Monday, November 06, 2023



Anonymous said...
Even the Lefties are riled.
Classic case of Rules for Radicals targeting of an individual, getting them off-balance and provoking them e.g. as in the Alison Chabloz case; here, old White guy MP gets flummoxed and eventually lets it all hang out. And is then immortalised on the omnipresent and ever-ready smart-cam.

Note the BBC in the above article used a transitory facial gesture to demonise him.

Total 100% moral relativism by the UK apparat!

"Paul Jarvis, prosecuting, told the court: "Mr Alwadaei felt upset and humiliated by what had taken place." "

Humza Yousaf: too many Whites

"Claire Walsh, Deputy Chief Crown Prosecutor of the CPS, said: ... "Hatred of any kind has no place in society and wherever our legal test is met, the CPS will not hesitate to prosecute those who perpetrate hate crimes.""

What about #killallwhitemen you CPS drone? Amongst a drawerful of others.

"Hate". Not an outcome but a vector.

OT / Amos:
{5:14} Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live... {5:15} Hate the evil, and love the good...

" "I am not a racist. ...." Big mistake. Next time anyone else gets publicly confronted: Raise your arm and point at the verbal assailant [i.e. J'ACCUSE! mode] and just shout: "I'll speak to YOU later!"

The judge's name in that version of the story relayed by the BBC was omitted. But not in an earlier.

The fine was a somewhat "'Masonic'" looking £600!

Anonymous said...

A set-up.

Anonymous said...

Looks like it could be a 'set-up' . Tommeh buggered off in a taxi by all accounts. But the cops didn't hold back in using force with the lads who turned up.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...