope it does not — then Gri££in is the author of his own and the BNP’s misfortune!
Martin Webster.
P.S. Just as I’ve finished this, a reader has sent me a posting from Gri££in on the BNP web site stating that his lawyers have applied for a further two days of pleadings and applications in court and that, as a result, a judgment cannot be expected until December.
The Guardian’s definition of “far right”, and mine, differ considerably, which is the reason why I have not rushed to its web site to read a two-page article published a few of days ago about “the threat of the far right in Europe” (
The Financial Times simultaneously published a similar one-page survey, but this included a brief post-script item (pasted below) about the failure of the BNP to mobilise the full potential of anti-immigration sentiment persisting amongst the British electorate.
The impression I have gained in recent years is that the only “far right” parties in Europe who have been able (allowed) to flutter near to the flame of power are those that have been able to convince the Establishment, the media and Jewry that they are most definitely not anti-Jewish, not “racist”, not against all coloured immigration (but only against the immigration of Muslims!) and not against the multi-racial society (just so long as it doesn’t include Muslims!) The Jobbik Party in Hungary may be the only notable exception to this.
This “far right” anti-Muslim/anti-Islam rhetoric is designed, of course, to make these “kosher fascists” more appealing to Jewry and, hence, the mass media. Whether that line of ingratiation really impresses Jewry’s learned elders — as distinct from their lesser brethren — is a matter I will touch on in due course.
The first of these post-WW2 “kosher fascists” was Gianfranco Fini, who started out his political career in Italy as an arm-in-the-air, Mussolini-admiring, Giovinezza-singing, MSI Blackshirt in the late 1970s, but within a decade or so was grovelling at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem begging forgiveness. Since then his career zoomed upwards.
Until recently Fini occupied the post of Speaker of parliament in Bercusconi’s (“right wing”) government, but now that Bercusconi’s administration is on the skids (due to old roué’s extra curricular activities) Fini has resigned and is now positioning himself to become Prime Minister after the next general election.
It is no doubt a mere happenstance that the period of Fini’s conversion and rise to high office and the period when Italy became the No. 1 target for endless boatloads of illegal immigrants from Africa coincided.
The Dutch “far right” politician Geert Wilders is currently building a political career by means of a strenuous anti-Muslim/anti-Islam agitation which he promotes in tandem with a strident pro-Jewish/pro-Israel campaign. The one is part-and-parcel of the other.
On Sunday 14th December 2008, just as Israel was preparing to drop white phosphorous bombs on the crammed civilian areas in the Gaza concentration camp, Wilders was at the Begin Memorial Hall, Jerusalem, sharing the platform with some of the most rabid Arab-hating Jewish racists in the Zionist fold, including Arieh Eldad, a “far right” member of Israel’s parliament. You can find Eldad’s post-conference press statement here: (
Wilders knew well that the Begin Memorial Hall was built in honour of Menachem Begin who in the late 1940s was the leader of the Irgun Zvai Leumi terrorist gang. Among many other atrocities, Begin instigated and personally participated in the massacre of Palestinian villagers at Dir Yassein, the bombing of the King David Hotel and the kidnapping and slow-hanging with piano wire British Army Sergeants Mervyn Paice and Clifford Martin. In the foreword to his autobiography The Revolt he insists: “Yes....I would do at all again”. The Israeli public were so grateful to Begin that they elected him prime minister in 1977.
Wilders is clearly hell-bent on out-grovelling Fini. But are his ‘brown nose’ snufflings doing him any good with the people who really count?
At the recent general election in Holland his party obtained, so it was reported, sufficient votes to influence which of the major parties formed the government. He has been given the additional advantage of being prosecuted under Holland’s version of the UK’s “Incitement to Racial Hatred” laws. I may not have been paying close attention, but I haven’t heard the final outcome of those two situations. Perhaps a reader can update me.
But is Wilders getting the backing of Zionist-Jewry’s Establishment — or just the support of chancers, mavericks and opportunists like himself?
Prof. Kevin MacDonald (Professor of Psychology at California State University, Long Beach) whose commentaries on Jewish supremacist strategies appear on The Occidental Observer web site, wrote a commentary on Wilders (and, by implication, other Populist grovellers) which you can read here:
MacDonald’s final two paragraphs read:
The reality is that this is what the entire Jewish political spectrum wants, from the far left to the neoconservative right. Again we see that despite the well-oiled myth ( http://theoccidentalobserver.net/tooblog/?p=3547 ) that Jews are beset by fundamental disagreements about policy, Jewish power is pushing in one direction throughout the West: Multiculturalism and the end of racially and culturally homogeneous White societies.
And it should be obvious that White advocates who attempt to recruit Jewish support in opposition to multiculturalism are engaging in a futile undertaking. The fact that the organized Jewish community favors Muslim immigration throughout the West even when so many Muslims are hostile to Israel and to Jews (to the point that Jews have been forced to vacate Muslim areas in many places, including Sweden) shows how committed they are to their campaign against the people and the culture of the West.
This explanation is probably broadly correct, but I venture to suggest that there may be exceptions, if temporary, to this global Jewish drive to destroy white-gentile ethnic homogeneity: most notably here in Britain.
The size of the Muslim population in many British towns and cities — especially in the north of England and the east of London — both in terms of overall numbers and as a proportion of the population, puts anything to be seen in Sweden in the shade.
From the point of view of Jewry in the UK, the issue is not the number of indigenous white gentiles resorting to ‘White Flight’ from the home towns of their youth, but the increasing number of parliamentary constituencies which are electing Muslims to Parliament; constituencies which will never welcome Jewish candidates of any political party — even those which, two or three decades ago, were represented by frequently re-elected Jewish (usually Labour Party) MPs.
On top of this demographically charged political change there is the rise of Muslim business empires in Britain. These are increasingly able to bestow financial patronage to the major Establishment political parties, and do so.
These developments indicate that a power base is evolving which could have the potential to challenge the Jewish money-and-media dominance over the British body politic and this is making UK Jewry jittery, no matter what may be world Jewry’s overall strategy of encouraging white European nations to dissolve themselves into a multi-racial stew.
Hence, in the Jewish-owned sections of the UK media, there is a flood of anti-Muslim, anti-Islam stories. This barrage is so relentless that for the average Briton the words “Muslim” and “Islam” have become hardwired to the word “terrorist”. In the long run this campaign and the associated activities of the Jewish-backed English Defence League might be intensified to the point that Muslims return to their homelands — no bad thing, providing other varieties of immigrant followed in their footsteps!
At the moment, however, the campaign seems designed simply to put all but the most fanatical Islamists among the Muslim population on the back foot and, in particular, to scare Muslim religious, political and business leaders away from any thought of challenging the current status quo for fear of being depicted by media character assassins as “extremists” and “promoters of terrorism” — allegations which terminate careers, destroy businesses and ruin lives.
No similar such mainstream media campaign has ever been mounted in the UK against Afro-Caribbeans, who perpetrate more homicides and maimings per year in our country than have ever been inflicted by Islamic terrorists. Were any such campaign to be launched the “hatemongers” responsible would soon find themselves facing “Incitement to Racial Hatred” charges. The difference is that the Afro-Caribbeans do not represent a threat to Jewry’s scruff-of-the-neck grip on Britain’s Establishment.
Prof. MacDonald’s description of Jewry’s global strategy of promoting alien immigration to white European lands could well be a large part of the explanation why British National Party chairman Nick Gri££in failed so signally with his decade-long charm offensive with Jewry.
The other parts of the explanation must surely also include:
•Gri££in’s long earlier career as an anti-semite — including in the mid-1990s his claimed authorship of a factual magazine exposing Jewish media ownership and influence (in fact written by Dr. Mark Deavin) — before he adopted what the more perceptive among the Jews recognised was a cynical, careerist-opportunist volte face. Why should the Jews take a chance with Gri££in? There are plenty genuinely philo-semitic gentiles on the “far right” to pick from, as the media-backed progress of the so-called English Defence League (with its Jewish Division, its rabbinical advisers and its pro-Israel demonstrations outside the Israeli Embassy) makes all too clear.
•Gri££in’s long career as a swindler (concerning which I have ample evidence) during which he has manifested signs of mental instability. Yes, there are plenty of Jewish crooks and nutters, but why should Jewry, whose leaders like to present themselves as respectable, reputable and stable members of society, want to associate themselves with a man who looks headed for a sequence of train crashes in the civil and criminal courts and who may be only a few steps ahead of burly men with flapping white coats?
Thus the terms in which the Financial Times discusses Gri££in’s “failure” are inaccurate and unfair.
The long and the short of it is that it was the Jews who let Gri££in down! .... If only they had grasped the hand of friendship that he extended for so long .... if only they had rewarded his conversion to philo-semitism .... If only they had got the media a bit more on his side .... then by now they would have had a firm and obedient ally not only in the European Parliament but in the House of Commons and all his/the BNP’s financial problems would now be a forgotten nightmare!
Now read what the Financial Times had to say — and then see why I want the the Equalities and Human Right Commission to lose its case against the BNP, judgment in which is pending:
Financial Times - Tuesday 16th November 2010
The far right’s strategic failures leave anti-migrant feeling untapped
Before the 2009 European parliamentary elections, the head of the far-right British National Party
acknowledged that the UK public would never accept “jackboots marching down Whitehall”,
writes James Boxell.
In a pub garden in Birkenhead, a blighted post-industrial suburb in England’s north-west, Nick Griffin told the Financial Times that his party had a “once in a lifetime” chance to escape its white supremacist roots and emerge as an alternative for millions scorned by the London elite.
Less than 18 months later – following this year’s disastrous national election campaign, a savage internal power struggle and a court battle with the country’s equality watchdog that threatens to bankrupt the party – his dream is over.
The failure is largely of Mr Griffin’s making. The Cambridge-educated son of a Tory councillor believed he had the intellect and electoral savvy to transform the BNP’s image. But his performances – notably on the BBC current affairs programme Question Time last year – bolstered the impression of an extremist unable to give up links with the Ku Klux Klan.
Strategic errors, such as concentrating much of the party’s firepower on the all but unwinnable seat of Barking in England’s south-east and taking on the equality watchdog rather than allowing non-whites to join the party, compounded the crisis.
Some observers ascribe the BNP’s failure to a UK strain of anti-extremism harking back to the second world war fight against fascism. But James Bethell of Nothing British, a group campaigning against the BNP, says a large section of society still feels its fears on immigration and Islam are being ignored. “These are people left behind by globalisation,” he says. “They don’t understand the country any more. All the things they love and champion have been vilified.”
The BNP won about 1m votes in last year’s European vote. If you add this to 2.5m votes for the europhobic UK Independence party, it means British populists won more than a fifth of the European election votes.
Even allowing for the fact that voters often use such elections to protest, that is still a big group. Should Ukip decide to branch out from its heartlands in the Conservative shires to pursue an explicit anti-immigration agenda, that rump of discontent may yet be exploited.
A political party has the right to regulate its membership
recruitment to accordance with its lawful political objectives.
However low my opinion is of Gri££in, I want the Equalities and Human Rights Commission to lose its current litigation against the BNP so that a matter of principle may be upheld, i.e.:
That in a democracy, the government and its agencies have no right to dictate the terms of the constitutions of a political parties, and thereby to dictate their policies. The sole judge on those kinds of matters should be the electorate.
I fear the EHRC may win because the BNP has not fought the case on this matter of principle. It surrendered that principle at an early stage, as Gri££in admitted in a bulletin to members deploring the EHRC’s continuation with the case, in which he said: “We’ve given them everything they demanded....”
Gri££in has only fought the case on a sequence of technical issues and not on the issue that in a democracy a political party has the right to regulate its membership recruitment to accordance with its lawful political objectives.
I hope that their Lordships in the High Court will not hold against the BNP the unprincipled tactics which Gri££in has, thus far, deployed to advanced its defence and will see that a great issue of freedom is involved here, not merely for the BNP but for the British public at large and will give a ruling that neither the state nor any other official or private body may prescribe what may or may not be adopted by free associations, such as political parties, in their constitutions and statements of policy.
In connection swith this case, Dr. Andrew Emerson, a BNP member and frequent BNP candidate issued a statement on his blog (
“....Back in 2004, he [BNP chairman Nick Gri££in] sought to open up the party to ethnic aliens, before it was necessary to do so. On seeing the strength of the opposition to this move from within the party, led by genuine nationalists like John Tyndall, Richard Edmonds, and Chris Jackson, he hastily rowed back from this, and in order to try to cover his tracks, fabricated a fictitious letter (which he has naturally never seen fit to publish) from the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE), as it was known at the time, in which the CRE supposedly demanded that the party change its constitution in order to enable the admission of ethnic aliens. If I am wrong in this surmise, I challenge Mr Griffin to publish the alleged 2004 letter from the CRE.”
If true — and I have no reason to doubt Dr. Emerson’s veracity, unless I can be provided one — then the claim that Gri££in “fabricated a fictitious letter from the CRE” (the EHRC’s predecessor) demanding that the BNP change its constitution so as to eliminate its “racist” membership recruitment rules has huge implications.
If the letter was “fabricated” by Gri££in then it could well be that it provoked the EHRC into action. Who likes to have letters attributed to them which they never wrote? The forgery — if it was a forgery — put ideas into the EHRC’s head. What better way could there be to inflict revenge and hoist Gri££in with his own petard than by issuing a genuine letter making demands very similar to those contained in his forgery and then issuing court proceedings to enforce them?
If what Dr. Emerson claims is true, and if the case goes in favour of the EHRC — which I hope it does not — then Gri££in is the author of his own and the BNP’s misfortune!
Martin Webster.
P.S. Just as I’ve finished this, a reader has sent me a posting from Gri££in on the BNP web site stating that his lawyers have applied for a further two days of pleadings and applications in court and that, as a result, a judgment cannot be expected until December.
Doesnt that lady in the picture realise she is now recorded property just like griffins smug face thinking you thick bitch.Google your own name if you was on the leaked members list you will be very surprised how many people from lunatic organistaions know so much about you because i know and where was the official apology from the party for putting your name in circulation ? NICK GRIFFIN IS STATE.
Britain is the only European country not to make a Nationalist major break through into politics, either Griffin has done this deliberately or through incompetence, take your pick?
It's evident that the Jews are pulling the strings of the pseudo Nationalist parties across Europe, any real threat to their power would have been crushed under foot, just as happened here in Britain when the BNP under John Tyndall's heroic leadership was hijacked and subverted in 1999 by dark forces.
A evry interesting read Martin well done.
Ok - now you all know the score.
But what are you going to do about it? ... and when?
Gri££in and his multiple layers of sock puppets in "Other parties" have dominated the scene for a while, but their day is over.
Time for a new party. The BNP and NF are dead on the doorsteps - but this is where the British rising must be found.
Time to get a new party - but don't buy it from any of Griffins prior "conmen" and stooges.
Hygeine is of the utmost importance. It is time to cleanse our land.
Anonymous said...
Ok - now you all know the score.
But what are you going to do about it? ... and when?
Gri££in and his multiple layers of sock puppets in "Other parties" have dominated the scene for a while, but their day is over.
Time for a new party. The BNP and NF are dead on the doorsteps - but this is where the British rising must be found.
Time to get a new party - but don't buy it from any of Griffins prior "conmen" and stooges.
Hygeine is of the utmost importance. It is time to cleanse our land.
21 November 2010 03:59
Well we here at NWN have been 'plugging away' against Griffin since 2001. Where were you or you would already know this ?
So don't start pointing the finger at us !
The rest of your post makes sense however. Whether we need a new party is deffo up for debate . The main thing though, as you have mentioned, keep the Griffinites out and away from any new venture.
Those like Butler and co who acquiesced under Griffin are certainly no good. Time to go back to real racial nationalism.
The NF certainly have the support of NWN and should be given time and help in their efforts.
Just to put certain doubters in the picture we the undersigned had enough of the political route and formed a street movement to which we are well on our way of hounouring our obligations to bring hope note fear back to Britain.Its been hard at times due the verbal and physical attacks we have suffered from the public and the establishment but work this one out as someone said earlier who do you think has attacked us more the UAF or the BNP ?
We are constantly under attack from nick griffins goons so ask yourself the question why ?
The Jews in my view are making the classic error of dividing their forces in the face of the enemy.
On the one hand they are busy traditionally attacking people who don't like immigration and its effects while on the other they don't like the Muslim invasion since they know where it will lead.
Their indecision may well be fatal.
Could Eddie Butler please produce the accounts for Eastern Region for the last 5 years.
No of course not and some of us know why.He was doing the same to Eastern region as what Grif was doing to the main party.
My hearsay evidence is that he tried to stop Epping Forest branch from obtaining a printer.
Kept telling everyone he had no money to pay his membership then his partner became a life member only months after telling people she had no money.
Even after Epping Forest branch obtained a printer he talked them into doing the printing for that branch.
The collection money always disappeared to be counted away from members.
He gave up a highly paid job to work for Griffin. Was this an absolutely mad decision or did he think he was in the money.
Like most things these days NG and Butler fell out over money.
So come on Ed, lets see the accounts for Eastern region.
Anonymous said...
The Jews in my view are making the classic error of dividing their forces in the face of the enemy.
On the one hand they are busy traditionally attacking people who don't like immigration and its effects while on the other they don't like the Muslim invasion since they know where it will lead.
Their indecision may well be fatal.
21 November 2010 15:1
I don't think that the Jews are concerned about mass Islamic immigration into the West.(I think that they love it) I think that their order of priorities is to destroy what they perceive as the biggest potential enemy first. Mop up the rest (the minor players that they used to destroy the potential greatest enemy) later. Numbers don't count. Put all the Islamic nations together and their combined economic and military clout is less than that of Israel.
Numbers don't count. Thats why roughly eighteen million people appear to have all the clout globally. What counts is group (racial) unity, intelligence, targets and stratagy and the utter immutable resolve to reach the targets what ever setbacks.
The only Islamic nation with any real immediate military potential ,Pakistan, is being dismembered by the U.S.A. Once it's nuclear arsenal has been brought under American/Israel control Islam will be defenseless.
Eighteen million people with nuclear bombs are far, far more powerful than billions without nuclear bombs. Numbers don't count.
I really don't think that the Jews are concerned about Islamic immigration into the West. I suspect that they may have encouraged it. I suspect that it may be part of a long term strategy.
Muslims and Christians are under attack. What should they do? Clearly not attack each other. Rather join together in self defense and respect for each others traditions ,governmental structures and religious beliefs.
Nationalists and Muslims should not be at each others throats. If we insist on being at each others throats we will both die and a numerically insignificant people ,who I believe wish us to be at each others throats, will rule. It's time for intelligent Muslims and Christians to start talking to each other , to sketch out stratagies that will benefit both our peoples.
Lets stop supporting the states anti Islam propaganda. lets stop supporting our(Christian and Islamic) oppressors agenda.
Richard Chadfield
The collection money always disappeared to be counted away from members.
Pattern emerging here read this about the lady simon darby feels so sorry for having been in court last week that she deserves a holiday on the party ?
Rumours are circulating that the EDL are turning down certain members or ex members of the BNP.I can confirm this to be part true as we have drawn up a blacklist of certain griffin henchmen and people that have been on the take of members money or who have caused
disruption in the party or who we think to be establishment plants now having done their job wrecking the BNP want to wreck our cause.
I've just seen this on the Casuals United Blog, they sound like utter Negro loving tossers? The Yids must be very pleased with them indeed.
"Ex BNP second in command Richard Barnbrook turned up at a meeting of London EDL and Casuals United Youth yesterday and was forced to leave for his own safety. We dont mind people who voted BNP in the past as a protest vote joining as long as they arent BNP members now, (as we understand that in the past anyone concerned about this country had nowhere else to go to register their disgust) but your hardcore Nazi types and holocaust deniers like Barnbrook are NOT wanted in our movement. We arent racists, we are patriots. End of chat."
The bloody drunken, drugged up fool Barnbrook stabbed Butler and the Reform Group in the back prior to the leadership challenge, this piece of shit clears £2,300 each month for being elected onto the London Assembly and is a total embarrassment when he open his stupid mouth in City Hall, our real enemies must be laughing their heads off?
This is what an arch- Neo Con American Jewess Pamela Geller said recently of the Vlaams Belang Party.
"One thing is clear, Vlaams Belang is the only party that has gone out of its way to support Israel. No political party in Belgium has supported Israel. Vlaams Belang has been the only party staunchly behind Israel for the past 10 years. Further, many of the Jews I spoke to Antwerp did not consider Vlaams Belang anti-semitic"
It appears that only the heroic NPD in Germany are a true Racial Nationalist party left in Western Europe, all the others have been subverted, very recently an ex- CDU MP Rene Stadtekewitz has formed a Freedom Party (Die Freiheit) in Germany with the blessing of Geert Wilders, this is a serious attempt to neutralise the NPD vote!
I would like to respectively remind you that you are in breach of copyright by reproducing the picture of Nick Griffin with Carol Anne, this photograph, which you would be able to verify, is owned by myself with rights to the Daily Record only. This picture should be removed within 24 hours, if not proceeding will be taken against yourselves, whom we have already identified. My solicitor has been informed and are ready to claim substantial damages for breach of copyright. I suggest you contact the Daily Record to verify the situation.
Carol Anne? I thought is was Susie Wong standing next to Gri££in
This has just appeared on the Green Arrow's blog, it's total lies, Griffin's daughter is now based in England and all the phone lines are based in Ulster under Dowson's control?
“Our phones have not stopped ringing since last week It has been one of the busiest times I can remember since the historic victory of our two MEPs. People are just so angry at the sight of Muslim extremists burning Poppies and insulting our war dead. They are calling to join and donate because they say that only the British National Party is strong enough to oppose these fanatics."
Office Manager Jen Matthys”
I see there is a new party phone number, is so Dowson's doesn't get his sticky fingers on the loot? "ring our new national inquiry line 0844 8094581"
Zionist Top Cat.
This will be one to watch, including the African campaigning for Griffin!
"The Battle For Barking, Tuesady 30th November 10pm on More 4"
At least someone is switched on and educating themselves!
"Saudi Arabian schoolbooks reveal rampant anti-Semitism gripping the Muslim world"
"Building on the anti-Jewish strands that exist in the Koran, modern hate-texts, including the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Mein Kampf, Did Six Million Really Die?, are widely promoted and consumed from Riyadh to Jakarta."
Why the EDL have turned against the current BNP regime.
It also turns out at recent rallies some of griffins goons have been in attendance causing trouble.
Proving a point there are differences.
(Asian Gangs abusing white girls)
A great read.
Cllr Emma Colgate resigned the BNP whip on Thurrock Council today!
Emma is a decent fully committed Nationalist, things must be seriously wrong with the party for her to do this, she a good, hard working woman!
A very sick individual there will be no mention of this pervert on the Lancaster Disunity site of course)
Anderson was told he would serve half of his 18-month sentence, and was ordered to pay £5,000 costs.
The judge commended the "major" police investigation in court, saying it was "conducted to the highest standard".
In October, Anderson pleaded guilty to a charge of causing unauthorised modifications to the contents of computers between September 2005 and June 2006.
The offence was committed when Anderson was on bail for attacking the computer systems of the British National Party and the Countryside Alliance.
BNP councillor quits and slams leadership
25, November 2010, The Enquirer
A BNP councillor has quit the party with a blast at its leader, Nick Griffin.
After a lengthy absence from public appearances relating to her council duties, councillor Emma Colgate (right) returned to Thurrock Council’s chamber on Wednesday evening. Her only contribution to the meeting was to second a motion calling for a five per cent voluntary cut in the wages of the authority’s senior officers and she didn’t make any announcement about her change of political affiliation.
However, before the meeting she circulated a letter to the press, announcing she was quitting the BNP – even though she stood by its core principles.
Her statement said: ““It is with deep sadness that I have to inform you that I have resigned my party whip with immediate effect and will be an independent councillor.
“I have been unhappy with the leadership of the BNP for some time and I feel the direction the current leadership are taking is not in the interest of the public.
“I still stand true to the core values of the BNP and believe it has many good members and supporters but I feel I am no longer able to represent an organisation that is falling apart due to mismanagement.
“If the current leadership changed hands I would be more than happy to return.
“I do not feel it is correct to resign my position completely as I only have five months of my term remaining and to force a by-election would be an unnecessary financial burden. I will continue to represent the same values and policies that I was elected under.”
There has been much local speculation about the political future of Miss Colgate in recent times. Earlier this year she stepped down from her position as British National Party staff manager, saying she wanted to concentrate fully on fighting the Thurrock Parliamentary seat for the party in the General Election.
At the time Mr Griffin thanked Ms Colgate for “all her hard work and loyalty. I look forward to seeing her make even more progress in her political role as an outstanding BNP councillor and beyond.” But it was widely reported that there were deep rifts between Miss Colgate and other senior members of the BNP with Mr Griffin.
Locally, since being well beaten in the general election, her profile has been low. Wednesday’s appearance in the chamber for a full council meeting was the first time since June 30 that she had turned up – and her ability to claim her allowance for council duties was in jeopardy had she not turned up for the November council meeting.
It has been reported that several months of mail from constituents are unopened at the council offices, her voicemail is full and e-mails bounce back. Concern has been expressed within her ward that she failed to turn up to the recent Tilbury remembrance service.
Though she didn’t make any announcement of her change of affiliation at the meeting, the Council’s Democratic Services department confirmed they had been informed.
I really can't understand why bright people like the owners of this blog need to both rightly reject Jew Boy Talmudism and yet can't volunteer quick enough to be butt fucked vigorously by the followers of the pederast prophet of the moon god.
Why do nationalists fall for the ragheads, in the way they haul off at Griffinberg for gobbling down anything the Kikes offer him?
Emma Colgate is a really lovely, genuine, intelligent young lady, she has worked bloody hard for our cause, hopefully now even the most 'loyal' Griffinites will wake up to the truth, I really do hope they do. I hope Gri££in rots in Hell!
Morris the regional organiser is an incompetent arch-Griffinite, sack of shit, who has upset a lot of good Nationalists in the Eastern Region, he is also very friendly with the Epping Jewess Richardson nee Feldman!
"Thurrock's only BNP councillor Emma Colgate resigns from party"
Thurrock Gazette Thursday 25th November 2010
THURROCK’s only British National Party (BNP) councillor has left the party saying it is “falling apart due to mismanagement”.
Paul Morris, BNP spokesman for the Eastern region said: "I have not spoken to Emma personally about her reasons for resigning as a personal councillor.
"I do not think it right for a councillor to stand down for personal reasons, Emma was elected as a British National Party member to represent the party. I don't think internal reasons should play a part when you are a councillor.
"Why do nationalists fall for the ragheads, in the way they haul off at Griffinberg for gobbling down anything the Kikes offer him?"
We are not falling for the Rag-head, it's just that some Muslims are saying the right things about ZOG, and at least they are doing something about it and educating their people against this World-wide evil, unlike most of the White race. My slogan is education, education, educations against ZOG! But also repatriation from all White lands of all non-Whites!
"The text books for 15-year-olds revive the so-called ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’, which teach that Zionists want to establish world domination for Jews.
The Saudi text books instruct pupils: ‘The Jews have tried to deny them (the Protocols) but there are many proofs of their veracity and their origin among the elders of Zion.’
The text books say the ‘main goal’ of the ‘Zionist movement’ is ‘for the Jews to have control over the world and its resources’ which, the book allege, Zionists seek to achieve partly by ‘inciting rancour and rivalry among the great powers so that they fight one another.’ "
The Jews are petrified of this, the White race should follow the Muslims' lead and crush ZOG once and for all, the media Jew Julian Kossoff is a senior editor for Telegraph and wrote this.
"Building on the anti-Jewish strands that exist in the Koran, modern hate-texts, including the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Mein Kampf, Did Six Million Really Die?, are widely promoted and consumed from Riyadh to Jakarta."
Just watch the idiots that are now in the BNP, in this all expenses paid trip, they are no threat to ZOG! I see young Kieren Trent is now the Milton Keynes branch organiser. Griffin was slagging him off big time in public last February at the EGM after the Channel 4 Young, Angry & White documentary.
Big Society.
Brons has 'opened up' the constitutional rules 'change' debate. Personally I think it will be a scam and Griffin will says afterwards that he operates in a fair and democratic way and stitch everybody up like a Kipper?
"British National Party Constitutional Consultation"
Our Country is full of moaners who still think logic and common sence is a conspiracy theory.
The killer tried to lay a false trail by daubing “NF”, the logo of the National Front, around the area, the jury was told.
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