Saturday, December 31, 2022

 Lewisham National Front march 13th August 1977 - the most in depth film on what happened that day.

This film has only now (re?) surfaced now after 45 years.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

 Cop for this (video) ! Jews and Zionism.

 We mainland patriots, have NEVER been as focussed as the UK patriots in Northern Ireland. 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

 A friend and comrade of NORTHWESTNATIONALISTS - John Tyndall.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

 'Died Suddenly' - in full !

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Friday, December 16, 2022

 Died Suddenly - Official trailer.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

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Tuesday, December 06, 2022

World Economic Forum's plans for 15 minute cities have arrived in OXFORD 

Monday, December 05, 2022

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Saturday, December 03, 2022


The general population doesn't know what's happening, and it doesn't even know that it doesn't know. They don't even know what's going on at that remote and secret level of decision making. ~Noam Chomsky

Friday, December 02, 2022


 Derrick Day - a very major supporter of the National Front in the 1970's. The jewish script writer Johnny Speight admitted in a SUNDAY TELEGRAPH article in the late 1970's, that he based the TV character ALF GARNETT on Derrick Day. 

'ALF GARNETT' was the jewish actor Warren Mitchell. 

This TV programme/series, helped to swamp the UK with immigrants. Garnett was the 'fool' , but his language made folk identify with his views. All psychological warfare. 

The UK was being softened up for what was to come, and where we are today. 

 We knew Derrick was a patriotic 'hard man', and we knew that Derrick had had dealings with the KRAY twins gangsters. Derrick hated them both. 

In the 1970's Derrick described the Krays as being " TWO Jewish poofs". This was confirmed when Reg Kray died after being released from jail, due to him dying from cancer in 2000.

It appears that, even the Krays gave Derrick a 'wideberth', he was that 'handy'. 

 Derrick was a supporter of Oswald Mosley way before he joined the National Front back then, as were many thousands of London East Enders. East London had a tradition of support for Mosley.

Derrick spoke many times in Rochdale to packed meetings. Always to more than 100 people he was that popular. RIP Derrick - our old friend!

Friday, November 25, 2022


 An unsung hero - William 'Bill' Lockett. Oldham BNP.

Whilst looking through some papers, this pic dropped out. A truly forgotten hero. This pic was for both his Oldham Chronicle press statements, but also for his election addresses.

The very first BNP man to stand for the BNP in Oldham was this man, Bill Lockett. 

Bill had been an ordinary working class man in Oldham, but could foresee what was happening to his town.  This man stood up where many in Oldham would not do so. In fact, it was a bit of a standing joke in nationalist circles from the days of the National Front, that Oldham folk used to attend meetings, but when it came to joining marches , they used to watch the march from the sidelines and not join in the march. In those days, our marches were vociferously attacked by communist mobs without hindrance from the Police.

Bill Lockett was something else. He meant what he said, and he said what he meant.

Bill lived not too far from Oldham Royal Infirmary. His health was not good. When he stood for election, he had major health issues with his heart. We can do no better than report this excerpt from Pete Rushton, a comrade from those times.

Bill Lockett wasn't in 100% health when he fought Hollinwood ward at the May 2000 election - the first Oldham BNP election campaign. The count was packed with very young, aggressive Asians, some of whom later went to prison for election fraud. 

But that night the main police focus was on us. Chris Jackson was stitched up by a Labour counting agent who claimed he had "racially abused" her. All nonsense of course, but Chris was arrested and taken out of the count to the cells  No charges were brought.

Bill Lockett won 229 votes that night (9.7%), putting the new Oldham branch on the electoral map.

By the time of the next local election in May 2002 the Oldham race riots had occurred and the BNP had fought both Oldham constituencies at the 2001 general election, with great success.

Bill Lockett was in hospital having a heart operation in the week of the election, but he stood as a candidate in the ward on the very frontline of Oldham's race war: Alexandra, on its then boundaries perhaps the most racially divided ward in Britain.

Alexandra ward then contained both the solidly white Fitton Hill estate, home to some of Oldham's strongest BNP supporters, and the infamous riot-scarred Asian ghetto of Glodwick, where corrupt Asian landlords and "community leaders" registered 15 or 20 voters to a house - all of whom turned out come election time of course 

It takes courage to stand anywhere as a racial nationalist candidate; it takes even more courage to do so if you are seriously ill; but to do so in a ward like Alexandra in 2002 takes a very special kind of courage indeed. Bill Lockett was the man who did it.

One of my strongest memories of my BNP days was the night of the Alexandra count. I was the BNP agent at that count - and there weren't too many other white faces, especially since the next door count was the heavily Asian Coldhurst ward.

Michael Meacher, Oldham MP and then a minister in Tony Blair's cabinet, was standing on the other side of the table, looking nervous, then triumphant as the first two ballot boxes opened showed a massive turnout of Asian voters for Labour. Overall 49.2% of the electorate had voted: up from 31.8% the previous year.

We wiped the smile off Meacher's face when the white areas voted massively BNP - Fitton Hill by six or seven BNP for each one Labour.

Of course it wasn't enough, but Bill Lockett and Oldham BNP had won a great moral victory - runner-up in Alexandra ward with 788 votes (23.6%).

Rest in peace comrade.

"Together in Britain we have lit a flame that the ages shall not extinguish. Guard that sacred flame my brother Blackshirts until it illumines Britain and lights again the paths of Mankind."
OM, 1938
Oldham became a major dynamo in the then nationalist struggle, as did Burnley slightly later, due to fine people like Steve Smith and Simon Bennett, not forgetting Sharon P.

Oldham however got the major issue of the crook Nick Griffin initially 'worming' his way in, and turning naive people like Mick Treacy to his way of thinking. Griffin did the very same with the then very promising Chris Jackson. Jackson had been 'pushed' by old time nationalist Ken Henderson. Henderson now spends his time living as a fake country squire, with upper class tories.

Unfortunately, both turned out to be well out of their depth. Jackson even accepted a 'wage' then from Griffin as the BNP NW Regional Organiser. 

Treacy was invited to Griffins abode in Welshpool,Wales, several times. He had only just joined the BNP, but for some obscure reason, Jackson pushed him to be the Organiser of Oldham BNP. For some strange reason, Griffin also invited Treacy to his Welsh home.

Oldham originally started from Rochdale BNP, and their meetings /socials.. 

When Oldham BNP members  were big enough, they had to 'fly on their own'. Unfortunately , Griffin and Jackson had got their wish for cheap cigar smoking taxi driver Treacy, to be the man who got the job of Oldham BNP Organiser.

Griffin parachuted himself into standing in Oldham for a parliamentary seat . Treacy also stood then in 2001.

The 'die' was set. 

OldhamBNP was doomed, and so it was.

At the very same time, North West BNP was being led by TWO University graduates who even then, both had their regrets and misgivings about Nick Griffin, and his corrupt practices. Griffin obviously saw these two as serious threats to himself, especially since the riots that occurred in both Burnley and Oldham and the huge support for BNP candidates in elections in the North West. Both of these University graduates were hounded out of the BNP by Griffin and his 'lapdogs'.No doubt these 'dumb bells' haven't got a clue about what they did? It was at the same time when Griffin decided to 'parachute' himself into Oldham as an election candidate, and he set about destroying Burnley BNP too.

The North West was THE beacon of nationalism at that time. In fact, Derek Beackon used to drop the papers/propaganda for the BNP then, on his own from a bashed up van .

Treacy also allowed decent people to leave the BNP,  who had railed against a criminal underclass who became the majority in Oldham BNP. These people destroyed a so promising grass roots 'fight back'.

Within a couple of years of Bill Lockett standing, the Oldham BNP were having meetings with a couple of hundred attending meetings and collections always over £1,000+.

Real nationalist men like Bill Lockett, deserve to be remembered with honour. He meant well. He and we, deserved better.

The very first nationalists in Oldham of the modern era were Mike Sellors, a former British Campaign to Stop Immigration chap who was then an accountant in the mid 1970's. Sellors stood for election in Rochdale. But more directly, there was a chap, a printer by profession called Granville Halliwell. Granville started a National Front unit in the town of Oldham in the 1970's. 

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Friday, November 18, 2022

Tuesday, November 15, 2022


Osnabruck Royal British Legion and German military personnel and German veterans, commemorate Remembrance Sunday 13th. November 2022. No more brothers wars!

War memorial, Winkelhauser barracks, Osnabrück.
War memorial, Roberts Barracks, Osnabrück .


Spain's socialist/communist government is now trying to ban nationalist demonstrations. 

Starting with this weekends Jose Antonio/Franco rallies and marches. Spain's Government are not seemingly satisfied with publishing a postage stamp, praising the centenary of Spains' Communist party. Spanish nationalist's answer is, the above annual march & demonstrations in Central Madrid.

Meanwhile, on the Remembrance Day Parade on Sunday morning, on the main parade to the Cenotaph in London. We're very seldom lost for words ! But this pic has caused much angst on Armed Forces veterans facebook pages.

 Well worth a watch UK COLUMN.........

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Sunday, November 13, 2022

 Remembrance Sunday 2022 - Rochdale' Mayor and his wife laying a wreath.

Monday, November 07, 2022

 Whilst we are non-sectarian, this is quite an interesting quote?

Thursday, November 03, 2022

 "We must prepare for an angrier world" - who was it that said that?

With everything going 't*ts up', constant scaremongering from the controlled media, and now using this economic weapon raising the UK interest rates to 3%.

The huge handing out of many £billions of money in the Covid scam era on furloughing and  PPI contracts that didn't work or for 'jabs' that also don't work. in fact the opposite as they are quite dangerous and lethal. Throwing £billions more into a war that has nothing to do with us, 1,000's of miles away. Our politicians keep saying this is a price we must pay. Sunak said it immediately after his fixed ascent to the position of Prime Minister.

All this is to do what the Marxist left always wanted to do in the past via their then plan of using 'the Workers' to strike, and bring down the 'capitalist system'.

Behind the 'workers' was always people like bankers. People like JP Morgan, Kuhn Loeb and ultimately the Rothschilds amongst other plutocrats.

This time they have used the Italian Jewish communist Antonio Gramsci's 'Marching through the Institutions' model. They used this concept in other models such as 'Common Purpose', to infiltrate positions of power.

Alongside all this, the extremely dangerous plan they want to force us to have - is their 'Central Bank Digital Currency'/CBDC. IF, they get that plan implemented, we will have effectively lost the battle and the war.  They will then be able to control us 100%, and for ever. The book '1984 by George Orwell' was not a training manual. But it seems to be, 100%.

This time they have used globalist player billionaires openly, such as Soros and the Rothschilds, and their companies such as Blackstone, to push in their planned 'One World Government'.

So, who was it that said, "We must prepare for an angrier world", and he said that some years ago?

Tuesday, November 01, 2022


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This is UNSAYABLE. Katie Hopkins on the migrant money machine.


Neil Oliver: We are expected to forget those promising to fix the disaster, caused it.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

 Apparently this is the USA today. We thought it was Kenya or Uganda. 

Thursday, October 20, 2022

The useless Truss gone. Who next? One thing is certain, they will be a World Economic Forum acolyte. Sunak is their preferred choice, but there is a whole raft of other WEF followers. 

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Biggest scam in history - PFIZER's Janine Small says "Pfizer did NOT know whether 'Covid' vaccine stopped transmission before rollout of their 'jabs'.

Alex Bourla, Pfizers Jewish Chief Executive and Chairman, refused to attend European parliaments committee hearings.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Sunday, October 09, 2022

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

 'Heritage & Destiny' pull's off  a coup !  Spanish nationalist leader Isabel Peralta speaks in Preston, Lancashire.

Isabel Peralta speaks
Attendees applaud Isabel Peralta after her speech.

On landing in Manchester for the meeting,  Isabel Peralta was detained by so called 'anti-terrorist' Police .

Click pics to enlarge.

For a much more detailed report of the meeting see here;

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

This UK COLUMN latest news bulletin of yesterday, is also a must watch. It also focusses in on Neil Olivers' vid below, but in much more detail
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We really do recommend this video by Neil Oliver - a must watch .

Friday, September 30, 2022

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Mine Were of Trouble: A Nationalist Account of the Spanish Civil War - Peter Kemp. Amazon 4.8/5 Spain, 1936. Escalating violence between left- and right-wing political factions boils over. Military officers stage a coup against a democratically elected, Soviet-backed, government. The country is thrown into chaos as centuries-old tensions return to the forefront. Hundreds of thousands of Spaniards choose sides and engage in the most devastating combat since the First World War. For loyalists to the Republic, the fight is seen as one for equality and their idea of progress. For the rebels, the struggle is a preemptive strike by tradition against an attempted communist takeover. Thousands of foreigners, too, join the struggle. Most fight with the Soviet-sponsored International Brigades or other militias aligned with the loyalist “Republicans”. Only a few side with the rebel “Nationalists”. One of these rare volunteers for the Nationalists was Peter Kemp, a young British law student. Kemp, despite having little training or command of the Spanish language, was moved by the Nationalist struggle against international Communism. Using forged documents, he sneaked into Spain and joined a traditionalist militia, the Requetés, with which he saw intense fighting. Later, he volunteered to join the legendary and ruthless Spanish Foreign Legion, where he distinguished himself with heroism. Because of this bravery, he was one of the few foreign volunteers granted a private audience with Generalissimo Francisco Franco. Kemp published his story in 1957, one of the only English accounts of the war from the Nationalist perspective, after a prestigious military career with the British Special Operations Executive during the Second World War. The book has been out-of-print for decades, but is at last available in print and ebook form once again.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

 With the amount of daily deaths in Chicago now, this 'meme' made me chuckle! 

Monday, September 12, 2022

Evelyn de Rothschild feels secure enough to poke his finger towards the future King of England’s chest. And worse than this, is that Prince Charles seems to look somewhat subservient.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

 The then Prince Charles, at the World Economic Forum in 1992. This is obviously close to Charles heart?

 Why oh why, did the late Queen and Prince Philip name the then Prince Charles, 'Charles' ? 

They knew he was the heir to the throne. The first TWO King Charles's left England and the UK, a wasteland and battlefield. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Look who will be in Manchester, and why, on 5th September 2022. Prince Harry and Meghan , Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be attending a World Economic Forum 'shindig' - One Young World.

Harry and Meghan, Duke and Duchess of Sussex, to Attend Summit 2022 | One Young World

For details see here;

The One Young World Manchester 2022, 5-8 September | One Young World

ALL the Royal Family are working for the WEF, except it seems, Princess Anne. They are acting worse than Edward 'the caresser' VII, who was as decadent as it was possible to be, and who constantly hung around with amongst other incredibly rich people, the Rothschilds.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

 This is probably NEIL OLIVER'S most important description of what is going on in the world today.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Today 45 years ago - the National Front marched in Lewisham . Severe violence and rioting broke out that day, committed by violent extreme left-wing and communist mobs.

It was labelled by the media - The Battle of Lewisham. 
 On 13 August 1977,demonstrating against street crime, they were protesting about a spate of violent street robberies committed by black muggers, according to figures released by the Metropolitan Police. 

The National Front (NF) organized a march from New Cross to Catford, passing through Lewisham. Attempts to have the march banned in the High Court by the All Lewisham Campaign Against Racism and Fascism (ALCARAF) had failed. So on the morning of the 13 August 1977, hundreds of NF members began to assemble in Achilles Street in New Cross.

At the same time, thousands of communists, anarchists and many other extreme left wing Marxist groups 'whipped up' local people and community leaders, including the Mayor of Lewisham, extreme left winger Roger Godsiff, the 'Red' Bishop of Southwark, Mervyn Stockwood, and the leader of the British Board of Jewish Deputies, Martin Savitt. This mob came together at Ladywell Fields, to hold a counter-march under the ALCARAF banner.They organised their mob to finish at the exact location and time where the National Front were forming up . They totally disregarded Police advice . 

 By mid-day in New Cross, huge crowds of local people and members of extreme left wing political organisations, had gathered on Clifton Rise to block the NF’s intended route. 

Police faced forceful violent opposition when they attempted to clear Clifton Rise, and there were violent confrontations when they tried to reroute the NF march through Pagnell Street away from the Red mob. 

Later that afternoon, violent clashes continued in Lewisham town centre as the communist counter-demonstrators clashed with police, after the NF had finished their march and been escorted out of the area. At that point, and for the first time on the British mainland. The Metropolitan police who had deployed over 5,000 police officers that day, employed the large rigid-plastic riot shields used in Northern Ireland then, that would become such a hallmark of 'law and order' in the 1980s. The events of 13 August 1977 became known as the ‘Battle of Lewisham'

Friday, August 12, 2022

 Just when you thought you'd seen it all . Or that surely, things can't get any worse ?