Tuesday, November 01, 2022


Neil Oliver: We are expected to forget those promising to fix the disaster, caused it.


Henry said...

Neil Oliver rocks up like an angry man. Or is he just another actor playing an angry man? I wonder how far down the rabbit hole he's ready to go....

NWN Admin said...

A bit of an 'enigma' is GB News ? They seem to 'run with the hare and hunt with the hounds'. GB News still remains to follow the globalist narrative AND launch attacks on it via people like Neil Oliver. As he is an historian, I 'hope' it is that 'discipline' that motivates him? Reading the background/history, I have bad feelings though about Mark Steyn.

  NWN has been talking to a top English Defence League official . Don't even think NWN follows that 'Tommy Robinson' bloke, or h...