Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Griffin’s pantomime comeback

Nick Griffin is best remembered for his roles in Carry on Cleo (“Infamy, infamy, they’ve all got it in for me!”) and Sunset Boulevard (“I’m still big, it’s the politics that got small”).
This year Griffin follows in the footsteps of other show business hasbeens such as Mickey Rooney, trying to eke out his EU pension with a turn in that most British of theatrical traditions – pantomime.
Backed by canny impresario Jim Dowson, Griffin hopes that his tired routine of gags about queers, communists and spies – some not heard since his 1988 hit Attempted Murder – will have a gullible public queueing at the box office to hand over their hard earned shekels.
Griffin’s attempted comeback has been insightfully reviewed by veteran nationalist Eddy Morrison at Nationalist Sentinel, and by Jez Turner of the London Forum at Radio Aryan.
But we must warn readers. Beware the traditional panto cry to look “behind you”!  In Mr Griffin’s case there’s a very real chance he might have a knife (or worse) in his hand: you have been warned – watch your backs!

NWN: My God won't this shitbag just disappear forever ?  He must be short of money for his favourite meal, curries. The treacherous creature must see some resurgence of nationalism to destroy in the UK. After all, he has a 'track record' to keep up to.


Anonymous said...

Gri££in missed out that he was one of Websters bumboys in the late 1970's and 1980. Wonder how/why he forgot that fact?

Anonymous said...

Yes Nick Griffin was one of the 'queer gang' that took over the NF in the 1980's. Him,Anderson,Harrington amongst others. There used to be a guy who had open house in North London in the 1970's where this group amongst others used to go along to.

Anonymous said...

Doing It for the Lowles!

Anonymous said...

hope not hate (amateur) spy tactics.

Anonymous said...

Peter Thiel: The Reasons for the Decline of Western Civilization and Science.

Anonymous said...

Peter Thiel: The Myth of Diversity.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...