Eddy Butler fails to get enough nominations
As we expected, we were unable to obtain the required number of signatures for there to be a leadership contest this year.
Without wishing to seem to be a bad loser, there are a number of reasons for this.
Firstly Nick Griffin increased the bar from 5% to 20% of the members with twenty four months continuous membership. This meant we had to obtain the ridiculously high number of 840 signatures. This is an impossibly high total to obtain which is why he made it that high!
To obscure matters further he introduced an unconstitutional nomination process with his own form sent to potential nominees. As party’s membership database is incompetently run many eligible nominees did not obtain their form.
Griffin then invented a whole set of new rules and anyone who ‘broke’ those rules was liable to suspension. This threat was carried out in many instances. This was a clear act of political intimidation.
Lastly Griffin persuaded two stooges to also stand to further complicate matters.
Nevertheless we obtained around 500 nomination signatures – mainly from activists and officers around the country - on our own constitutional forms. This was done without access ti membership lists. Many excellent members assisted with this valiant effort. As we have no faith in the party’s internal processes and because we do not wish to compromise anyone, these have not been handed in
There will be a very large overlap between those who signed my forms and those who also used the unconstitutional Griffin nomination form.
Also I know that many people mistakenly ‘nominated’ Griffin on the unconstitutional form, regretted it, then nominated me on the constitutional form.
Nevertheless the official result was:
Griffin 971
Butler 214
Barnbrook 23
Adams 4
Spoilt 7
Griffin’s scheme was to create chaos like this. This is what he has been plotting these past weeks.
We would have the option of taking this disgraceful matter to court. However we will not do this as it would be very costly for us and for the party. Griffin always passes his costs on to the party.
The party is literally fighting for its survival due to the financial incompetence of Griffin and his failed regime.
Rather than get embroiled in legal action we will continue our battle to save our party from destruction at Griffin’s hands through other means.
As we have said this stage is the end of the beginning. We have hardly started yet!
We urge everyone to stay in the party. If you are able to square it with your conscience, also stay in post.
We must stay in contact stay united. We will win – it is certain. We must be there to pick up the pieces when Griffin runs our precious party off the cliff. This is imminent. Stay together. The nomination process was just the first phase.
Without wishing to seem to be a bad loser, there are a number of reasons for this.
Firstly Nick Griffin increased the bar from 5% to 20% of the members with twenty four months continuous membership. This meant we had to obtain the ridiculously high number of 840 signatures. This is an impossibly high total to obtain which is why he made it that high!
To obscure matters further he introduced an unconstitutional nomination process with his own form sent to potential nominees. As party’s membership database is incompetently run many eligible nominees did not obtain their form.
Griffin then invented a whole set of new rules and anyone who ‘broke’ those rules was liable to suspension. This threat was carried out in many instances. This was a clear act of political intimidation.
Lastly Griffin persuaded two stooges to also stand to further complicate matters.
Nevertheless we obtained around 500 nomination signatures – mainly from activists and officers around the country - on our own constitutional forms. This was done without access ti membership lists. Many excellent members assisted with this valiant effort. As we have no faith in the party’s internal processes and because we do not wish to compromise anyone, these have not been handed in
There will be a very large overlap between those who signed my forms and those who also used the unconstitutional Griffin nomination form.
Also I know that many people mistakenly ‘nominated’ Griffin on the unconstitutional form, regretted it, then nominated me on the constitutional form.
Nevertheless the official result was:
Griffin 971
Butler 214
Barnbrook 23
Adams 4
Spoilt 7
Griffin’s scheme was to create chaos like this. This is what he has been plotting these past weeks.
We would have the option of taking this disgraceful matter to court. However we will not do this as it would be very costly for us and for the party. Griffin always passes his costs on to the party.
The party is literally fighting for its survival due to the financial incompetence of Griffin and his failed regime.
Rather than get embroiled in legal action we will continue our battle to save our party from destruction at Griffin’s hands through other means.
As we have said this stage is the end of the beginning. We have hardly started yet!
We urge everyone to stay in the party. If you are able to square it with your conscience, also stay in post.
We must stay in contact stay united. We will win – it is certain. We must be there to pick up the pieces when Griffin runs our precious party off the cliff. This is imminent. Stay together. The nomination process was just the first phase.
NWN: Why is Butler now crying over the raising of nominations from 5% to 20% ?
It's not that long ago that Mr.Butler was ecstatic over this increase . Butler opined at the time, that it would keep out "joke" candidates like Chris Jackson and Colin Auty.
This election has just shown once again, the corruptness of 'Crook' Griffin . We at NWN don't think the BNP will now last 12 months.
Don't forget Butler wrote this two years ago;
gri££in get's his own way again. when the bnp become bankrupt because of gri££in's misuse of party money. will these fool's who back him point the blame at him? when they will not be allowed to stand in elections, these people deserve all they get from gri££In. getting well and truely ripped off.
In your face. Eddy and his band of misfits obliterated at the count! Ha
Butler was doing Griffin's dirty work up to October last year.Ask anyone in Epping Forest Branch.
Adams got how many votes ?
Dear oh dear !
It was predicted that Butler would not be allowed to win the challenge, let alone get through the first hurdle of the nomination procedure.
You can't deal a straight hand with a crooked dealer.
Understand that fact first and foremost.
Not pursuing legal action against griffin for this debacle is a farce. It is regarded as a lack of action and determination, and will haunt the anti-Griffinites. I am sure that many nationalists would contribute to a pot for the legal fund if a case was launched.
A bad, bad decision.
A good Nationalist is an informed Nationalist.
Butler has always been a Griffinite.They are both creating confusion.........divide and conquer.........In fact Butler is as useless as Griffin and Darby.
The NF and UKIP will benefit from lots of new members. maybe a good thing as least they are run by decent people who believe in democracy.
I know in Aberdeen the NF and UKIP are bigger than the BNP, due to Griffin and the other wanker in charge up here Raikes the Junk yard thieving trailer trash.
The man who go's around scrounging fags, food and fivers off of other nationalists.
the bnp deserves this. we warned the bnp of his ineptness 11 years ago. he will stab ex-comrades in the back and is a disaster with money.
I was at the EGM, Eddy didn't say anything against Gri££in's illegal motions, in fact he helped chair the bloody scam meeting, the members were duped as usual, now the same brian dead plebs have given Gri££in yet another mandate to misrule the party, quiet frankly f**k them all!
Gri££in trying to garner some sympathy after completely messing the EHRC up, I wonder if he will survive this? The only reason he's annoyed it's on the 7th is he can't claim his Euro attendance allowance the greedy git.
"Nick Griffin MEP Via Twitter 16 minutes ago: Have now been formaly served with Equality Commission summons back to court from the high court. Heading leaves no doubt as to their aim: 'Notice to show good reason why an order should not be made for your committal to prison.' thanks for that Mr Phillips. Due back in court sept 7. Yet again a hearing set when they know full well i should be voting in parliament. Totalitarian & petty"
What we are witnessing now are the death throws of the BNP.
That fat piece of shit Gri££in is just hoping he can keep it's pulse from going into complete arrest before he can get his arse re-elected into $Europe$.
The man is scum, no great revelation there then, but what must be remembered is that everything legally possible has been done to try and remove this fat leach from the BNP, and it has failed.
Now we, the membership and supporters must take a leaf out of ‘The Gri££in Book of Scum’, and act in other ways to get rid of him. There is no choice left, everything including the kitchen sink must be hurled at this creature to force him to crawl off under his rock for good.
Lee Barnes (for all his sins) is now already leading the way by attacking the hypocrisy of Gri££in, but to truly knock lumps out of him we need HARD EVEDENCE. Photos of him saluting, recordings of him saying insane things, videos of him acting like a prick and threatening people; anything that can add to his demise. These things must then be reported to the police and then leaked to the media. It will make his chairmanship utterly untenable and destroy his chances of re-election.
I know that people don’t want to lower themselves to this level, but we have NO CHOICE!
Remember, no greater damage can be done to the BNP than has already been done by Gri££in.
Be nice as pie to his face, then stab him in the back and twist the fucking knife; these are the rules HE understands.
Get mean, get sneaky, get angry, get really dirty, then pull the rug from under his fat arse for good.
Come on people!!!
Eddy should show Brons the list of names he has collected over the last few weeks, I believe Eddy managed to get some 440 signatures which equates to 10% of long term members, if Gri££in wants to suspend or expel those brave 440 let him and he will eventually suffer the consequences? It will be interesting to see if the EHRC legal action personally bankrupts Gri££in on Sep 7th in the High Courts, stopping his MEP wages and benefits may be the only way of stopping this bastard?
If this race-mixing Griffinite bastard attends that 'War Crimes' shrine, he should be kicked out of the party, incidentally this Jap group wouldn't look to kindly on race-mixers either!
"BNP attends international far-right conference in Japan
BNP staff manager Adam Walker will join MEPs and members of far-right parties from across Europe at Tokyo-based congress"
Watch disgusting Gri££in goat about this 'win' and shake hands with that creep Adams last night! Gri££in states : "the party's debt are 25% of our annual turnover." Well what is our annual turnover, we haven't seen the accounts? Can you believe Gri££in still has so many fans in Manchester, plebs the lot of them!
just love this comment on NWN forum about mr baztard from someone that knows the score about this dubious character who has destroyed birmingham bnp and is now on course to destroy the west midlands as a whole,wake up griffin but this lot there for a reason.comment is at 1.01pm today,lol at full stop at least he knows the score.
Anonymous said...
just love this comment on NWN forum about mr baztard from someone that knows the score about this dubious character who has destroyed birmingham bnp and is now on course to destroy the west midlands as a whole
Sorry, that forum isn't the NWN forum. The NWN name belongs to this blog NorthWestNationalists, whose forum is now ;
The NWN name doesn't belong to Miss Ebanks !
Off Topic / Excellent article.
"Miliband v Miliband and Jewish politics
By Ephraim Hardcastle
Daily Mail 12th August 2010
How Jewish are the Milibands? wonders The Spectator this week, noting that 'two bright, young, attractive Jewish boys (David and Ed) are running for the Labour leadership'.
The Tory magazine notes that while David courts Labour's Jewish vote by supporting Israel - and has received 'several large donations from prominent Jews' - Ed feels the party needs to be a 'critical' friend of Israel.
Although the paper states rather oleaginously that the Milibands might bring 'a confident, proud British Jewish identity to the pinnacle of British politics', I wonder if the family welcomes this creepy style of attention."
BNP want Jewish 'comrades' to fight Muslims
August 12, 2010 Jewish Chronicle
Members of far-right organisations are urging colleagues to support an unlikely ally - Israel.
Small groups of BNP and English Defence League supporters are championing the Jewish state as part of a perceived struggle with the Muslim world.
They call for Israel and the BNP to be "comrades in arms".
One person commenting on a pro-BNP blog suggested that the party should open an office in Israel to "show solidarity with the Israeli people".
But Jon Benjamin, Board of Deputies chief executive, warned: "No one in their right mind should have any truck with the BNP or their ilk."
A blogger on The Green Arrow, an independent website which supports the BNP, encouraged others to look to Israel to avoid the West's "meek surrender to Islam".
Under the name Reconquista, the blogger wrote: "Against the backdrop of an enormous anti-Israel propaganda campaign waged by Muslims and by the Marxist left, Israel continues to fight for its very survival.
"I believe it is absolutely imperative for British Nationalists to be fully aware of the lies, deceptions, hypocrisy and moral cowardice surrounding Israel and the Jewish people."
One person commented on the blog: "I have written several times calling for committees for the mutual defence of white and Jewish communities to be set up here. Both people are under attack… Jewish people need to stop opposing us as their enemy."
Another adds: "We need Israel. We must join with them to fight this terrible wave of Islam trying to take over the world. The Jews know all about ethnic cleansing, and they will never allow themselves to be in that position again."
In May, the extreme right-wing anti-Islamic fundamentalism group the English Defence League launched a "Jewish division", encouraging Jews to "lead the counter-Jihad fight in
Mr Benjamin said: "Short-term political expediency and pronouncements of this kind are merely a cynical ploy by the BNP to try to re-invent themselves to capture the support of those who should know better."
A CST spokesman said: "There may be the odd BNP activist who thinks that antisemitism is stupid, and there may well be others who think that supporting Israel is a good idea, but none of it changes what the BNP is all about."
Such concerns may be well-founded. The Green Arrow site includes readers' comments such as "it's the Jews who own all the media".
My informants tell me all is not well with in the Green Arrow camp and parting of the ways is on the cards Paul Morris might jump ship sooner than later.
Anonymous said...
"Miliband v Miliband and Jewish politics
By Ephraim Hardcastle
Daily Mail 12th August 2010
How Jewish are the Milibands? wonders The Spectator this week, noting that 'two bright, young, attractive Jewish boys (David and Ed) are running for the Labour leadership'.........
Did some guy with hair on his top lip once say the jew leads the battle agaist himself to secure victory smart move.
Knights Pawn.
Latest news Griffin & Dowson are coming down to London Thursday evening to give their side of the story, unfortunately all those with pressing questions have been suspended. Griffin has wrecked London and now has the audacity to visit the city.
Germany frees Israeli agent suspected in Hamas murder - had used Holocaust to qualify for fake German passport.
Pay back time!!!
Bang goes the Chinky vote, it won't be worth leafleting China Town any more! I wonder what the BNP members with far-easten wives will say now?
"Japanese, European "ultrarightist forces" unpopular in world
English.news.cn 2010-08-14
by Xinhua writers Wu Liming, Feng Wuyong
BEIJING, Aug. 14 (Xinhua) -- French nationalist Jean-Marie Le Pen and Adam Walker of the British National Party and other European right-wing politicians on Saturday visited a Japanese shrine that has drawn outrage for honoring war criminals
However, it was definitely surprising that Walker, the BNP's staff manager, visited the ornate shrine in downtown Tokyo that honors Japan's war dead, including convicted war criminals.
The BNP claims to be the "most patriotic party" in Britain but Walker's appearance at the shrine showed the opposite"
Latest news Griffin & Dowson are coming down to London Thursday evening to give their side of the story, unfortunately all those with pressing questions have been suspended. Griffin has wrecked London and now has the audacity to visit the city......
Didnt griffin and some of his goons turn up at a B&D council meeting last year ? when we had 12 concillors ?
History can be fun.
Has Hannam been visited by the Police regarding BNP finances ?
Anonymous said...
Has Hannam been visited by the Police regarding BNP finances ?
15 August 2010 01:43
News to us but you never know ! It's about time.
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