Monday, July 05, 2021

 Don't believe a word Priti Patel say's !

This video by Nigel Farage is being recommended on here due to it's content. This is not an advert or recommendation for Farage . On the contrary. We have put this vid up, as real nationalists in the UK, have got no one or where, or even a political party to air our views . Farage helped to enable this situation, when he helped to rid the BNP of the leadership of John Tyndall in 1999 . Farage was helped to do this task, by, in particular Nick Griffin, Tony 'bomber' Lecomber , and Dr. Mark Deavin . There were others, but these three plus Farage, bear the greatest responsibility for bringing down John Tyndall.

However, the content in this video and the ongoing issue of illegal immigration into the UK and the telling people about Priti Useless , and her constant 'tough talking'. Which always amounts to absolutely nothing . This people need to have at the back of their minds. Especially on the issue of illegal Immigration into the UK.


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