Wednesday, June 29, 2022


A century before Britain became involved in the trans-Atlantic slave trade, whole villages and towns in England, Ireland, Italy, Spain and other European countries were being depopulated by slavers, who transported the men, women and children to Africa where they were sold to the highest bidder. This is the forgotten slave trade.


Anonymous said...

In similar vein, see e.g. HOFFMAN, Michael A. II: They Were White and They were Slaves (1993).

Elsewhere... NWN Admin said...
"Why people continue to listen to Nick Griffin really beggars belief. His record of wrecking nationalist parties is without peer . He was disruptive in the National Front from around 1979. He later helped destroy the NF totally in the mid/later 1980's and which it never got over that destruction. Griffin did it again when he hijacked the BNP in 1999, and ultimately destroyed it. One who linked up with Griffin was none other than Nigel Farage, who brags about his helping get rid of John Tyndall and the destruction of the BNP. There is a pic of Griffins henchman Tony 'the bomber' Lecomber, together with Farage and Dr Mark Deavin, another shady UKIP personage linked to Griffin, on this very blogsite. Another now forgotten 'behind the scenes' character in the destruction of the BNP was Griffins 'friend', Rabbi Meyer Schiller, of New York. What was his role with Griffin, one must speculate. People who know Nick Griffin personally, very soon detest the man."

He's back!

[link expires in a few weeks or sooner].

In this one Mr Griffin en passant (en pissant?) dismisses the predicament of "Sven Longshanks" now on trial for wrongthink as being attributable, he thinks, to the defendant's own stupidity and/or yen for martyrdom.
Never just damning with faint praise...
Abandon hope all ye who enter here! We're doooo-o-o-o-o-med! Read your Bibles and pray. And buy my book!

Anonymous said...

The Knights Templar International. Jim Dowson And Nick Griffin Preparing For A Civil War.
November 10th, 2019.

'The Knights Templar International Jim Dowson and Nick Griffin Preparing for a Civil War or Just Another Money Making Scam ?'

Anonymous said...

Buy your fake swords now!

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...