Thursday, November 04, 2010

BNP: Don’t confuse death-rattles with vital signs of life

Quite an amusing item, Don't Panic! Everything's Fine On Planet Griffin!, posted recently on the LUAF blog, has been forwarded to me: ... lanet.html .

Its contents need to be verified, bearing in mind it comes from an “anti-fascist” source, but from other information recently received from various sources, it would appear to be substantially true. I think it’s worth a read.

I have also been sent copies of the letter from the BNP offering its creditors “20p in the £1 for full and final settlement” of what they are owed. It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that some small(ish) firms existing on a knife edge of credit in this current recession — like a printer in the North-East who is owed £16,000+ — could be put out of business and many decent people made redundant.

So much for integrity and “British Jobs for British Workers”!

Those who still need proof that BNP chairman Nick Gri££in is a common criminal — specifically, a financial confidence-trickster, a swindler — should consider the following:

At the time that Gri££in and his business manager Jim Dow$on was sending out what they thought was a confidential letter to the party’s creditors offering them one-fifth of what they are owed — which is an admission that the party is insolvent and unlikely to be able to continue in existence — they was also frantically pumping out e-mails to party members and supporters offering them “Life Membership” at the never-to-be-repeated reduced rate of £350 instead of £500.

How can it be honest to induce patriots to part with hundreds of pounds for “Life Membership” of a party without giving them essential information about whether the party is likely to survive the next few months, let alone for the rest of their lives?

Political parties are not categorised in law as companies but as “unincorporated associations”. This does not, I am advised by a barrister, make all members of the BNP “jointly and severally liable” for the party debts (alleged to be £600,000+ and rising), but it does put Gri££in and other senior party officials who concluded contracts on behalf of the party in the frame for bankruptcy proceedings.

Whatever is finally decided by M’Learned Friends concerning who, in addition to Gri££in, is liable for these huge debts, all members — especially those who have been or are in process of being conned into buying “Life Membership” — should have been advised immediately the party became insolvent and sent copies of the letter to creditors offering the “20p in the £” to settle party debts now in excess of £600,000 (and rising!). So please circulate this bulletin to all your contacts in the BNP as soon as you have read it.


As I have already pointed out in two widely-circulated recent bulletins, the appeals to members of the “British National Party” (“BNP”) to sign up for £350 “Life Memberships” and to remit advance payments for accommodation at the “BNP” annual conference, were issued by an entity proclaiming itself to be “British National Party 2010” (BNP2010). This was specified in small print at the very bottom of those documents.

Unless I am very much mistaken, any money received in respect of memberships, products and services advertised in documents issued by “BNP2010” will be lodged in bank accounts quite separate from those operated by the “BNP”.

Thus if, as and when the “BNP” is declared insolvent and is dissolved and/or when Gri££in and his immediate associates are required to settle its debts or be made bankrupt, (the 2nd time for Gri££in!) creditors of the “BNP” will not (so Gri££in hopes) be able to lay their hands of funds raised by the “separate” entity “BNP2010”.

If that is another of Gri££in’s “cunning plans”, and if he does appear before a bankruptcy court, then it is a circumstance which will outrage creditors and also, I think, the presiding judge when it is drawn to his attention. The judges have a discretion as to how theycategorise bankrupts (in terms of their culpability and intent) and how harsh their bankruptcy orders will be. We can only hope that all creditors will be made aware of this “BNP”/“BNP2010” issue in advance of any bankruptcy proceedings.

And what will happen to the money raised in the name of “BNP2010”? We are entitled to presume that it will be used to keep Gri££in’s nose above the water because, if he were to be declared bankrupt, then the European Parliament would cease to pay him his substantial salary, his considerable expenses and would cease to pay the salaries of the various party officials who act as his assistants.

The damage all this is doing to the credibility of the cause of British nationalism is immense. This is why Gri££in has had so much help and protection from the media and sundry law enforcement departments. The Establishment knew exactly what kind of creature he is and what he is capable of. Can we imagine the smug smiles of satisfaction which are now lighting up their faces?

I hope that BNP members and supporters who receive my bulletins are not surprised by all this. I have been warning them what kind of a political and financial crook, spiv and liar Gri££in is for the past decade. Many of them allowed desperation and hope to suppress their common sense, have said to me: “Oh, that’s just your personal sour grapes!”

Well now those grapes are now being harvested and pressed. Those people who dismissed my warnings will soon have to drink deeply of that sour vintage. Will they exclaim, in true wine-pseud’s style: “He’s a saucy fellow — his presumption will amuse you!”

Martin Webster.


Gri££in’s latest begging-letter.

No sooner had I completed the above, when into my In Box popped Gri££in’s latest toe-curling begging letter dated 2 November 2010 17:34, concerning his “David and Goliath battle” in the High Court against the Commission for Equalities and Human Rights, due to take place in a couple of days.

I hope any who receive the hysterical screed remember (or if newcomers to the Cause, are made aware) that it comes from the man who....

(a) Told the BBC Radio 4’s World at One in 2003: “Repatriation is unfeasible and inhumane ..... Britain can take a little ‘salt in the soup’.” (Since he said that London and many another major city in London have achieved the ‘tipping point’ of having a population of which more than 50% are not indigenous Britons. What indigenous Britons are now facing is not a matter of mere population ‘seasoning’, but the deliberate infliction of a policy of genocide against them.)

(b) Allowed the BNP’s Voice of Freedom paper (Editor: Martin Wingfield) to run a story about a BNP local official saying how proud he was to have an African as a son-in-law. The report was accompanied by a photo showing the silly old fool hugging the coal black, dreadlock-decorated Zimbabwean tribesman who was going to sire his grandchildren.

(c) Cultivated contacts with the Sikh community (N.B.: They’ve got loads of dosh!).

(d) Ditto the Jewish community. BNP officials to attend Holocaust Day wreath-layings; grovelling letters were sent to the Jewish Chronicle; cringing articles appeared in party publications, and much more besides.

All this was designed to ingratiate Gri££in and the BNP into the good books of the media and the Establishment by showing that he had “modernised” the party which now accepted the multi-racial society, racial integration, the production of mixed-race children (the ‘salt’ in our ‘soup’!) and was desperately keen to get on good terms with Jewry.

In the face of all that BNP ‘modernising’ propaganda, how can the ‘Equalities’ people be blamed for taking him seriously in wanting to create a multi-racial BNP? After all, leaders of the ‘Modernist’ faction which propelled Gri££in into the leadership of the BNP in 1999 — people like Eddy Butler — had long urged on him the need for the party to ‘take the plunge’ on multi-racial membership, along with a cuddle-up to Zionist-Jewry.

If ever Butler becomes BNP chairman, he will continue with Gri££in’s multi-racial pro-Jewish policies. Let Butler deny this if he will. But he won’t. He’ll keep quiet and let Gri££in be the lightening-conductor for members’ rage.

It is feasible that the Commission launched the law case to make the BNP change its “racist” membership admission rules as a method both of testing Gri££in’s sincerity and providing him with a device to spare his blushes and confound any remaining “racist diehards” in the party by being able to say: “This is not my decision. It was imposed by a court order”.

But instead of picking up the Commission’s ball and running with it (directly to a cheap touchdown settlement before a costly legal scrum commenced), he fumbled and dropped the ball — just as he has fumbled and bungled the management of a whole raft of other legal actions brought by companies (for copyright theft or unpaid debts) and sundry party ex-employees who he had sacked contrary to employment law.

To this day we cannot be certain whether Gri££in....

1.sincerely bought into Butler’s ‘Modernist’ multi-racial, pro-Jewish transformation of the BNP; or
2.regarded it as “a cunning plan” to sneak into power by means of a trick; or
3.has become so cynical that he regards policies and strategies as things to distract fools while he concentrates on the really important job of relieving them of their money.

Guess where I am inclined to place my bet!

Whatever — he is in the place where he is. It is the place where all unprincipled opportunist-careerist criminals should end up.

I do not take Gri££in’s situation as evidence that there is, after all, a God. Let’s keep a sense of proportion! But if I were to live to see Tony Blair in the same situation ..... well that might be another thing!

Martin Webster.


Anonymous said...

Lets face one thing to those that woke up and saw the signs a long time ago as much as we hate the UAF and what they stand for but down the years LUAF has at times been a source of information for certain truths about griffin and his shenanigans.Truths you would obviously never read on the main BNP website have surfaced on luaf sometimes not whole truths but three parts correct.Those that had the brains to question griffin their regional organiser or their orgainser were quickly outed from the party for getting near to the truth and were called moles,reds,MI5 and so on.

The BNP has been turned into griffins own nice little nest egg which would be the envy of any american ponzi pyramid seller and to think i once had faith in this filthy creature to rule my country and gives our people their freedom back.Griffin will one day go down in history as a snake selling shelf stacker that made a fortune living on the british publics fears who now sits in a large cornfield surrounding by a group of other snakes but the day is not far away when that cornfield is going to burn and griffin and his fellow snakes will have no where to run and i cant bloody wait for that.

Anonymous said...

Griffin has now exhausted the british public for cash so he's moving into this new european thing,tying his luck in america and has registered the party in northern ireland which could be a very bad disaster as the northern irish do not like a con man and also the DUP have gave out warnings to griffin that by splitting the vote this would pave the way for sinn fein to pick up more seats on the northern irish assembly.So what does griffin do send out jefferson and IRA supporting harrington to Belfast to get the party running ? you couldnt make it up.

SG said...

There is no political party called BNP2010 registered at the Electoral Commission. If Griffin is skimming off donations to the BNP into a separate account outside the ownership of the party, I think that would be a fraud against the BNP's creditors and a contravention of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000.

Worried BNP member said...

If they try to hide money by putting it into BNP 2010 accounts and dont put it through the audited books they will have broken PPERA 2000 all parties must abide by.

Anonymous said...

Sikh regiment?

Anonymous said...

Put this on the UAF site!!!

Anonymous said...

With the level of outright hate I've heard BNP members and ex-members express for Gri££in, if I were that greedy lard-arsed one-eyed fuck-faced jewish cunt I'd be wearing a head-to-toe chobham armour suit, even when I shit or go to bed.

Anonymous said...

Gypo salvage & russ greens latest scam on the bnp black country blog.

Save up to £350 a year on heating bills with *free* cavity wall and loft insulation.Call John or Russ.

Anonymous said...

Martin tells it as it is!!!

Anonymous said...

Why do some people think Michaela Mackenzie is clever when she let Gri££in off the hook by not letting the tribunal judges do their job when she stupidly gave Gri££in time to pay? Had she not been so gullible the judges would have nailed Gri££in, by forced him to pay her compensation within a day or two after their judgement.

Anonymous said...

Look like Griffin is shitting himself now, some of his latest Twitters! Or is it just an excuse to delay the trial yet again?

"time wasting nuisance I could do without. Doing an affidavit for cehr case through a fog of pain was an . . . about 19 hours ago via txt "

"Started getting really bad stomach pains about noon. Dr. says it's kidney stones. A . . . . about 19 hours ago via txt "

Anonymous said...

Brave Michaela's case isn't finished yet, she is back in court against Gri££in at the end of the month, unless the trickey bastard delays it again?

Anonymous said...


Phil Woolas election re-run judgement: In full.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... Brave Michaela's case isn't finished yet, she is back in court against Gri££in at the end of the month, unless the trickey bastard delays it again?

Brave as she is, Michaela was silly in not going for Gri££in's juglar. She should've asked the tribunal judges to give Gri££in a maximum of one week to cough up the stolen cash. But she didn't.

Anonymous said...

gypo salvage. could be worse with the crook jefferson treasurer. who has been made bankrupt in the past and is a very untrustwothy. abit like gypo salvage there is a chance he could get the job next. now that gri££in is scrapeing the bottom of the barrel. he could have his snakebite piss head of a mate green to help him.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Phil Woolas ...

Didn't think that grinning squint-eyed jew rat was that good.

Anonymous said...

Pity this wont be seen on Lancaster Disunity proves there "BIGOTS"

Anonymous said...

Is someone taking the piss in griffins latest begging letter TANYA LUMBYBACK ? this was the piss take name for the lumbys who have incidentally destroyed birmingham BNP and guess what ? theyve now left ?

Anonymous said...

Emotive bullshit from Gri££in, do any members really believe this?

Party Chairman Makes Urgent Appeal for “Last Push” Legal Fund
Fri, 05/11/2010 - 21:42 | BNP News

British National Party chairman Nick Griffin MEP has appealed to supporters to help raise £1,500 legal fees by Monday for what may well be the finale to the Race Gestapo Equalities Commission’s persecution of the party.

Writing from his hospital bed, where he is currently undergoing treatment for kidney stones, Mr Griffin revealed that a “heavyweight” legal team had been brought in to “grind the taxpayer-funded Equalities Commission” assault on the BNP “into the dust.”

Anonymous said...

Gri££in is a shameless exploiter! Just before Michaela trial it was his throat!

Nick Griffin admitted to hospital days before court date

"I am very keen on being in court on Monday as I believe there is going to be a judgment in favour of the British National party," Griffin said in a statement.

"I am waiting on the result of a series of tests on my kidneys and gall bladder and then the doctors will decide what course of action to take."

Anonymous said...


(The usual suspects no doubt)

Anonymous said...

Israel protests British "universal jurisdiction" law: wants exclusive right to commit war crimes with impunity.

Anonymous said...

Why do people of my own White "Gentile" race
harass me for pointing out danger?
Why are people of my White "Gentile" race
so submissive to jews?

Why are people of my White "Gentile" race
so easily manipulated?

Why do people of my race ignore the
bankrupting of their own nations
while "helping" people of other races?

Why can't the people of my own race
be generous to and supportive of
their own descendents and also provide
for those who are left behind
when White "Gentile" military men are killed?

Why does a woman like me have to endure
threats and harassment
for simply having a web site
and telling the truth?

Anonymous said...

Red filth & scum in London today, why are they bothering, Griffin has finished off the BNP for them?

"Thousands attend anti-rascist march in London"

Anonymous said...

Worth looking at interesting.

Anonymous said...

The Equalities and Human Rights Commission court case will proceed in the Royal Courts of Justice tomorrow no matter if British National Party leader Nick Griffin is able to attend or not, and all those supporters who have made plans to attend must still follow through to support Tanya Lumby and Simon Darby.

Mr Griffin, speaking from a hospital bed after he was readmitted to hospital today under doctor’s orders, told BNP News that his attendance or otherwise would not have any effect on whether the case would go ahead or not.

“It is most certainly going ahead, and our legal team will be there even if I am not,” Mr Griffin said.

“I hope to be there, but that will all depend on what the doctor says,” he continued.

“In any event, supporters must still please come to support all of the people named in the court case. The proceedings will continue as planned, and both Ms Lumby and Mr Darby need your support.”

Proceedings are scheduled to begin at the Royal Courts of Justice in The Strand, London (Nearest Underground Temple Station). Lovers of freedom are gathering at 9:30 am onwards outside the court.

Anonymous said...

alcoholic ex bnp councillor russ green the 'wolfie smith of tipton'. was a former member of the labour party. he wanted to stand as a candidate for them in the early 90's in princess end ward. had he have done so he would have stood against the nf! a fine nationalist he is? think not.

Anonymous said...

alcoholic ex bnp councillor russ green the 'wolfie smith of tipton'. was a former member of the labour party. he wanted to stand as a candidate for them in the early 90's in princess end ward. had he have done so he would have stood against the nf! a fine nationalist he is? think not.

Strange that ive also heard his pal and now west midlands regional organiser alwyn deacon was also a former active labour member ?

Anonymous said...

Griffin has chickened out of tomorrow's trial, he is an utter coward!

CEHR Court Case, Kidney Stones and Tomorrow
Sun, 07/11/2010 - 19:01 | BNP News

The Equalities and Human Rights Commission court case will proceed in the Royal Courts of Justice tomorrow no matter if British National Party leader Nick Griffin is able to attend or not, and all those supporters who have made plans to attend must still follow through to support Tanya Lumby and Simon Darby.

Mr Griffin, speaking from a hospital bed after he was readmitted to hospital today under doctor’s orders, told BNP News that his attendance or otherwise would not have any effect on whether the case would go ahead or not.

“It is most certainly going ahead, and our legal team will be there even if I am not,” Mr Griffin said.

“I hope to be there, but that will all depend on what the doctor says,” he continued.

“In any event, supporters must still please come to support all of the people named in the court case. The proceedings will continue as planned, and both Ms Lumby and Mr Darby need your support.”

Proceedings are scheduled to begin at the Royal Courts of Justice in The Strand, London (Nearest Underground Temple Station). Lovers of freedom are gathering at 9:30 am onwards outside the court.

Anonymous said...

This is the latest from State Asset Darby's bog, I would never belief anything thing that this Establishment bastard said, he is a known lair. Griffin is just Chicken shit!

"Just returned from visiting Nick in hospital. Although he has been in a lot of pain he is on pain killers now and feeling better. I don't like the concept of kidney stones though and had to stop him short of the unedited version of his ailment."

Anonymous said...

By Griffin not appearing in court, when it all goes wrong he will say "it's not my fault I wasn't there," and pass the blame onto someone else in his legal team.

Anonymous said...

If anyone thinks George Galloway aka Top Cat is not working for Zion has not been paying attension.


Anonymous said...

You wont find this on Lancaster Disunity, and I am sure you know why!!!

Anonymous said...


Race row MP Phil Woolas launches £200k fighting fund to prove innocence

Shamed MP Phil Woolas is launching a £200,000 fund to challenge the historic court ruling which stripped him of his seat.

The former immigration minister plans to raise the cash to fund a judicial review after he was left “high and dry” by Labour Party bosses when an election court ruled he knowingly made false statements about his LibDem opponent pandering to Muslim militants in May’s election.

In an exclusive Sunday Mirror interview today, Mr Woolas, 50, ­described Friday’s court verdict as a “rich man’s charter” because only the wealthy will be able to afford the legal bills involved in fighting their case.

He now faces being banned from the Commons for three years with the election contest for his Oldham East and Saddleworth seat being re-run.

So far, his estimated £800,000 legal bill has been covered by Labour Party insurance. But he said: “From now on the costs of clearing my name falls on me and I just don’t have that sort of money.

“I am not a liar and I believe I will get through this.”

Anonymous said...

Have the BNP members been conned again ?

It seems people donating to the party by text may have actually been donating to GAY PRIDE ? If this is the case i can see a few handbags being thrown around a certain welshpool hostpital bed.

from the green sparrows site.

Anonymous said...

A couple of video's of the green arrowtards on vacation.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said on Gri££in Watch...
Latest from State Asset Darby's bog,

"Just returned from visiting Nick in hospital. Although he has been in a lot of pain he is on pain killers now and feeling better .... "


If the rumour filtering out of the Eastern region is true, the one-eyed jew cunt is gonna have a relapse and be in a whole lot more pain and need all the pain killers and sedatives the hosptal's got when he finds out the charismatic balls-of-brass fundholder and organiser for South Cambs BNP group Peter Frenette (Snr) has given all the petty cash left in the kitty to the `Soldiers Off The Street' charity before he resigned from the BNP ...... WTF was that ???? ...... sounds like an anguished howling sream coming from Gri££in's hospital wanking chariot. .o( (o:


Anonymous said...

May be one reason Gri££in has chickened out of today's court appearance is he could afford to pay his army of minders (travel, accommodation, food etc,) Griffin is such a coward he travels nowhere except with at least six of these goons. I wonder if steroid Reynolds is guarding his one-eyed master while he is in a hospital?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I reckon the 'fallout' with Dow$on & Gormless Golding was concocted so that Gri££in can now claim that the party doesn't have any assets, as all the equipment is in the hands of Dow$on, but behind the scenes Gri££in is still on friendly terms with him?

"The BBC's Mike Sergeant said if the BNP lost the case, the equalities commission was likely to press for the party's assets to be seized."

Anonymous said...

green sparrow should know all about gay pride he probably takes ir up his ass. west midland bnp is a total joke. commie green from tipton commie deacon fron nuneaton. don't forget tory boy simon from wolverhampton. his mother & father where both tory cillors & his uncle is leader of wolverhampton council! are these people not plants? simon got a good organiser booted out of the party just for going against gri££in!

Anonymous said...

The legal costs of this case will cripple our party for years to come, cowardly Gri££in must be held to account for this!

"Robin Allen QC, appearing for the watchdog, accused the BNP of "playing with" the commission and its officials instead of obeying the judgment."

He added: "Our principle position is: [Griffin] is simply lying [when he says] he did not know the terms of the order."

Allen described Griffin as a "persistent offender" who had repeatedly failed to comply with various orders to change the constitution.

Anonymous said...

green sparrow should know all about gay pride he probably takes ir up his ass. west midland bnp is a total joke. commie green from tipton commie deacon fron nuneaton. don't forget tory boy simon from wolverhampton. his mother & father where both tory cillors & his uncle is leader of wolverhampton council! are these people not plants? simon got a good organiser booted out of the party just for going against gri££in!

Its all starting to make sense STATE PARTY i have also been hearing the party is now made of of a few former labour shop stewards ?

Anonymous said...

Ive just sussed out how to get a comment printed on the british resistance site.Always put in bold or capital letters "ONWARDS AND UPWARDS" and "DONATION ON ITS WAY" This sends GA into a frenzy and he will print any old shit you write.

Anonymous said...

Ive just sussed out how to get a comment printed on the british resistance site.Always put in bold or capital letters "ONWARDS AND UPWARDS" and "DONATION ON ITS WAY" This sends GA into a frenzy and he will print any old shit you write.

9 November 2010 07:49

Haha ! Nice one !
That shefield griffinite shitbag dave howard still uses Onwards and Upwards I think on VNN.

Anonymous said...

gypo salvage to gri££in's recue!

gypo salvage is organiseing a drinking contest to help gri££in's funding. bnp member's are welcome to attend the 'thieves nest' pub in tipton high street 7.00pm till late saturday 13th november. to challenge russ green in a drinking contest £10 fee all money to go to gri££in. the winner will win a crafted tray made by gypo from an old biscuit tin.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The legal costs of this case will cripple our party for years to come


Anonymous, I hate to ask but what's all this "our party" crap - the BNP was never our party - it's always been Gri££in's money-making plaything since he cheated John Tyndall out of the BNP.

As for the BNP being crippled "for years to come", who gives a fuck, because the BNP is a zombie party -dead but hooked to the mainstream media life-support machine for giving the BNP outward appearances of being alive and kicking, for capturing the ignorant and the gullible. Never mind future years, anyone still in the BNP today deserves to be terminally screwed and ripped off into bankruptcy by that pig shagging crooked mono-eyed bastard living in Y £Grabbin, Welshitpool.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous sparrow should know all about gay pride he probably takes it up his ass.
no `probable' about it, the green marrow definitely takes it in the jacksie. Don't believe me? then ask old periscope head Nicklops where he buries his dung hole dibbler.

Anonymous said...

Latest on the EHRC case

"High Court reserves judgement in BNP membership case"

"A legal ruling in a long-running dispute over the BNP's membership policy will not be made for at least a week after the conclusion of a High Court hearing on Tuesday."

Anonymous said...

The utter cheek of Griffin, he is asking for yet more money this evening!

"We need them to make sure that all goes well and that our interests – especially when it comes to apportioning costs - are looked after by fully prepared professionals. So I'm asking all those who understand how vital this battle is for all our civil liberties to dig into their pockets and send a donation. We are nearly through this and we must not fall at the last hurdle."

Anonymous said...

This is a distorted view of what happened today in court for the idiot Green Arrow, who writes this clown's script? In fact the complete opposite happened!


11:52 BNP barrister is tearing the opposition case to shreds point by point and going for a "No case to answer". Judge has raised possibility of further hearing.

12:10 Nick Griffin MEP Pack of press hyenas looking glum. Bnp beating the bullies. Not the story they wanted.

13:30--The proceedings have concluded in the Equalities and Human Rights Commission court case against the British National Party. Judgement has been reserved and will be issued next week.

13:46 Simon Darby - Out of court now judgement will be announced in a week or so. Feeling very confident, our legal team were superb today."

Barry said...

There is a Chinese proverb - "You cannot wake a man who is pretending to sleep"
The time has passed, when we could look upon fellow patriots and believe that their inaction was due to the possibility that they were unaware of the dire situation that confronts us, and the party that is supposed to represent us - The BNP.
We are forced to accept that these folk are aware of the dreadful situation, yet choose to pretend otherwise, as the route ahead is uncomfortable and arduous. The BNP and its administration is completely corrupt and obsolete. Our only possible path to salvation for our families and children is through the mass migration to a credible and untarnished vehicle - A new party.
This is not and has never been a palatable concept - Whenever this has been suggested in the past this idea has attracted condemnation and attacks from those with a vested interest in the status-quo. These people have great influence and power - they act on behalf of a corrupt cabal who live in great comfort at our expense and have influences far beyond those that seem obvious.
Many of the existing "Opposition" or "Rival" groups to the BNP are controlled by those same people, that dictate the "unsuccessful" strategies that control the BNP. I believe that some of these exist purely as diversions for Nationalists who become disenchanted with the BNP yet these folk may still be controlled by the same people or interest group that are the source of this strategy.
The BNP is no longer our party. It belongs to the establishment and has been kept bubbling away - in a constant condition - almost recognised, almost credible, for more than a decade. It has never achieved success despite becoming a household name
As virtual flypaper - it attracts those who dissent from the state and enforced multiculturalism, and gathers them into groups of armchair activists, who can vent their displeasure once a month, yet achieves nothing in hard electoral terms. We have been confronted with an emergency for several years, yet have not gone beyond appointing a couple of comfortable MEPs. Our comrades in Europe have achieved far more, on a far smaller timescale and with a less substantial problem.
There are new organs on the horizon - but beware, some of these are also flypaper. Choose well - our future is at stake, and we cannot rely on the integrity of any who have previously been contaminated through their involvement with the compromise thus far.

Barry said...

"You cannot wake a man who is pretending to sleep"
The time has passed, when we could look upon fellow nationalists and believe that they were unaware of the dire situation that confronts us and the party that is supposed to represent us. The BNP and its administration are completely corrupt and obsolete.
There are new organs on the horizon - but beware, some of these are also flypaper.

Anonymous said...


While it has been rumoured that Nickolarse Griffarge has been in hostpital suffering from kidney stones we have since found out he has secretly been re recording the band aid number one xmas song " do they know its christmas " The song is aimed at the BNP members to donate more money for Nicks christmas appeal.Here are the lyrics :

its donation time
theres no need to be afraid
its donation time
just click the button and dont be afraid

And in my party of plenty please hurry and donate
throw your cash into the bucket its christmas time.

But dont delay,
and give to the other ones
At Christmas time it's eggs,
not fried but the quail ones,

There's a pigsty outside my window,
and it's built on members money
Where the only pigs are flying
as im always lying,
And the barn conversion's now crumbling
and the belfast office is doomed,
Well tonight please donate now and
i thank you

And there will be pheasant and turkey in welshpool this Christmas time
with parsnips,almonds,potatoes and sprouts (Oooh)
Roast Goose Stuffed with Spiced Apples & prunes
to feed my family of loons
Do the members know it's Christmas time at all?

Heres to the mugs donate everyone
Heres to them im rich and thankyou everyone
Do you know ive ripped you off again

Feed my face
Feed my face
Feed my face
Let them know its donate time.

Feed my fat face
Let them know its donate time.

Anonymous said...

Ever wondered who the idiots are that stand behind a reporter to get on telly ? Enter the green sparrow to the left of this footage.

Anonymous said...

Watch this the owrd of this song sum it all up perfectly, griffin must go.

Anonymous said...

Manhattan feds charge 17 people with massive $42.5M Holocaust reparations fraud over 5.million still in hiding!!!

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Royal High Court room scene during the closing stages of the ECHR case brought by Trevor Phiklips against Gri££in - Gri££in is in the dock, trembling, ashen faced, his glass eye involuntary shedding a self-pitying tear, and, surprise, surprise, has just been unanimously found `guilty' by an all-black jury consisting of all Trevor Phiklips's relatives special flown all the way from Guyana and Soweto by Flight Captain Weyman Bennet of UAF/WOGS-R-US Airways, in Mark Thatcher's battered DC3 used in the failed coup attempt by ex-SAS mercenary Simon Mann.

Nigh deaf geriatric Royal High Court judge wearing moth-eaten wig bedecked with yellow stars of david, the Rt. Honourable Rosh HaMemshala, to trembling defendent: "Mr. Gri££in, I have read all the favourable references sent by MI5, MI6, MI9, Special Branch, La Deuxieme Bureau Francaise, Mossad, the Freemasons and Gerry Gable, however, you have been found `guilty' of contempt of court by your peers. Before I pass sentence, what have you got to say for yourself in the way of mitigation?"

Gri££in, white-knuckled, gripping the dock, mumbles "Fuck all, your Honour."

Judge Rosh HaMemshala, unable to catch what Gri££in mumbled, leans forward and asks the Clerk of the Court, "What did the defendent say?"

Clerk leans back, cups his mouth with his hand, and whispers in the bewigged old cunts ear "He said fuck all your Honour."

Judge, looking confused, whispers to the Clerk "Strange, I swear I saw the bastard's lips move."

Before the judge can pass sentence, Gri££in unexpectedly collapes in the dock, is stretchered off to Welshpool hospital where he's diagnosed with terminal strangulated piles (for that is what ails the Fuhrer - not kidney stones - unless that's what's hanging out of his arsehole)just as spaniel-eyes Darby enters the death-bed scene and, grief-stricken, drapes himself across his dying fuhrer's chest, wailing "Beloved Fuhrer, don't leave me, we've been rumbled, the £5,000 life membership watches don't work, what shall I do?". Gri££in's eyelids blink open, his good eye then slowly swivels heavenwards as his glass one falls out of its socket and rolls across the floor as he whispers to ever-faithful Darby "Kiss me, Simon".

Court and Hospital special reports by:

Fly On The Wall.

9 November 2010 22:01

Anonymous said...

Royal High Court room scene during the closing stages of the ECHR case brought by Trevor Phiklips against Gri££in - Gri££in is in the dock, trembling, ashen faced, his glass eye involuntary shedding a self-pitying tear, and, surprise, surprise, has just been unanimously found `guilty' by an all-black jury consisting of all Trevor Phiklips's relatives special flown all the way from Guyana and Soweto by Flight Captain Weyman Bennet of UAF/WOGS-R-US Airways, in Mark Thatcher's battered DC3 used in the failed coup attempt by ex-SAS mercenary Simon Mann.

Nigh deaf geriatric Royal High Court judge wearing moth-eaten wig bedecked with yellow stars of david, the Rt. Honourable Rosh HaMemshala, to trembling defendent: "Mr. Gri££in, I have read all the favourable references sent by MI5, MI6, MI9, Special Branch, La Deuxieme Bureau Francaise, Mossad, the Freemasons and Gerry Gable, however, you have been found `guilty' of contempt of court by your peers. Before I pass sentence, what have you got to say for yourself in the way of mitigation?"

Gri££in, white-knuckled, gripping the dock, mumbles "Fuck all, your Honour."

Judge Rosh HaMemshala, unable to catch what Gri££in mumbled, leans forward and asks the Clerk of the Court, "What did the defendent say?"

Clerk leans back, cups his mouth with his hand, and whispers in the bewigged old cunts ear "He said fuck all your Honour."

Judge, looking confused, whispers to the Clerk "Strange, I swear I saw the bastard's lips move."

Before the judge can pass sentence, Gri££in unexpectedly collapes in the dock, is stretchered off to Welshpool hospital where he's diagnosed with terminal strangulated piles (for that is what ails the Fuhrer - not kidney stones - unless that's what's hanging out of his arsehole)just as spaniel-eyes Darby enters the death-bed scene and, grief-stricken, drapes himself across his dying fuhrer's chest, wailing "Beloved Fuhrer, don't leave me, we've been rumbled, the £5,000 life membership watches don't work, what shall I do?". Gri££in's eyelids blink open, his good eye then slowly swivels heavenwards as his glass one falls out of its socket and rolls across the floor as he whispers to ever-faithful Darby "Kiss me, Simon".

Court and Hospital special reports by:

Fly On The Wall.

9 November 2010 22:01

Anonymous said...

Royal High Court room scene during the closing stages of the ECHR case brought by Trevor Phiklips against Gri££in - Gri££in is in the dock, trembling, ashen faced, his glass eye involuntary shedding a self-pitying tear, and, surprise, surprise, has just been unanimously found `guilty' by an all-black jury consisting of all Trevor Phiklips's relatives special flown all the way from Guyana and Soweto by Flight Captain Weyman Bennet of UAF/WOGS-R-US Airways, in Mark Thatcher's battered DC3 used in the failed coup attempt by ex-SAS mercenary Simon Mann.

Nigh deaf geriatric Royal High Court judge wearing moth-eaten wig bedecked with yellow stars of david, the Rt. Honourable Rosh HaMemshala, to trembling defendent: "Mr. Gri££in, I have read all the favourable references sent by MI5, MI6, MI9, Special Branch, La Deuxieme Bureau Francaise, Mossad, the Freemasons and Gerry Gable, however, you have been found `guilty' of contempt of court by your peers. Before I pass sentence, what have you got to say for yourself in the way of mitigation?"

Gri££in, white-knuckled, gripping the dock, mumbles "Fuck all, your Honour."

Judge Rosh HaMemshala, unable to catch what Gri££in mumbled, leans forward and asks the Clerk of the Court, "What did the defendent say?"

Clerk leans back, cups his mouth with his hand, and whispers in the bewigged old cunts ear "He said fuck all your Honour."

Judge, looking confused, whispers to the Clerk "Strange, I swear I saw the bastard's lips move."

Before the judge can pass sentence, Gri££in unexpectedly collapes in the dock, is stretchered off to Welshpool hospital where he's diagnosed with terminal strangulated piles (for that is what ails the Fuhrer - not kidney stones - unless that's what's hanging out of his arsehole)just as spaniel-eyes Darby enters the death-bed scene and, grief-stricken, drapes himself across his dying fuhrer's chest, wailing "Beloved Fuhrer, don't leave me, we've been rumbled, the £5,000 life membership watches don't work, what shall I do?". Gri££in's eyelids blink open, his good eye then slowly swivels heavenwards as his glass one falls out of its socket and rolls across the floor as he whispers to ever-faithful Darby "Kiss me, Simon".

Court and Hospital special reports by:

Fly On The Wall.

9 November 2010 22:01

Anonymous said...

cont ...

Before the judge can pass sentence, Gri££in unexpectedly collapes in the dock, is stretchered off to Welshpool hospital where he's diagnosed with terminal strangulated piles (for that is what ails the Fuhrer - not kidney stones - unless that's what's hanging out of his arsehole)just as spaniel-eyes Darby enters the death-bed scene and, grief-stricken, drapes himself across his dying fuhrer's chest, wailing "Beloved Fuhrer, don't leave me, we've been rumbled, the £5,000 life membership watches don't work, what shall I do?". Gri££in's eyelids blink open, his good eye then slowly swivels heavenwards as his glass one falls out of its socket and rolls across the floor as he whispers to ever-faithful Darby "Kiss me, Simon".

Court and Hospital special reports by:

Fly On The Wall.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Apologies to everyone for unintended multiple postings of the same report - thought there was something wrong with the net because the green strip never showed after clicking the Publish Your Comment box.

Regards to all Gri££in-hating nationalists.

Fly On The wall

Anonymous said...

First, Butler, then the Barmy Boomeranging Bagel, now Wanker Whittall - all known Fuhrer Gri££in sabateurs - the British Freedom Party sure knows how to torpedo and sink itself.

Anonymous said...

Interesting facts.

Anonymous said...

Fly On The Wall said... Gri££in's eyelids blink open, his good eye then slowly swivels heavenwards as his glass one falls out of its socket and rolls across the floor as he whispers to ever-faithful Darby "Kiss me, Simon."

Tres droll - truly a Trafalgar Club moment.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Manhattan feds charge 17 people with massive $42.5M Holocaust reparations fraud over 5.million still in hiding!!!


I heard it was 6-million still hiding - and they're all in israel scoffing half-baked Barnes's half-baked bagels.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...