Thursday, February 15, 2024



Anonymous said...


Covert Kid said...

Some Music
Judy Collins & Pete Seeger - Turn! Turn! Turn!

Anonymous said...

Now that Alexei Navalny in Russia is dead the media all over Europe, UK and the USA will go into an anti Putin frenzy.
Meanwhile in the west Assange is in jail in a free so-called democratic world and the media notices nothing.

Anonymous said...

Some people have short memories as far as Assange is concerned, this rat published the membership list of the BNP on line, destroying many people lives. He can rot in hell as far as I am concerned.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Assange & the BNP list:
I seem to remember it was something to do with Matt + Sadie Graham.
This is the first I have heard it was Julian Assange.

Anonymous said...

The leaked BNP membership is still on Assange's Wikileaks.
The scum Matt Single and Sadie Graham now live in Hailsham East Sussex.

Anonymous said...

Who needs Assange for that when you've got Griffin?

Assange is however critiqued in "180° - Unlearn the Lies You've Been Taught to Believe" (2021 and later) by Feargus O'Connor Greenwood; about as candid on so-called conspiracy theories and their operatives as law in the UK permits an author/publisher to be. In fairness, Greenwood indicates ca. p. 581 that the case of Julian Assange is a highly nuanced one and hard to tell if he is the author's so-called Bikini Opposition (what is concealed counts, not what's revealed); however he does cite a compelling negative for Assange:

“I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9-11.”
--Julian Assange, Belfast Telegraph, 19th July, 2010

"... it is inconceivable that someone with Assange’s intellect, and who constantly, via Wikileaks, deals with revealing conspiracies day in, day out, would not be aware of all the anoma//es surround­ ing 9-11 and especially WTC 7 ...."

Anonymous said...

Oh, and not to forget among the collectors of names and addresses, the late Harold Covington

"All one needs to know about the late Harold Covington is alluded to in the autobiography of the (also late) John Tyndall: "The Eleventh Hour". But still HC is unquestioningly lionised by certain publicists of the "Right". Birds of a feather..."

- the book doesn't go into all the details but there is/are articles out there that do.

Did anyone "inside" actually see Jez Turner in Wandsworth? Or for that matter James Allchurch in his latest supposed rookerie? Personally I'm inclined to believe the latter one is really organic (-vs- synthetic).

Anonymous said...

To substantiate:
(Has a couple of ocr errors in it but otherwise looks OK).

Do a cntrl+F for Covington and get some of the broader perspective on the gentle art of gathering names and addresses.
December 2015 comment by Chris White
- comment drew scathing retors from "Sven Longshanks" et al.

- haven't checked but I assume the record's been cleaned.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...