Saturday, February 10, 2018

David Irvings website down ?

Been trying to get on it all day. Anyone else having problems ?


Anonymous said...

Nope cant load it here either.

Anonymous said...

Can't get it either.

Anonymous said...

Still down.

Anonymous said...

Irvings website seems to still be down.

Anonymous said...

Can someone find out about this? Germar Rudlph's is down too?

Anonymous said...

David Irving also wrote a book about the atrocity which at the time of release was well received world-wide, even by the German population. Check out his website, buy his books and support him because Prof. Lipstadt and her cronies, and the British gov't to their shame, have cleaned him out of money and even his library, indexes and notes on a few occasions.

Prof Lipstadt is a hired goon wheeled in to give credence, via her qualifications, to fairy stories and very profitable propaganda. In years to come the name David Irving will still be remembered and his work studied. The same cannot be said for Prof Lipstadt or the bleeting sheep who won't write the truth because they don't want to risk ruin from fanatics.

Churchill was that drunk on occasions, that Admiral meetings went on around him and his snoring. IMO the PM job could have been given to anyone with the same results as It was obviously those around him who did the heavy lifting.

NWN Admin said...

Coincidence that his website was down just before the Anniversary of the Bombing of Dresden ? Irving wrote his 'piece de resistance' in the 1960's about Dresden. He put that bombing issue into the publics mind, and more and more people have now become critical about the decision to bomb Dresden.

Anonymous said...

Hope he is OK. Irving is in his 70's now when most people are slowing down. His work needs to be stored in multiple places.

His site is still down.

Anonymous said...

This message has been posted on Stormfront;

Good News! Max Weber very kindly answered my email to him about Irving's web site: 'Irving has told me that his site is down temporarily, but expects it to be back up soon. It is not blocked.'

Hope it is true.

Anonymous said...

This message posted on Stormfront;

Website missing. Thanks for asking. It is only temporary, I hope. I am now in contact with Nominet UK, the British internet authority. It appears that they did not send me a warning that the domain is about to expire. It is a serious nuisance to me, but not fatal. My fault anyway. I hope they will restore normal service within a few days.

NWN Admin said...

Irvings page seems to have returned,

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...