Proof: Common Purpose are at the Centre of Government, the Civil Service and the Conservative Party.
Let’s introduce you to some of the characters in these documents.
- Francis Maude MP, Conservative Minister for the Cabinet Office
- Julia Middleton, Chief Executive Officer of Common Purpose and ex-editor of Marxism Today
- David Bell, Chair of Common Purpose Trustees, one of the bosses of this organisation
- Gus O’Donnell, Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Home Civil Service
- Janet Paraskeva, First Civil Service Commissioner is a senior Common Purpose drone

And it worked! We have minutes from a Cabinet Office meeting a month later (one of a series) attended by Common Purpose.

When you see that this insidious process is replicated in the police, the BBC, the NHS, most major charities, the church, the education system, local government etc, and that it trickles down these organisations from the top to the bottom, it helps you understand how this evil organisation has taken over running Great Britain.
Stalin called people who helped him achieve his aims “useful idiots” and he generally killed them once they had served their purpose. The vast majority of Common Purpose members are useful idiots. They think it is a good thing, achieving mild and beneficial social change. They don’t realise that it is a project to achieve Cultural Marxism. The elimination of our history, our nationality, our cultural heritage, our freedom, our rights and our democracy. Any useful idiots should watch the following video to understand what is being done to them.
NWN : This is the model of that jewish Italian communist Antonio Gramsci, and his 'Long march through the Institutions'. Also, the gradual approach as espoused by the Fabian socialist society of Beatrice and Sydney Webb of the late 19th century in UK
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