Friday, November 24, 2023

 Dublin - 23rd November 2023 . 'Diversity' is our strength ? 

The people who have pushed for this 'diversity' nonsense, need to be highlighted. This campaign for 'diversity' has been ongoing since WW2. 

One good thing about this though, is that from this will grow effective opposition to Sinn Fein/IRA now, over in Ireland. The Marxist/communist Sinn Fein /IRA, have been pushing for 'diversity' and the other left wing nonsense like LGBTQ, and all the rest of that 'agenda'. 

Ireland have had a huge push for 'diversity' imposed on them, again with no mandate from the electorate, in relatively recent years.

People like Peter Sutherland, the late 'UN Special Envoy', who pushed this 'madness' that has been imposed from above, with no 'mandate' at all from any of the nation states electorates. They impose 'social engineering' plans, and the public have to just 'suck it up' . Where is the democracy here ?

In spite of Sutherlands accent and name,  he is in fact jewish . And he makes a very prescient point at the end of this clip.

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