Friday, January 08, 2021

First Thoughts on the Breach of the Capitol by Trump Backers: The Left Will Now Enact Permanent Hegemony 

1. The obvious: violence and property destruction all summer by the left—still continuing in Portland et al.— tolerated by politicians and ignored by most of media which is now outraged by the breach of the Capitol. Sedition!! Insurrection!! How quickly they forget all the violence by the left, including the riots in DC before, during, and after Trump’s inauguration. Imagine the rioting if Trump had won. It would have made what happened at the Capitol seem like child’s play. And the media and the left would have talked about “mostly peaceful” protests.

2. With control of Congress (assuming Ossoff wins, which seems like a done deal), the Democrats will make victory permanent by adding DC and Puerto Rico as states, giving amnesty to millions of illegals so they can vote, ramp up legal immigration, and finish the demographic revolution ahead of schedule.

3. Big  Tech will ramp up censorship, and Congress may well enact “hate speech” laws with prison and fines for the dissident right, which Biden will be only too happy to sign. Websites like this one may well be targets.  If SCOTUS strikes down such laws, they will pack the Court. Or maybe just pack the Court anyway, as seems to be mainstream among Democrats.

3. A large percentage of the right believes the election was stolen (it was). I don’t think this attitude will go away, and when they realize they can’t win elections because of what the new government is doing, all bets are off. The left will use violence from the right to rationalize left authoritarianism, and with all that media power and political hegemony, they may succeed; again, fines and prison for rightest dissenters. There may well be very serious secession movements by Red State America. In any case, it’s not over until it’s over.

4. Ultimately this has come about because of the anti-White demographic revolution set into motion by the 1965 immigration law and the gradual increases in numbers of legal immigrants and illegal immigrants whose children become citizens. There’s no way that Georgia would vote for leftist radicals like Ossoff and Warnock without the demographic shift. The revolution was rationalized by the leftist media and academic culture which is now preaching Critical Race Theory aimed at inducing guilt in Whites and convincing Whites to punish other Whites who dissent from the new —what is called altruistic punishment by evolutionists (White people are particularly prone to this—long story). It’s redundant here to point out the outsize Jewish role in all this, but suffice it to say that this is the endgame dreamed of by the activist left for the last century. Their take-home message from the 2016 election was that Trump’s populist rhetoric was popular with a majority of Americans and if given enough time could have been enacted into policy. The policies Trump enunciated in 2016 had the prospect of  at least slowing down the White demographic disaster, especially if these attitudes became even more entrenched with four more years of Trump and followed by someone with fewer rough edges, more political skill, and more of a mandate to do what needs to be done. The implicit mantra on the left was “Never Again,” and they pulled out all the stops to defeat him—not only the election fraud but also but the huge boost from most of the media in ginning up Trump hate and bogus impeachment Inquisitions while ignoring (mainstream media) or censoring (Twitter, Facebook) anything bad about Biden. Most notably Hunter Biden’s scandalous deals in China and Ukraine, with a cut for the “Big Guy.” Of course, there may well be a Democrat Plan B to get serious about Biden corruption and impeach him in favor of Harris.

5. There will be a big fight in the GOP over Trump’s legacy and whether Trumpists will be the future of the party. The neocons will try to make a comeback and the Chamber of Commerce types never left. But IMO there’s no way they can get a majority of the GOP behind them. The GOP is a populist party now and it’s not going away.

6. But like I said, it’s not over until it’s over. It’s just that the hole we were in, already deep, just got a whole lot deeper. But remember, when the Roman Republic ended, there was no great regret because the Republic was dysfunctional. It’s increasingly obvious that the US is dysfunctional. Which suggests that ultimately there will be an authoritarian government of the left (more likely right now) or right. Or secession.

Addendum: Conservatives on FOX News are saying things like “It was a bad election, but we have to fix that by changing the laws and going to court, not violence”—e.g., Trey Gowdy. The problem is that the left realizes that this could happen and that’s why they will do all they can to make it permanent. “Never Again.” As always, principled conservatives are happy to go down believing in the principles.

Addendum 2: I get the argument that storming the Capitol will strengthen the left. But should Trump supporters have just gone home when they sincerely & not without reason think the election was stolen? The left wouldn’t have. Stealing election is the ultimate political crime in a democracy.

 NWN : We knew of the 'Stop the Steal'  demo late last week. When we saw the 'newsfeeds' coming through (this was only reported due to the 'trouble', otherwise the 'controlled mass media' would have ignored this demo) we could see that many 1,000's had heeded the call to mobilise. Straight away we knew the 'Globalist elite' would have paroxysms of rage. Only left wing mobs are allowed and encouraged to take to the streets you see .

We watched it all with great interest, and all we saw was a number of the protestors charging up the steps and then behaving in a mainly civilised fashion inside the main building. The worst they did was, to try to open the doors to the assembly, for which apparently a USAF female veteran of 14 years, including several tours of  active service in places like Afghanistan was shot dead by Police - Ashli Babbit . There was no rioting, looting or arson attacks on buildings like 'BLM peaceful protestors' commit. But the controlled media are reporting the Washington demo as far surpassing the BLM's activities !

The constant riots and murder still ongoing for almost all of 2020 by Black Lives matter marxists, have been downplayed as the lefts mobs are 'mainly peaceful protests' you see, as described by the lying mass media. The worlds media even making a 'Saint' of the recidivist violent drug user George Floyd .

For those mainly of the left in the USA, who seemingly don't know the history,tradition or indeed their own US Constitution. The US Constitution allows the people to overthrow their Government if they are behaving unlawfully. Trumps people beleive strongly that massive voter fraud has occurred and have provided their evidence. The Worlds mass media have ignored their claims out of hand. Trumps enemies have now launched an 'all out attack' on the people supporting the 'Stop the Steal' demo. NWN are not great supporters of Donald Trump, and we regard him as being far too much of a Zionist to have 'drained the swamp' as he often said he would. Nevertheless, the left, the 'deep state elites', big business, and  the controlled media in the USA constantly attacked President Trump for the whole of his Presidency. All this anti-Trump campaign was 'backed up' by the worlds media, such as the BBC and SKY TV,  who have also constantly and incessantly slagged Trump off at every opportunity and every day.

What Trump has succeeded in doing though, is building a mass movement in the USA that hate the left and the elite and what they are doing. Many of these people are 'nationalist' now in their thought and ideology. Hopefully, these people will now give that 'scarecrow' lookalike and geriatric, 'Joe Biden'/Joseph Robinette Biden Jnr. , a 'hard ride' .  Just as they all gave Trump, a difficult and constant battle.

The USA is now hopelessly divided. They have been destroyed from within from plans identified in the late 19th Century, which sped up via millions of 'migrants' including anarchist Emma Goldman emigrating from Russia to Ellis Island . The actions promoted by this very powerful minority from Russia, who advocated massive immigration into the USA into the 'melting pot' in the late 1890's, of which people like Israel Zangwill and Emma Goldman, who's 'poem' was even placed at the base of the Statue of Liberty show . Zangwill and Goldman have identified their groups 'priorities' for the USA.

The Roman Empire was broken down from within and writers like Edward Gibbon identified the culprits in his excellent book; 'The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'. The same group also destroyed Russia and murdered the whole Russian Royal family. Their biggest prize up to now was the destruction of the British Empire - which had been the greatest Empire the World had ever seen. Now the USA is falling under their machinations . Watch Biden open up the floodgates for immigration and keep en eye on his 'running mate' .....Kamal Harris an extreme Marxist . Who many claim she is a stalking horse ?

Biden and Harris will also open up a huge purge against any who oppose their plans. This will make the former Soviet style systems look like a  playground game. Between this and the mass media's obsession with 'Covid' and the trashing of economies, and the constant 'lockdowns' , that have now lasted almost a whole year . Our civil liberties have disappeared without a whimper by populations . They can't now hide behind the lie, that we live in a 'democracy' anymore either. The local elections were scrapped last May, and the odds are stacking up that they will also cancel this Mays elections. Funny that, that no media outlet has mentioned that fact ?



Anonymous said...

'please don't throw me into the briar patch Brer Fox' says Trump Brer Rabbit....

"The fact that there is now a recognized academic field of “vaccine psychology” should give everyone pause — its existence is a tacit admission that the so-called “science” behind vaccines is neither persuasive nor reassuring to the public."

" is indispensable to trouble in all countries the people's relations with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES, by want,..."
-Protocol #10, Marsden edition, 1922

Anonymous said...

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...