Thursday, March 29, 2018

Rochdale Labour party 'hijack' Armed Forces veterans initiative to gain votes

Labour cares for our Armed Forces Veterans ?

If that was so, then the ongoing 'witch hunt' against elderly Ulster veterans would not be happening .

The so called 'Good Friday Agreement' which gave IRA murderers freedom from their jail sentences. But it also  gave IRA terrorists a free pardon - the so -called OTR letters (On The Run) were then distributed by IRA man Gerry Kelly in Belfast. Hundreds of IRA terrorists are walking about with pardons in their pocket.

But now elderly veterans are being dragged through the Courts in Northern Ireland. 

Politicians like Tony Blair and Mo Mowlem amongst other Labour politicians knew that the army and Royal Ulster Constabulary would eventually be 'held out to dry'. They knew this and there is evidence of that fact.

Back to the above election leaflet for the local council in Rochdale.

All across the country, Veterans have regular 'breakfast clubs' that have recently spread across the nation and even abroad where veterans now live. It has become a focus of self help by and for our Armed Forces veterans.

Rochdale's Labour Council did/do NOT serve any 'breakfasts'. Discounted or otherwise.

How is Mr. Rana going to ensure better health care and shorter wait times locally for veterans ? Get housing for veterans ? We don't think so. Councillors and local councils do not have that power. 

Rochdale Council does build 'special housing projects', but guess who the priority usually goes to ? Mr.Rana's ethnic group often receives special preference in that regard locally in Rochdale.

Rochdale Labour Party has nothing to do with the funding of the veterans breakfast club.The kitchen where the club meet in Rochdale Town Hall is also a private company.

The picture itself of Mr.Rana is not even in Rochdale. 

This is another lie to deceive the electorate. 

The picture is just Mr.Rana standing in front of a couple of veterans, possibly in the Trafford Centre in Manchester when the Poppy Appeal was in progress. Before Remembrance Sunday last year. Then taking a pic, and now using it for a deception to 'con' the electorate in the ward that he is standing for in Rochdale.

In local elections, a general leaflet is produced and just a few 'tweaks'  are changed such as the personal details of the candidate.

This deception by the Labour Party in Rochdale, has severely upset the veteran community in the Borough of Rochdale. The veterans have already made representations of complaint to them about this pack of lies.

Mr.Rana is standing for the Spotland & Falinge ward of Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council .


Anonymous said...

This new outrage against British troops makes me wish our leaders had half the guts our soldiers do, writes former commander of the British forces COLONEL RICHARD KEMP

Read more:

Anonymous said...

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