Friday, January 15, 2021



Anonymous said...

Seems potentially important:

(@Tapnews - please include a source url in your posts where applicable, thx)

Anonymous said...

"When the Armada was sighted in July 1588, witches all over Britain passed the word calling for a grand sabbath to combine their powers. While Drake was finishing his game of bowls, witches from far and wide were risking their lives to meet in small groups and conjure up the north-westerly gale that crippled the ships from the home of the Inquisitors." Shame they can't seem to do similar today. But then...
"Q: You call down power from the moon, but what will happen now that man has taken it over? [book published 1969] A: Nothing; the moon is symbolic, nothing else." Danggit and just when it was looking promising; no second sight on the hoax then eh?!

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...