Friday, November 15, 2019

STORMFRONT down - for how long is this ?

Has it gone for good ?

Whilst this site cannot abide Don Black, due to his actions in the past - we realise that a lot of white nationalists worldwide do use his site.

Black actively supported Nick Griffin and allowed posts in support of John Tyndall to be not allowed on Stormfront (SF). This writer has had correspondence with Don Black on this very issue.

Black also allowed a very strange character known on SF  till he died, to wreak havoc on there in support of the traitor Nick Griffin. That persons name on SF was 'JOHNJOYTREE'. This bum JJT, paid Don Black rather a lot of money to be an SF moderator. We know JJT's real name, and some very very dodgy facts about him. JJT is still treated as a bit of an hero over on SF, and is listed on their 'Eternal Flame' section.

Not too long before John Tyndall died, JT was invited over to the USA to speak at a meeting as David Duke had then just been released from jail .

We at NWN briefed John Tyndall about Don Black, and Stormfronts activities against him. JT told us that when he went over to the USA, that Don Black actually seemed to avoid him. 

This is NOT conjecture, this is what John Tyndall actually told us. 

JT said, as nationalists, STORMFRONT should keep out of Britain's nationalist affairs - and quite right too!

This writer was also banned from posting on SF due to our support of John Tyndall.

'JOHNJOYTREE' ensured that happened.

This was told to us in confidence, by a then top USA STORMFRONT moderator, 'MUADIB' .  

We make no comment on the activities of Blacks son, Derek .


Anonymous said...

And VNN is still up, but that site is shite these days.

What is it with these yanks, especially their moderators/site owners ?

VNN is owned by that first class arsehole Alex Linder . Some years ago, Linder posted inter-racial hard core pornography on his site!

Linder also allowed that drunken obese jerk 'Sid', to be their VNN UK moderator. 'Sid from Brighton' effectively destroyed VNN as a forum immediately after having a meeting with the traitor Nick Griffin. VNN UK never recovered and it's an oasis of imbecilic comments. A true disgrace to nationalist thought.

Anonymous said...

There are all these American patriotic web sites and forums if anyone is interested, some are genuine and I'm sure some are not.
I hope its ok to put this link, otherwise please remove it.

NWN Admin said...

Your very welcome to post patriotic white nationalist sites .

Anonymous said...

Looks like Don Black has thrown the towel in ?

STORMFRONT is still down and no word about it from him. Maybe no one is giving him any money these days ?

Another Hal Turner ?

Anonymous said...

STORMFRONT seems to be be back. Using Firefox.

  NWN has been talking to a top English Defence League official . Don't even think NWN follows that 'Tommy Robinson' bloke, or h...