Sunday, November 17, 2019

Prince Andrew is screwed !

The BBC interview this evening was a 'carcrash' . 

What wasn't mentioned was the facts that Prince Andrew kept saying he was only friends with Ghislaine Hoch , sorry Maxwell.

This woman who by all accounts procured these girls  for sex, is the daughter of  Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch/Robert Maxwell. He was a senior Mossad agent. So is Ghislaine 'Maxwell'.

And so was Jeffery Epstein also a Mossad agent.

All the names popping up are jewish.

But the Mossad links are being kept well away from the publics gaze. No mention.

Just an interesting fact. Prince Andrew is second in line for the throne. Is that why Prince Andrew has found new, and rather a lot of it, wealth ?

He is only on £250,000 a year in the list. But in very recent years, he spent almost £7 million on a ski lodge and other property.

Mossad have been very good at 'honeypot' stings making porno videos of powerful people.

This allows them great leverage over powerful people to do Mossads/Israels bidding. A tactic they have employed going back to Biblical times with Esther.

If Charles died, and he has medical issues, Prince Andrew could be the next King !


Mike said...

Prince Andrew is not second in line for the Throne.
Next in line after Prince Charles is Prince William and then his children.

NWN Admin said...

Anonymous Mike said...

Prince Andrew is not second in line for the Throne.
Next in line after Prince Charles is Prince William and then his children.

17 November 2019 at 18:49

Errr, no . We wrote this as the final sentence ;

If Charles died, and he has medical issues, Prince Andrew could be the next King !

It only goes through Charles family IF he becomes King. If Charles dies BEFORE the Queen dies, then it goes to the eldest son - ergo Andrew.

NWN Admin said...

Primo genitur.

Anonymous said...

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...