Tuesday, February 05, 2019

I have a Bream !


Anonymous said...

Fluoride is positively good for you . It fixes holes in your teef, helps you wif your being cleverer and make you strong!!!!

That's if you believe what the satanic paedos tell you. Why don't we start a list of utter bollocks that have poisoned the food chain and water supply from top to bottom.

For the Christians - think Book of Daniel. Daniel during his Babylonian captivity ate very little because every thing was toxic. Daniel is relevant today.

The Court of Nebachaneezer and The Feast of Belshazaar was where the writing was famously on the wall and Daniel translated: mene, mene, tekel, upharshin. The Persians then over ran the palace later that night etc etc. Let's hope that's a metaphor for the pungent West.

Anyway, here goes:

1 Fluoride: toothpaste, water supply
2 Triclosan: toothpaste
3 Sodium Laurel Sulphate: toothpaste, soaps etc.
4 Pertetrafluoroethylen: shaving foam (at least)
5 BPA toilet paper, till receipt, ATM receipt
6 Teflon: cookware, clothing
7 Margarine: mixed with copper and nickel
8 Hydrogenated fat: processed food
9 Phthalates: plastic wrap
10 Perfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFCs)
11 GMO: food
12 Hydrofluorocarbons: propellants ie asthma inhalers
13 High Fructose Corn Syrup: food
14 Aspartame: drinks
15 Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA): food
16 MSG : food
17 Potassium Bromate: flour
18 aluminium: flour
19 polysorbate 80: vaxs
20 aluminium Chlorohydrate: deodorants roll on and spray
21 nagalase: vaxs
22 formaldehyde: vaxs
23 mercury (thimerosol) vaxs
24 invetro green monkey cells: vaxs
25 glyphosate : food, nappies

I could go on forever. Just to get us starte

Anonymous said...

Is "Racism" a Bad Thing?

"We will destroy every collective force but our own,"
say the Protocols of Zion. 16.4

"Collective force" = Nation, Religion (God), Family (gender) & Race
They deny other races altogether.
This is why only Jews are allowed to have a racist ethnostate.

I support the right of ethnic majorities, including Israel and Palestine,
to have their own countries. The problem is that Masonic Jews
control most other countries as well, through the central banking
system and Freemasonry. Their agenda is to turn the turn the world
into their fiefdom, which they have almost done.


David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...