Friday, December 11, 2020

 The 'Great Reset' - is it happening ?

How can we make sense of this 'lockdown' madness ? Yes, there is something out there that brings on severe breathing issues. But almost no one knows anyone that has suffered with this Covid . This writer knows a few that have contracted Covid ,but not one of them had anything worse than slight flu. Very few are suffering. But yet whole western economies are/ have been shut down.

It's interesting that when Margaret Thatcher got elected in 1979. She argued against industrial economies and that they didn't matter. She argued that 'service economies' were just as good. Whilst she was talking 'monetarist' crap via Milton Friedman. Isn't this exactly what has happened to our economy? Hence why the service industries now in the UK, have been effectively closed down by these dictatorial edicts from Der Fuhrer, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson Johnson is of Russian Jewish and Turkish stock, and born in New York. Just how did he get a British passport ? Sounds very similar to Barak Obamas scenario - Barry Soetoro ?

Something very serious is occuring............and this is something very unusual. Even a large number of 'lefties' agree with being sceptical about this Covid saga. Hence the huge numbers turning out UK wide to oppose the 'lockdowns'.

Also, they know where they can stick their 'vaccines' ? Some of us remember Thalidomide. Unless and until, they can ensure the safety of their vaccines they can 'bugger off'.When crooks like Bill Gates are getting heavily involved in pharmacology, he and they can "get stuffed". Gates even 'stole' the idea for 'Windows' , which made him billions.

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