Wednesday, August 16, 2023

NWN:  We would really urge viewers to view all this video and the facts quoted by Katie Hopkins. Especially the people and groups that seek to silence in particular, we nationalists. We never thought she would name one specific very powerful racial grouping - the most dangerous in our opinion as they hold allegiance to a foreign power. We nationalists know of this group only too well.


Anonymous said...

I'd go with that but mysteriously she doesn't mention the bankers and the contrl of money among The Hierarchy Enslaving You, just mostly their visible front: pretty-frock priests, street "activist" spiteful mutants, jobsworth media manipulators, self-loathing White virtue-signallers etc etc.
Follow the money always.

Anonymous said...

Katie Hopkins is obviously learning reality, the hard way ? UK Column aren't great friends of the state of Israel, most likely due to their 'Christian' values ?

Anonymous said...

You're very charitably disposed imo @18 August 2023 at 17:51

Hopkins said in this piece she came top of her class in economics, joined the Army (Intelligence) yet doesn't know what makes the world go round???

As for the UK Column, here's betting they never mention the South African White farmer murders; Sky News Australia TV report posted to YT 2023-08-05:
‘Anti-white racism’: Farmers being targeted in South Africa

- instead all you get from the UK Column is the interminable "Mrs (Bleak House) Jellyby" Vanessa Beeley droning on about Syria and such. We know why, but there are problems that are nearer to home.

And as Disraeli said (through the mouth of his character in "Tancred"?):

"No one may be indifferent to the racial principle, the racial question. It
is the key to world history. History is often confusing because it is written
by people who did not understand the racial question and the aspects
relevant to it... Race is everything, and every race that does not keep its
blood from being mixed will perish... Language and religion do not
determine a race--blood determines it."
— British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli

-- quoted in Chapter 13, Defensive Racism, p217 of the book of the same name by the late Edgar J. Steele, 2005.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...