Sunday, August 15, 2010

Nicks BNP closing down sale !
We had a great laugh at this one that we nicked from the GRIFFINWATCH blogsite. With all the problems in the BNP at the moment, Crook Griffin said at the AC meeting today, that the BNP problems were "the BNP growing too fast !". The guy must be on drugs or something. Were the books on show at the AC meeting ? And what about the Trafalgar Clubs books ?
Click the poster to enlarge.


Anonymous said...

Have i just read this right from the main BNP website ?

BNP HQ also has copies of the “Bring Our Boys Home” leaflets which are available for 25 pence each. Postage is determined by the quantity ordered.

So thats £250 for 1000 leaflets ? WTF they must be gold crested leaflets.

Anonymous said...

I might buy one of them BNP Mugs before they are all gone.

I heard the Mugs are all they have left and even they are running out fast!

Anonymous said...

the book's will never be on show for the member's, gri££in & dowson are a pair of crook's. gri££in has been liveing on the t.c for year's.

Anonymous said...

Can you relate to this short video.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm gonna wait until he does a one for the price of three.

Anonymous said...

Just turn up at the Nuneaton depot when there about to lock up.As the rent hasnt been paid for months and the depot manager/west midlands RO hasnt been paid for a couple of months im sure there will be a few cummerbunds,2005 general election leaflets and nick griffin dolls going cheap.

Anonymous said...

have a look at this picture on the BDF forum i have just p...ed myself laughing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

For your information.

Anonymous said...

It was a slip of Griffin's tongue, what he meant was that the only thing growing in the party was his ego and imagination.

Anonymous said...

I think one of those cummerbunds would look fetching wrapped very tightly around Gri££in's throat?

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to make of this Green Arrow goes Oriental, is that Adam 'the gook' Walker's wife doing the voice over. I bet any money that the Nippon Issuikai organisation absolutely detests Whites race-mixing with their women?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I think one of those cummerbunds would look fetching wrapped very tightly around Gri££in's throat?

They don't make them that long.

Anonymous said...

I do hope that dreadful man Chris Hill can get his head around this.

Deacon said...

The forum is gone. It's been suspended.

NWN Admin said...

There is a new NWN forum going online in the very near future.

Anonymous said...


Deacon said...

"Free" forum my arse.

Anonymous said...

Off topic: EDL and it's real backers:

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...