Thursday, February 22, 2018

Corbyn's links with communist spies ?

Well there were enough of them (Labour party 'reds') that used to swan about over into the former Eastern bloc and seemingly at will in the past.

The above former member of the Communist party, Michael Hindley, was amongst other things a member of the CPGB as evidenced by the above news cutting from the LANCASHIRE EVENING TELEGRAPH, but WikiPedia seems very shy of that fact. Hindley was, like Corbyn a strong supporter of IRA man Gerry Adams,Sinn Fein/IRA and the 'Troops out of Ireland' organisation. Hindley was amongst other things a Labour MEP for many years.

As was fellow 'red' and SEARCHLIGHT journo and hardman/streetfighter Mike Luft, as well as being jewish and zionist/communist . Luft was found guilty of perverting the democratic process when Scotland yard detectives arrested him for distributing illegal leaflets in the 1970's. He was founf guilty in an 'House of Lords precedent in 1976'. Luft used weapons to physically attack NF members on many occasions, as evidenced by his Searchlight mate Steve Tilzey in his book : No Retreat.. Luft was forever visiting East Berlin and East Germany - no doubt when he was a 'big wheel' in the Anti Fascist struggle .

Jack Dromey who is married to another Labour MP  Harriet Harman, was strongly rumoured to have fled to East Germany immediately after the Lewisham riots of August 1977. In the immediate aftermath of the Lewisham riots when left wing mobs attacked the Police and a National Front march there - the police launched a huge evidence mission to charge the 'organisers' of that riot. Dromey had been a militant left wing Trade Unionist Official in 1977. 
The Police had a large van load of evidence but were told to drop any charges by the then Home Secretary jewish/zionist Sam Silkin. That single decision changed the attitude of the Police then and in the future, as to their dealings with nationalist groups/parties in the UK. Prior to this they were indifferent. Afterwards the Police  were antagonists and very often openly hostile.

But why have the media now turned up this evidence on Corbyn now of links with the former communist Eastern Bloc ? It has been known about for decades, as he has been a communist sympathiser for all that time. We suspect that with the tories being as weak as they have ever been and that coupled with the very useless current Prime Minister Theresa May. If she had shoe-laces, we are sure she would not be able to tie them herself without help. 

The tories are weak, and Corbyn's surge of support from the 'politically correct' youngsters that have been indoctrinated in our current school system means he 'could' win a forthcoming General Election. That , plus the huge percentage that support Labour from our huge and growing 'ethnic communities' means it is possible now in the UK.

Corbyn is a traitor to Britain and no mistake. His support for the IRA is well documented. Even at a time when British soldiers were being murdered by IRA bombers and gunmen on a regular basis.

But the 'fly in the ointment' for him from the 'real rulers' is..................he is anti-Zionist ! And that is unforgiveable to them.

Note : Click on the pic to enlarge !


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