Saturday, January 30, 2021

Vendetta against Burnley BNP  (2002)


Note; the pics above have recently been found on an old PC hard drive. They were thought to have been lost years ago. These pics are unique, as Herr Nick Gri££in had declared that NO pics were to be taken at this meeting.


This is an excerpt written by John Tyndall in SPEARHEAD magazine..........

The full story of the damage Griffin has been doing in this region is much too long and detailed to fit into this article; others are working on that and before long we may have the chance to study it. Here I will just give a few of the barest of bare bones.

Somehow Nick has managed to alienate a large portion of leading activists in the most successful branch of all, the Burnley branch. Local people are better qualified than I am to give chapter and verse as to how this has happened. My own vantage point is a limited one and connected with my own personal experience. I was invited to speak at a Burnley branch meeting on the 1st August 2002. This infuriated Griffin when he heard about it and he employed all the persuasion he could to get the then organiser, Steve Smith, to cancel the invitation. Steve, to his great credit, stood firm. From then on, it became clear that his card was marked.

Spearhead gave a full account of that event in its September 2002 issue and I will not repeat all the details here save to say that, mysteriously, Anti-Nazi League demonstrators turned up on the evening, whereas they had not been present at any previous Burnley BNP meeting nor have been since. Who tipped them off about the meeting and my appearance at it as speaker? You can make up your own mind!

The meeting, notwithstanding all this, was very successful - but not nearly as successful as the one which took place on May 29th 2003, when 140 people turned up to hear speeches by Richard Edmonds and myself. This further angered Griffin. An inside report I received from friends in the party told me that at a private meeting at Blackburn just previous to the Burnley one Griffin had hatched a scheme to disrupt the latter. The plan was that one of his (Griffin's) acolytes would be present at the Burnley meeting accompanied by a group of 'heavies'. At a certain point in my speech the acolyte would stage a protest, whereupon if anyone tried to restrain him the heavies would move in and a violent scene would ensue. Then Griffin would be able to claim that wherever Tyndall speaks at BNP meetings there is disorder.

The plan went badly wrong. As the meeting proceeded, the Griffin acolyte could see that his brawny companions were reacting so enthusiastically to Richard Edmonds' and my speeches that he would be unlikely to get their support if he tried to make trouble. He remained silent and nothing happened. The meeting went smoothly and was a terrific success.

Apparently, Searchlight got hold of the story and printed it, but in this case the fact does not make the story untrue. My own source for it is much more reliable.

I have spoken at other meetings in the North West over recent months, in all of them getting a very good reception, and was down to speak at more when Griffin contrived my expulsion. It is very clear that he was getting frightened that I might influence local members.

NWN: Tony 'bomber' Lecomber was generally thought to have tipped off the 'communists' that enabled a mob to descend on Burnley on that warm summer evening.

Another sad note not mentioned in this excerpt, but John Tyndall did mention it several times in other writings. Was the despicable decision by Nick Griffin to ban Peter Rushton from the meeting. This was done in very poor taste indeed. 

Steve Smith and others were extremely sad and embarassed  by this personal slight on Peter Rushton. It was shameful how he was led out of the building by the stewards of that meeting.

We think this shameful and personal episode 'tipped' decent nationalists like Steve Smith and Simon Bennett at Burnley BNP to 'dig their heels in' against the tyranny of Griffins leadership of the BNP.


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

 The UK local elections are going to be cancelled yet again this year


And they still have the cheek to say the UK is a democracy ! The elections were cancelled last May and according to Johnson and Co., they will be held later in the year (2020). They weren't. Now they are threatening to cancel the elections yet again. Just what will the British population put up with ? Our civil and human rights have been stripped away without hardly a murmur. Hundreds of thousands of British Armed Forces have died to protect our rights. Have they died in vain ?

Friday, January 08, 2021

First Thoughts on the Breach of the Capitol by Trump Backers: The Left Will Now Enact Permanent Hegemony 

1. The obvious: violence and property destruction all summer by the left—still continuing in Portland et al.— tolerated by politicians and ignored by most of media which is now outraged by the breach of the Capitol. Sedition!! Insurrection!! How quickly they forget all the violence by the left, including the riots in DC before, during, and after Trump’s inauguration. Imagine the rioting if Trump had won. It would have made what happened at the Capitol seem like child’s play. And the media and the left would have talked about “mostly peaceful” protests.

2. With control of Congress (assuming Ossoff wins, which seems like a done deal), the Democrats will make victory permanent by adding DC and Puerto Rico as states, giving amnesty to millions of illegals so they can vote, ramp up legal immigration, and finish the demographic revolution ahead of schedule.

3. Big  Tech will ramp up censorship, and Congress may well enact “hate speech” laws with prison and fines for the dissident right, which Biden will be only too happy to sign. Websites like this one may well be targets.  If SCOTUS strikes down such laws, they will pack the Court. Or maybe just pack the Court anyway, as seems to be mainstream among Democrats.

3. A large percentage of the right believes the election was stolen (it was). I don’t think this attitude will go away, and when they realize they can’t win elections because of what the new government is doing, all bets are off. The left will use violence from the right to rationalize left authoritarianism, and with all that media power and political hegemony, they may succeed; again, fines and prison for rightest dissenters. There may well be very serious secession movements by Red State America. In any case, it’s not over until it’s over.

4. Ultimately this has come about because of the anti-White demographic revolution set into motion by the 1965 immigration law and the gradual increases in numbers of legal immigrants and illegal immigrants whose children become citizens. There’s no way that Georgia would vote for leftist radicals like Ossoff and Warnock without the demographic shift. The revolution was rationalized by the leftist media and academic culture which is now preaching Critical Race Theory aimed at inducing guilt in Whites and convincing Whites to punish other Whites who dissent from the new —what is called altruistic punishment by evolutionists (White people are particularly prone to this—long story). It’s redundant here to point out the outsize Jewish role in all this, but suffice it to say that this is the endgame dreamed of by the activist left for the last century. Their take-home message from the 2016 election was that Trump’s populist rhetoric was popular with a majority of Americans and if given enough time could have been enacted into policy. The policies Trump enunciated in 2016 had the prospect of  at least slowing down the White demographic disaster, especially if these attitudes became even more entrenched with four more years of Trump and followed by someone with fewer rough edges, more political skill, and more of a mandate to do what needs to be done. The implicit mantra on the left was “Never Again,” and they pulled out all the stops to defeat him—not only the election fraud but also but the huge boost from most of the media in ginning up Trump hate and bogus impeachment Inquisitions while ignoring (mainstream media) or censoring (Twitter, Facebook) anything bad about Biden. Most notably Hunter Biden’s scandalous deals in China and Ukraine, with a cut for the “Big Guy.” Of course, there may well be a Democrat Plan B to get serious about Biden corruption and impeach him in favor of Harris.

5. There will be a big fight in the GOP over Trump’s legacy and whether Trumpists will be the future of the party. The neocons will try to make a comeback and the Chamber of Commerce types never left. But IMO there’s no way they can get a majority of the GOP behind them. The GOP is a populist party now and it’s not going away.

6. But like I said, it’s not over until it’s over. It’s just that the hole we were in, already deep, just got a whole lot deeper. But remember, when the Roman Republic ended, there was no great regret because the Republic was dysfunctional. It’s increasingly obvious that the US is dysfunctional. Which suggests that ultimately there will be an authoritarian government of the left (more likely right now) or right. Or secession.

Addendum: Conservatives on FOX News are saying things like “It was a bad election, but we have to fix that by changing the laws and going to court, not violence”—e.g., Trey Gowdy. The problem is that the left realizes that this could happen and that’s why they will do all they can to make it permanent. “Never Again.” As always, principled conservatives are happy to go down believing in the principles.

Addendum 2: I get the argument that storming the Capitol will strengthen the left. But should Trump supporters have just gone home when they sincerely & not without reason think the election was stolen? The left wouldn’t have. Stealing election is the ultimate political crime in a democracy.

 NWN : We knew of the 'Stop the Steal'  demo late last week. When we saw the 'newsfeeds' coming through (this was only reported due to the 'trouble', otherwise the 'controlled mass media' would have ignored this demo) we could see that many 1,000's had heeded the call to mobilise. Straight away we knew the 'Globalist elite' would have paroxysms of rage. Only left wing mobs are allowed and encouraged to take to the streets you see .

We watched it all with great interest, and all we saw was a number of the protestors charging up the steps and then behaving in a mainly civilised fashion inside the main building. The worst they did was, to try to open the doors to the assembly, for which apparently a USAF female veteran of 14 years, including several tours of  active service in places like Afghanistan was shot dead by Police - Ashli Babbit . There was no rioting, looting or arson attacks on buildings like 'BLM peaceful protestors' commit. But the controlled media are reporting the Washington demo as far surpassing the BLM's activities !

The constant riots and murder still ongoing for almost all of 2020 by Black Lives matter marxists, have been downplayed as the lefts mobs are 'mainly peaceful protests' you see, as described by the lying mass media. The worlds media even making a 'Saint' of the recidivist violent drug user George Floyd .

For those mainly of the left in the USA, who seemingly don't know the history,tradition or indeed their own US Constitution. The US Constitution allows the people to overthrow their Government if they are behaving unlawfully. Trumps people beleive strongly that massive voter fraud has occurred and have provided their evidence. The Worlds mass media have ignored their claims out of hand. Trumps enemies have now launched an 'all out attack' on the people supporting the 'Stop the Steal' demo. NWN are not great supporters of Donald Trump, and we regard him as being far too much of a Zionist to have 'drained the swamp' as he often said he would. Nevertheless, the left, the 'deep state elites', big business, and  the controlled media in the USA constantly attacked President Trump for the whole of his Presidency. All this anti-Trump campaign was 'backed up' by the worlds media, such as the BBC and SKY TV,  who have also constantly and incessantly slagged Trump off at every opportunity and every day.

What Trump has succeeded in doing though, is building a mass movement in the USA that hate the left and the elite and what they are doing. Many of these people are 'nationalist' now in their thought and ideology. Hopefully, these people will now give that 'scarecrow' lookalike and geriatric, 'Joe Biden'/Joseph Robinette Biden Jnr. , a 'hard ride' .  Just as they all gave Trump, a difficult and constant battle.

The USA is now hopelessly divided. They have been destroyed from within from plans identified in the late 19th Century, which sped up via millions of 'migrants' including anarchist Emma Goldman emigrating from Russia to Ellis Island . The actions promoted by this very powerful minority from Russia, who advocated massive immigration into the USA into the 'melting pot' in the late 1890's, of which people like Israel Zangwill and Emma Goldman, who's 'poem' was even placed at the base of the Statue of Liberty show . Zangwill and Goldman have identified their groups 'priorities' for the USA.

The Roman Empire was broken down from within and writers like Edward Gibbon identified the culprits in his excellent book; 'The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'. The same group also destroyed Russia and murdered the whole Russian Royal family. Their biggest prize up to now was the destruction of the British Empire - which had been the greatest Empire the World had ever seen. Now the USA is falling under their machinations . Watch Biden open up the floodgates for immigration and keep en eye on his 'running mate' .....Kamal Harris an extreme Marxist . Who many claim she is a stalking horse ?

Biden and Harris will also open up a huge purge against any who oppose their plans. This will make the former Soviet style systems look like a  playground game. Between this and the mass media's obsession with 'Covid' and the trashing of economies, and the constant 'lockdowns' , that have now lasted almost a whole year . Our civil liberties have disappeared without a whimper by populations . They can't now hide behind the lie, that we live in a 'democracy' anymore either. The local elections were scrapped last May, and the odds are stacking up that they will also cancel this Mays elections. Funny that, that no media outlet has mentioned that fact ?


Monday, January 04, 2021

COVID-19: What’s It All About?

by John Massaro

I THINK it’s safe to say that nearly every visitor to this site believes next to nothing that comes out of the mouths of politicians and journalists. So let me begin this discussion by stating that, in my opinion, this so-called corona virus pandemic is not a medical event but a media event. To put it differently, if it had never been reported in the controlled media, practically no one in the world, except perhaps a handful of epidemiologists, would have noticed anything amiss, and everyday life today would be nearly unchanged from what it was in 2019, outside of China at least.

If there ever was an event that demonstrated the naked power of the global Jewish media machine, this is it. Speaking of China, I’m not going to explore that angle here. To my mind, pointing to bat soup or wet markets as the possible origin of this viral pandemic, or “plandemic,” as others have called it, is ridiculous, and while I have no love for the Chinese, and particularly not for their expanding presence and influence in the U.S., blaming them is a big distraction. There is so much conflicting information about COVID as it is, that I’m not going to delve into questions of whether the virus is natural or man-made, whether it was created for biowarfare purposes, whether we gave it to them or they gave it to us, and so forth. We’ll probably never know the full truth, and in any event, it’s all irrelevant to what is happening today in North America, Europe, and other outposts of the White world.

I truly believe this is a watershed event in history — certainly in American history. It’s the closest thing to a Bolshevik takeover I can imagine — clearly a subjugation of the weak and corruptible minds of government leaders around the world, and those of billions of people. For the past several months, I’ve been trying to get a handle on what’s going on, racing around the Internet, checking out numerous links and video clips. It’s often difficult separating sensationalist fiction from hard-hitting fact. Along the way I’ve changed my mind about a few things, as new windows of evidence have opened. For example, living in a Long Island suburb, and driving by a local hospital where the parking lot was largely empty and nothing happening at the emergency room entrance, I presumed that the frantic activity and high death rates being reported in New York City hospitals, just thirty miles away, was a hoax. I’m now quite sure that it really happened and may still be happening.  I’ll get to that below.

Let me begin with what I regard as some incontestable facts, and work my way down. The first hard fact, as I see it, is that the playbook for what is happening today was written several years ago. One of the most intriguing discoveries I made was a clip from a television series called The Dead Zone (I’d never heard of it). The episode in question, titled simply “Plague,” aired on July 13, 2003. It’s about a killer disease that threatens a small town. If YouTube hasn’t censored it yet, you can watch three and a half minutes of it on the ’Net. In that brief time, actors utter the following words: China, corona, virus, CDC, masks, political pressure, lockdown, quarantine, and chloroquine. Note too the small Star of David pin on the sheriff’s collar. I would not be in the least bit surprised if the person or persons who choreographed this fake health crisis, this plandemic, saw this show and decided to use it as a script. Could it really just be a coincidence?

That the recent past offers big clues to the present can also be deduced from the Zika virus, SARS, and swine flu scares. For several years I subscribed to a newsletter published by Dr. William Douglass, a colorful Georgia hillbilly type in the alternative medicine field.  Douglass died in 2015 at the age of 89. He espoused a few nutty ideas, but he also saw through a lot of lies. I saved some of the emails he sent to subscribers, and one from April 29, 2009 seems very timely. Headed “Media pigs misinforming public about so-called ‘epidemic’,” here’s part of it:

Those filthy swine… The swine flu “epidemic” is only a few days old, and Big Pharma is already plotting to make a fortune [as they are today with COVID test kits and vaccines].  European drug maker Roche announced it was scaling up production of Tamiflu, giving a boost to its stock price and sending millions into the Roche coffers. GlaxoSmithKline, which makes the anti-flu drug Relenza, is also seeing its stock price climb, as investors hope this swine flu is the biggest thing since the bubonic plague. There’s only one problem here — it’s not going to happen…. They have it wrong on swine flu. It won’t be an epidemic — it’ll barely even be a ripple. I’ve run medical clinics in Africa — I know what an epidemic looks like. And this isn’t it. [Douglass went to AIDS-ravaged Uganda on a medical mission in 1989.] The media is blowing swine flu out of proportion so it can feed its 24-hour news cycle — the same media, mind you, that had us convinced that avian flu was going to destroy the planet a few years ago. But here are the facts about swine flu — it has affected so few people in America that it’s hardly worth discussing…. It’s no epidemic. It’s no public health catastrophe. It’s good theatre — and nothing more.

What’s the difference between then and now? The only difference I can see is that this time the media masters are going for broke — perhaps in tandem with an economic meltdown that many have been predicting for years — and they are tightening the noose as never before.

I get my news from various Politically Incorrect websites. I don’t own a TV set and I don’t read newspapers and magazines. However, I do turn on the radio each morning to learn of any “big stories” and stay current with the Party Line. Ten minutes is all I can stand. From roughly mid-March to mid-April the news coverage of corona virus was all that a sane man could take.  A few times I tuned in for an hour straight. Even in Russia under Stalin during World War Two, I cannot imagine such wild, nonstop propaganda calculated to generate such fear and panic. In addition to crazy statistics thrown all over the place, it was as if the announcers had been instructed on how to pause and inflect to achieve the maximum emotional impact on listeners. “Fear porn” is how others have accurately described it. This in itself is damning evidence that something is wrong with this picture.

Add to that the daily, long-winded press conferences of New York state governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City mayor Bill DiBlasio. Both are hideous creatures. Cuomo is basically a Marxist dictator, while DiBlasio is so far gone I won’t even label him. Employing their usual tricks, the media transformed Cuomo into a national superstar; the polls, we were told, showing an 87% approval rating, though blue collar New Yorkers have always despised him and of late his glamor is fading.

This plandemic, incidentally, has acquainted me with several other state governors who are equally repulsive — stupid, ignorant, power-lusting freaks who appear to know nothing about the real world. Also in the spotlight are incompetent federal public health “experts” like Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, who are viewed with distrust or hatred by a growing number of Americans. Then there’s the mattoid Bill Gates and his manly wife, worth more than a hundred billion dollars, pushing their universal vaccination agenda. I mean, just look at the kind of elitists who are hyping this thing. Is this not proof enough that this is a monstrous hoax? If they were honorable and intelligent leaders who really cared about their countrymen, I would take a step back and reconsider my position. But they’re terrible people, all of them.

One more element should be taken into account. Our health care system is as dysfunctional as every other major institution. Medicare and Medicaid are nearly broke, and old people with health problems are a financial burden to the System. Are they being murdered to save money? This is the thesis of a book titled The Morphine Genocide: How the Fed-med Mafia Kills Our Elderly with Palliative Care by M.S. King, published in 2016. I highly recommend it to anyone with an aging parent. It’s the true story of a spry 91-year-old woman, as told by her son, who was briefly hospitalized after her family physician foolishly over-prescribed potassium pills, then quickly railroaded into her grave. Woven into this poignant tale are numerous quotes from influential people and a few newspaper articles from mainstream sources like the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, which do publish some truth on rare occasions. In Great Britain, the National Health Service is in the same kind of mess and run by the same kind of criminals. King reproduced an article from the June 19, 2012 Daily Mail, a London tabloid, with the riveting headline “Top Doctor’s Chilling Claim: The NHS Kills off 130,000 Elderly Patients Every Year.”  Read this article on the Internet if you don’t read the book.

Several people who reviewed The Morphine Genocide on Amazon attested that their own parents or other relatives were murdered in the hospital. This is real, it’s deliberate, and it’s planned. King explains the financial incentive behind it, which extends to nursing homes and hospices. Now, add in that several brave doctors and nurses have spoken out on what is happening at hospitals where, in New York and probably many other states, all visitation has been banned by executive order, ostensibly to stop the virus from spreading. Two nurses in particular — one who was speaking for an unnamed friend who didn’t want to appear on camera — have affirmed that people are dying in droves in New York hospitals due to deliberate neglect or faulty procedures, especially involving the use of ventilators, which seem to be very dangerous devices when used improperly or unnecessarily. This might be the case in many big city hospitals, even though New York gets all the attention. I can only imagine how many incompetent or malicious Third Worlders and other non-Whites work in hospitals these days.

On top of this, doctors Scott Jensen in Minnesota and Annie Bukacek in Montana have insinuated that pressure from above is resulting in numerous death certificates falsely stating that COVID-19 was the cause of death. This was corroborated on the Project Veritas Web site, which recently featured recorded telephone conversations with four funeral directors in the New York metro area who see these documents all the time, and know that something fishy is going on.

And one more thing: there are those who have penetrated the CDC’s esoteric mortality data and observed that skyrocketing deaths from COVID correlate with plummeting deaths from influenza and pneumonia — in other words, outright fraud, so typical of this crumbling agency which so many boobs look up to with blind respect. So let me pose the question: Is this decaying System we live under killing two birds with one stone here? Are they bumping off tens of thousands of senior citizens who lived productive lives (along with some who didn’t), while fabricating wild statistics, dutifully reported by the media, to convince frightened citizens that people are dying like flies from an unremarkable virus? I’d bet a week’s pay that the correct answer is yes.

“Well, what about all those people who died of corona virus in Spain and Italy?” people have asked me, touched by scenes recorded by television cameras panning over hundreds of coffins and fresh graves. This strikes me as a rephrasing of the question invariably put to me, when I used to waste my time trying to explain the six million swindle, “What about the pictures of all those dead bodies?” Well, keep in mind that the same tribe that brought you the Hollowcost has now brought you the Hollowcough. They’re very clever — unsurpassed in the art of deception.

I don’t want to comment on any country that has supposedly been hit hard by this virus, simply because I haven’t looked into it. I will say that I’ve seen a video, with English subtitles, of a politician haranguing his colleagues on the floor of the Italian parliament over the disinformation campaign in that country which seems to parallel ours and that of so many other Western nations. On the other hand there’s the case of Sweden, whose government imposed minimal restrictions, and has a low rate of infection compared to other European countries, though the media here, when they mention Sweden at all, claim the opposite.

So believe what you want to believe. I’ll believe the president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, a man after my own heart, who has laughed off this global corona virus scare as “an international psychosis,” and advised his citizens, should they fall ill, to drink some vodka and hit the sauna. At least there’s one national leader with common sense and a sense of humor. Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro appears to be the only other one to scoff at this worldwide hoax. (I have a Brooklyn Bridge I’d like to sell to anyone who believes the media’s claims that COVID cases in Brazil have spiked because of Bolsonaro’s complacence.)

In sum, all the evidence I’ve seen tells me that this corona virus, if it even exists as a discrete virus, is no more dangerous than any other respiratory illness that we have ever experienced, none of which ever resulted in such draconian measures put into place. It’s where we’re headed socially, not medically, that concerns me. Just a year ago, most of us would have written off the idea of drones hovering in the air, enforcing “social distancing” regulations, even barking orders, as science fiction. Yet it happened in 2020 in several cities. Other drones with sophisticated sensors were rolled out in Westport, Connecticut and Daytona Beach, Florida, monitoring the body temperature of pedestrians below, though it seems a public outcry forced the police in those cities to back off. Bill Gates, who should be deported to another planet, now talks openly about universal compulsory vaccination, while I can easily picture an arrogant punk like Andrew Cuomo saying, “You want to go to the supermarket? Then get vaccinated. No shot, no shopping.” Most states are gearing up for invasive “contact tracing.” Hideous surveillance machines that move around on four legs have been trotted out. What would have sounded like the wildest fantasy in 2019, what even George Orwell never dreamed of, is on the table today as “the new normal.”

I recall a remark attributed to Felix Dzerzhinsky, the head of the Cheka, the secret police unit under Lenin, in which he expressed his contempt for the Russian people who, out of cringing fear, quietly went about their business, doing nothing to resist the tyranny that had been clamped on them. You can be sure that that same kind of docile conformity, among the great majority of Americans who obediently wear their masks and keep their six feet distance in public places, without feeling any revulsion, just like when they go through the degrading TSA security gauntlet at the nation’s airports, is being closely watched by our own Bolsheviks to see how far they can be pushed. By our own Bolsheviks, in this case, I mean those in the upper echelons of the nexus of pharmaceutical and high tech companies, state and federal governments (especially the public health bureaucracies), international foundations, and of course the news media whose black beating heart keeps the engine running. All these people are wealthy, rotten to the core, and completely out of touch with the natural world and the aspirations of decent people. There is something fundamentally wrong with them. There also seems to be a malignant underlying impulse, so typical of the communist mentality, to destroy small business owners — people with an independent, entrepreneurial streak who have the most to lose in a shattered economy. The repercussions this is going to have economically, whether we are headed for another Great Depression or worse, is a related issue, and much discussed, but since I’ve never understood our funny money system, I’ll leave that analysis to someone else.

There has been resistance to this encroaching tyranny which encourages me. These despotic and senseless orders issued by governors and mayors, and the degree to which they’re enforced, seem to vary widely from state to state, and even between regions within states. Also, quite a few sheriffs in rural counties of several states have come right out and said that they’re not going to enforce directives that they disagree with. This too is a good sign, as are the more relaxed attitudes that seem to be prevalent in states with smaller populations, the facts of which come out in dribs and drabs when I surf the ’Net, and are in large part censored by the media masters, who love tyranny. But the personality of each state governor or city mayor appears to be the overriding factor, and as we’ve seen, many of them are cretins. And while some may disagree with me, the sight of protestors, a few of them armed, raising hell in scattered locations, also encourages me. True, most of these people are not very bright, waving their American flags and banners proclaiming their support for the clown in the White House, but this spirit of defiance tells me there’s some fight in White America yet, that among the willing mask-wearing and social-distancing slaves there are still plenty who can see evil for what it is and take to the streets. Whether some of them will start shooting if things don’t improve, or get worse, or if dangerous vaccinations are forced on them and their families, remains to be seen.

This plandemic has laid personalities bare and shown just how different people are — how nonchalant or rebellious they can be, or how weird they can be in their paranoia of becoming infected, or how infantile they can be in following “Simon says” CDC guidelines to the letter. It has also awakened primal survival instincts. An amusing example was provided by Alex Jones, who on his Infowars program said, with a straight face, that he would cut up and grill his neighbors before he allowed his daughters to starve. He got pretty graphic about it. On a less manic level there have been primitive tribal and national stirrings. Borders have been closed around the world to keep the virus out, including the world’s longest unguarded border that we share with Canada, our friendly neighbor to the north. This is unprecedented.

Many Americans are stocking up on food and ammunition, and many have become first-time gun buyers. It’s gratifying to see that people are preparing to survive a crisis, even though the crisis is contrived. Has America’s wealth already been sucked dry by the usual parasites, and the economy waiting to tank, and is this all part of the plan? Could be, but I don’t know. I thought that by now there would be serious disruptions in the food supply chain and scenes of widespread chaos in our big city hellholes. That hasn’t happened — yet. If it does, will those states that have been the least blessed with so much “diversity” start seceding from this train wreck of a nation? We’ll see.

In any event, I do believe America is in for some rough sledding. I do believe we’ve reached a point in our history where the logjam of this hopeless System will begin to splinter, and very quickly if conditions worsen. Many of us saw something like this coming, but I never imagined it would be in the guise of a fake medical emergency. We’re living in interesting times. 


David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...